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Everything posted by gingerinarkansas

  1. I think it's slooooowly getting there. They really look good and no black or smoking. Yeah!!!!
  2. These Lx wicks don't seem to be cutting it on my votives. Still some hang up on sides...my cups have a small rim at the top and once things get over that it is usually ok. I'm still testing. No mushrooms yet!!
  3. I's about 1/3 of the way down. This is my 3rd burn. Not a lot, just a film. Ginger
  4. Testing votives and containers. T-ball tourney Saturday-Tuesday...double elimination so we may not go past Saturday or Sunday. Grandson's team is not real good but they have a blast trying and that's all that matters. Make up game tonight....played two games last night. Man, I love ball season. I always hate when it ends.
  5. I messed up. That is the size I'm using instead of 44-24-18z. Not much on jar...just a light film. Ginger
  6. I've got a table full of votives this morning testing LX wicks. Hope they work a little better than the zinc and Cd wicks. Too much mushrooming but good clean burn. Ginger
  7. I think that is the place that I requested samples from but that has been a long time ago. I had forgotton about it. Did this place want you to send money to cover shipping due to the big demand from this forum? I got an email from them (this was the only place I contacted, I think) and they ask for 7.00? to cover shipping but when I ask what form of payment they wanted, I never received a response from them. Did this happen to anyone else? Ginger
  8. I am in the process of testing some 8oz. salsa jars...J223 wax...1 oz.FO per pound. I am getting a small amount of hangup on the sides of the jar using 44-24-18z but I know that a 51z would be too big. It's more like a film staying on the sides. Would you just let it go or could someone suggest another wick to try. Ginger
  9. I use astorlite v....not real impressed with it...but I'll try the Lx tomorrow. Thanks, Ginger
  10. Ok Eugenia, you are probably right but the lady that taught be never seem to have all those problems as far as I remember. She made pillars and small mold candles and they were beautiful. Very limited on scents. My favorite was jasmine and still is. Now, as far as the LX wicks...I have 2 sizes, 10 and 12 and I have never used them. Just keep for decoration, I guess.LoL Are those the right size for votives? If they are, I might try them tomorrow. My grandson has two ballgames tonight so candle testing is over for the day. T-ball has top priority today. Thanks to all for your advice. It is amazing how much you can read but you still have questions. I thought I was so smart when I graduated H.S. that I would never have to ask questions again.Ha Thanks, Ginger
  11. I've been testing SNC Rosemary Mint and it was one that CD 5-6 didn't work well in so I went to 44-24-18z. Good burn except for the mushroom. Back 5-8 years ago, I don't remember having the problems with wicks, wax and wet spots. Was I not paying attention or have products changed for the worse? I started making candles when I first got out of high school.(1971) Then I made then for someone else in Texas for about 6 years...container and votives. Now it seems like everytime I turn around, I have a new problem. The supplies were limited back in the 70's but I don't remember the problems. Ginger
  12. I did a seach on mushrooms and it looks like it's just a part of candle making. I like the one customer that thought it was a "fragrance ball". I guess I will testing or deal with it. I seem to specialize in mushrooms and wet spots somedays. It's nice to know I'm not alone. LOL Ginger
  13. I've been testing votives today using Astorlite V, CD5 & 6 and also 44-24-18z. I'm getting a good burn but alot of mushrooming on the wicks. Is it me, the wicks or is this normal? Mushroom is worse on the zinc but still having it on the cd. Opinions please. Ginger
  14. Those are really cute. What is the center made of? I also like your packaging. Ginger
  15. I found a good website you might want to check out...www.candlebusinesscorner.com
  16. I found a good website with lots of info...www.candlebusinesscorner.com
  17. Thanks Brenda for all the info. I am the quiet/shy type who lives out in the middle of no where, so most of my orders are from coworkers....then people who smelled theirs and so on. Word of mouth most of the time. This catalog party might work well for me.
  18. Thanks for sharing. Some of us are just starting and the points you have made is very interesting for beginners. Take it slow and stick to your game plan.
  19. That sounds like a good way for "shy" people like me to get there products out and about. Is it a good money maker? I love to make candles but I'm not a good seller...I usually have my daughter do that or just word of mouth sales. My daughter could sell ice to an eskimo. Some got it...some don't. I don't.
  20. How true, especially if you work from home.It would be a real "kodak" moment. Pjs with a smock...don't fix your hair...house shoes....no bra-LOL. Bring out you sunday best. I've gone out in shop to fill a quick order and it was not a pretty sight but luckily no one was there to see. You can't look good all the time.
  21. I have had a few people wanting potpouri to go with their candles. Is it a good seller for anyone on the board? Also, are there additives that you have to add if you purchase pre-made or just add oil? I had read somewhere about things such as orris root to help hold scent longer. I would love to hear feedback from anyone who sells or has sold potpouri. Ginger
  22. Ouch! That sure does smart when that happens. A real eye opener. I also do the old shoes and smock or apron when I make candles. Not a stylish look but it does save on clothes since no matter how careful you are, you still get it on you.
  23. Why is it that so many of the Honeywell Astor waxes are being discontinued or not carried by different distributors. I noticed yesterday that 6228 was being discontinued but I don't use it.I use J223 and the place I used to get mine said they weren't going to carry it anymore. Makes it a pain in the a$$ for those who have invested time in testing only to have to start over and test a new one. It's a bummer.
  24. Those look like a high calorie, fattening dessert. Makes you want to grab a fork and dig in. Very nice.
  25. Those are some beautiful soaps. Haven't tried B&B...I just admire everyone elses work.
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