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Everything posted by blacktieaffair

  1. I use thicker "card stock" I get from any of the office supply stores, and my "office manager" (i.e. DS) lol cuts it with a guillotine type paper cutter. I created mine by using the Design Pro templetes, put a boarder around it, and they come out great. Saves a ton of money and are sturdy. I miss the easiness of just printing them and peeling them off and sticking, but not when I have to buy so many labels, and I can get literally 2000 clam cards for 12.00 ( for the paper) as opposed to 100 for 12.00
  2. I'm confused ( yeah yeah I know, I stay that way lol ) You said her reasoning was a couple of glass container candles had gotten broken by customers, that was her reasoning for packing it all up.. yet then you're talking about it can't be packaging because it's clamshells. What'd I miss? Did you have both in the store, the candles get busted , so she just packed EVERYTHING up you had in there? We gotta name for that around it. Starts with a B. It's not Barbie.
  3. This sounds EXACTLY like something my mother would do. Or in this particular case, NOT do. I feel for you sweetie. I truly do. If she continues to dodge you, and not ship it or anything, all I can say is suck it up and drive over there. It will be less of a headache, time, and definitely less money, to drive there, than it would be to try to replace it all.
  4. Please know that I truly believe everything you've said ... but DANG that's a helluvalotta work to do. You must make one HECK of a candle if she's that desperate to spend such an enormous amount of time to duplicate EVERYTHING. I'm not being sarcastic, if it sounds like it. I'm just flabbergasted at her cajones !
  5. So proud for you ! I hope you have a great time and you'll learn lots so just enjoy yourself.
  6. I know what you mean. I was surprised when I moved back at all the different license we had to have. The city and state I could understand but the county one got me. And that is why I wish we had a Lotto lmao to cut down on some of these dang taxes here. It's crazy!
  7. Nope, it wont hurt it at all ( as long as you don't "over-cook" it LOL ) Just chop it up , melt it back down, and stir it til it starts getting thicker and trying to set up. Then just pour it back in the mold. You will more than likely have some that sink to the bottom (top) til you get a hang of how cool to pour. The coffee grounds are heavier and the cooler the soap, the more they stay suspended.
  8. I don't pour 4 lbs at a time because I'm always changing scents, but what I've found for larger batches of the same thing ... The coffee pot replacement like tbowers said, and also, if you have any junk stores, flea markets, thrift stores around you, go through their "kitchen section" and get one of the old silver coffee pots with the handle and the long spout. ( the kind you plugged in ) .. just take the guts out, and use it that way.
  9. I really wish there was a little emoticon that is standing up and applauding in an ovation! Well said Steve.
  10. I'm sure that since you knew they were going to close, and that's why you bought so much of it in bulk... that during this time, you've been trying to find a replacement for it. It might help some of us if you could possibly please list the ones you HAVE tried, from what company, and maybe if you could tell what you did and didn't like about those you tried.. it might help us narrow the field for you some
  11. I just keep my presto full of ready warmed wax, ladle out what I need into a container that is sitting on a tared out scale, take it off the scale, put in fo, stir and go. When I was just running one pot, I'd refill it when it go down to about 1/4 that way the already hot wax would help the other melt. Usually I have three pots warm, filled and ready to go at a time.
  12. Ok that just confused me ^^^ but then again, I'm sleepy and I just can't visualize how yall are doing that.
  13. I'm not sure about your particular wax, nor soy ( since mine is para and I've never used soy except in some experiments ). But I did what you said.. I just used the rest of it in fire starters.
  14. Hey hun, there's been quite a few recent threads concerning Aztec, their customer service , and products. If you do a Search up there and just put in Aztec, you'll get quite a few threads to read! HTH
  15. I am about to bust a gut laughing at that !!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Bob Ross !
  16. All I know is that Pumpkin Pecan Caramel Cheesecake sounds OOOOOOOOOOOOO SO gooey good !
  17. OUCH sweetie , I had you did that but, I gotta laugh....... I really HAVE ruined a PP full of wax. Somehow I had bumped the dial and that sucker went up to 250 and I tried to use it, so I made some melts to see how it behaved with four different scents.. Known "throwers" ............ Let's just say that was a TOTAL waste of FO and time. It wouldn't throw a single molecule of scent LOL . Oh well, live and learn !
