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Everything posted by gingerinarkansas

  1. Depression and anxiety goes hand in hand with hypothyroidism which I have had for 45 years. I have just avoided the meds trying to control things myself(and I don't do that well). I will look into it sometime. Thanks for everyones thoughts and now we need to get back to thinking about candles. Ginger
  2. Thanks Crowded, I am just going to sit and really think about things. Thanks for your advice. Things will work out one way or another. Life takes many turns and you just have to be ready for what it gives you. Ginger
  3. I'll think about trying the meds again. To clear things, I don't just make candles and watch t.v. I do have a productive life, not currently working but I do watch my grandson some and thinking about going back to work. Life is too short to cut off all communication with everyone. Thanks for all comments.You all have made good points. Ginger
  4. Thanks everyone for your thoughts and comments. I appreciate any feedback you give. I had been to doctor last year and I do have SEVERE anxiety disorder but I am afraid of meds that are on the market today. I had the prescription filled and it's probably still in the cabinet.Today they are fine, tomorrow they are pulling them off the market because it causes? I just try to function without any help which is probably stupid...I could be leading a more productive life maybe if I took the meds. Thanks for the different ideas. I will sit down and really evaluate things. I have a daughter that works in optical sales and she could sell ice cubes to eskimos. She does alot of selling for me...may have to send her out on her day off to approach locals. Thanks again. Ginger
  5. I love making candles but maybe this isn't for me because someone has to sell them. At my old job, I just kept candles made up for her shop and all was great and wonderful....just me, melted wax and t.v. I was always sooo relaxed. But if I had to make a delivery to another business, I always felt so stupid...what if I mess up and make a mistake and yada,yada,yada. I not a stupid person, I have self confidence but not when it comes to something like this, I feel like I have 3 lips, 6 eyes and can't get it together.LOL I'd love to hear any other comments from people who have the same problem. I have heartburn just thinking about this. Ginger
  6. I'm not sure I could do a craft show...people I don't know walking around just gives me that panic/anxiety attack feeling. Sometimes I can't say much or when I do, it comes out like I have mental problems. My husband keeps telling me to do something with the candles or get out. That's a pretty blunt comment and I have to do something. Ginger
  7. I have been making candles for few years,first working for someone else that had a gift shop and now for myself. I don't have a salesperson personality, kinda shy around people I don't know so how do you present your product with this kind of disability. Sometimes I have panic/anxiety attacks just being around alot of people while shopping. I have sold to friends, coworkers and family. Some sales have been word of mouth. I have never had any complaints about my candles. I don't have a website but really not interested in one. Any suggestions on how to bring myself out of the shyness/panic attack mode (been this way for 50+ years) and get my product out to more people? Be gentle with me please.LoL Ginger
  8. Is there a "recipe" for making this stuff? I'd love to try it but I'm too cheap to turn lose of the money plus I'm not working currently. Ginger
  9. You mean YOU do no testing on your own? How could you take some one elses word on how a product performs? I'm not a trusting person in this day and time and I would not take anyones word about how something works or is suppose to work without checking it out myself. I like hands on... not relying on what someone told me,especially when I don't truly know these people. Ginger
  10. I think they are really cute and popular with the kids, I'm sure. Ginger
  11. As long as the wick pins are straight, they give you a nice straight wick without alot of hassel. It also makes it easy to wick them with different size wicks when you are doing testing. You can usually just eyeball them to see if they are straight...if not just gently bend in the right direction to straighten them.
  12. There would definitely be no large bills.Not sure what those are any more. Probably have to count it out in pennies but that would be pricey to ship.LOL Ginger
  13. Glowlite, what type payment did you send. cc,check,paypal? I didn't send anything yet because I wrote to see what payment they accepted and didn't get any reply. If you want my money, ya gotta tell me how you want it. Ginger
  14. I use wick pins but I have seen candles before that you couldn't see any. I guess they let them set up a little on the bottom and then put the wicks in. I guess that would eliminate burning to the bottom if you ran out of wick before you did wax. Does that make sense? Ginger
  15. I usually decorate mine with potpourri but have seen alot that didn't. I know it is sellers choice but just seeing how everyone else does it. Thanks, Ginger
  16. I emailed them the end of April...got a reply May 4th but still haven't received mine. I hope they didn't forget about me. In my email from them, they suggested me to pay postage to due large response but would send even if I didn't. Anyone else get this email? I think the guys last name was Blythe. Ginger
  17. I'm sorry. I stuck this post in the wrong place.
  18. When using keepsake jars, do you decorate the inside of the jar lid or just sell plain? I have seen candles poured in the top of lid but I personally don't care for that. Ginger
  19. I spent alot of time looking for glass votive cups to use as molds that would fit most votive cups. It is a 2 oz. oyster cup, tapered at the bottom and wider at the top. It fits in all votive cups I have tried....some votive cups not being as tight a fit as others. I had read somewhere that if you don't have a tight fitting votive cup, to add a little water in the bottom of cup which forms sort of a vaccuum to aid in burning. I have never tried this. Has anyone ever heard of this? One time I sold some votives to some guys at work. I guess they new nothing about burning candles. The next day they came to work and told me they didn't burn very long and just went flat. After discussing their burning process, I found out they had stuck the votive on a small plate and lit it. No wonder it didn't burn long. Ginger
  20. So all these votives I tested in the past could be miswicked? I have never had any complaints or returned. Ginger
  21. Are the IGI waxes better than the Honeywell waxes? Seems like since IGI took over, many places aren't carrying J223 and others waxes from Honeywell. The place I purchased wax has dropped j223 and wasn't sure if they would keep j50. That's a bummer with all the testing that goes into quality candles. Ginger
  22. I use glass votive cups to pour votives in and I also use the same ones to test in. Should I be using a more universal votive cup that most people would have access to to do the testing in? Is a larger diameter votive cup going to have the same results as a tight fitting? Ginger
  23. Nice web site. I like the vintage look. Good luck. Ginger
  24. I wonder sometimes too. I think we are just pre-programed to do that. If your products are selling then you must be doing something right. Just keep the testing going to catch any problems and keep trying to improve. I've purchased other candles before just to check their product out. Sometimes I know mine are better...other times I like theirs. Variety is the spice of life. Ginger
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