  18. Good lucky sweetie and I hope you sell out of everything !
  19. That's an "easy" one for me. I had to stop working in my chosen profession because (1) my new husband at the time had never had a stay at home wife and I wanted to please him and (2) my back was getting to the point I couldn't do it anymore so...... I got to thinking about what I could do in order to not go stir crazy : You can only clean house so much. I started thinking.. I need something I can do so I can rest when I need to, if my back goes out, I'm not going to get fired, I can make stuff up in advance and have it ready for orders when I am " down " , and then I looked around the house and saw the immense amount of candles and room sprays I had ( I keep a very clean house, but I'm a scent F R E A K ! I love love love all types of different scents around me all the time ). I added up just how much I was spending on candles and sprays a month, then a year, and I was shocked !!!!!! So one day I did a Google search on how to make candles, read about 2 articles that sounded stupid even to someone like me who had no clue about them, then I ran across the candle board at BitterCreek. I was on it for years, learning everything I could, before I ever bought my first supply. I figured out quickly from reading the trials of others, candles was NOT something I had the patience to test and learn, so I started looking for other things I could do in this industry that was original. This was at a time when there was a MASSIVE influx of new candle makers every single day, and the competition was insane. Not something I wanted to deal with either. I wanted to be different ! So, I went the "scented home decor" , bath and body (to a small degree) route. And that's how and why I started. Unlike most, I started it to stave off being bored, and to save money. I went into as a business first, and quickly fell in love with it, instead of being in love with the crafty-ness of it, and then turning it into a business.
  20. Ok this is just MY opinion : I think when a "hobbyist" starts selling, they aren't a "hobbyist" anymore. I've gotten some of the most amazing things from people who just did items ( like crochet, build with wood, quilt, etc ) from hobbyists, and I'd LIKE to think that when you start doing something as a business and selling it, you tend to take more care with it and the quality of the work,.....but.... at the same time, I've bought a lot of stuff from "professionals" that truly needed to do better work. As for the sales tax you have two options.. include it in your price and pay it that way........ or don't include it.....and pay for it at the end of the year. But it's a "must".
  21. My dream would be for EVERY supplier, to get together, in ONE building........ all of em, ANYthing to do with ANYthing that we need for our products ............. And then duplicate that in 20 different places throughout the US so we could order for the ONE place that is closest to us LOL. HookieBear, you'll find that unfortunately, some of us don't order from certain places that we want to try so bad........ because of their shipping costs...... or in the case of one huge supplier I can think of off the top of my head, they woke up one morning and their prices went astronomical because they "included shipping" in the prices to save us money .. uh huh, yeah.. no so much !
  22. Ditto to everything stated above. Candle Science, Aztec, BitterCreek North and a few others, have designated times each year, that they sell their 1 oz samples for .99 each. Trust me, a lot of us buy a LOT of new things we've not tried before, when those sales happen. Also, when you've posted on this board long enough, and get Classified section availability, people are always buying FOs for very reasonable prices on it. As one of the posters said,... what works for me, in my type of wax, in my application , in my geographical area, AND also what the customers in this area will buy and wont buy.........may not work for you at all ! Kind of keep a check on who uses what wax, in which type of jar ( or clamshell container ) using which wicks, and what area of the US or world they are in. That person can be truly invaluable to you in helping you figure out what problems you might be having. I'm in the DEEP south. I use a wax call 4794 because it has, for me and a lot of others, a wonderful scent throw, it holds up extremely well to our insane high temps down here, and you can use it in so many different types of products ( you are not having to buy wax for just ONE particular container or whatever, and then another wax to do something else like pillars, and then another wax to do clams... .)
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