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Everything posted by KrazeKelly

  1. I was going to make mine in January but that didn't happen so October it is. ?
  2. Well, I got my Castile soap made for next fall!! ? I handpicked and dehydrated the rose ? buds also. Gonna be a long wait!!
  3. I think you are making things way to difficult for yourself. LOL or maybe it's too early and I should wake up first before reading all that! ? Ha!
  4. I'm no expert by any means but you are not completely activating the lye just by using additives. You won't get full activation or saponification until you add the rest of your oils and butters. I think you basically burned your honey by adding full strength lye to it since honey is a sugar and lye reacts to fats. I'm really surprised it didn't volcano but since it was frozen in aloe juice that may have helped it. I also think it makes no difference on the SF. I believe it will remain the same no matter what order you add your ingredients. I could completely be wrong though. Lol
  5. Thank y'all!! It was a lot of fun. I am on the left sporting my got up at 5am, went to sleep after 1am and no makeup look. Ha! Baby girl is precious and was so good today. ?
  6. Where I am today as a customer!! It's so beautiful here!! There are 4 huge tents and a building on the first side and lots of canopies on the other side. I've been coming to this Craftfair for at least 20 years. There were lots of soap makers this year. Fun day and my granddaughters first trip. She just turned one last month. Kelly
  7. LOL!! Ok, I see! I haven't done any research about the whole ghost swirls thing. I have seen a few threads but didn't pay much attention. ?
  8. My first thought is way too much honey and my 2nd thought is, why would you cook it? Ha! I would think with that much honey it would gel all on it own. I normally use 1 tsp honey per lb and I don't use it as part of my oils or water. I just warm it in the microwave with a tiny bit of water to thin it down and mix with my weighed oils and butters before I add the lye. I also never mix my lye with anything but water unless I'm making a full goats milk soap. I use just enough water to dissolve the lye and the rest of my water amount is normally milks or other juices mixed directly into the oils.
  9. Sounds like a plan. Give it a try and see how it goes. You can always go back and add other scents later. I would definitely use the main business name though. Kelly
  10. Beautiful!!! All of them!!! You're candles are so beautiful!!! I thought of you when I was at Goodwill the other day and they had some of these Crystal jars with lids. I should have bought them for you!! They look a lot like the ones you are using. I may go back and get them when I get back in town next week. Love the ceramic containers too! Gorgeous!! Kelly
  11. CSN from Candlescience. CBA helps control the frosting for me in 464. I also heat my jars in the oven before I pour and let them cool in the oven also.
  12. Thank you Goldie!! The bottom and embeds are a palm and 464 blend so the palm really helps with the colors. Kelly
  13. Thank you for your kind words. Yes, there is a lot of work in these for sure. So I didn't think 10.00 was too much but wanted some feedback just to be sure. ?? You definitely need to up your wholesale price too!! Kelly
  14. I use csn16 or 14 for this jar with a 464 and cba blend.
  15. Well, after trying several packaging ideas, I ended up shrink wrapping and putting 5 to a bag. I like the way they turned out. Do you think 10.00 per bag is too much??
  16. Looks like they retired Design Pro and call it Design & Print now. I have windows 10 also. http://www.avery.com/avery/en_us/Templates-%26-Software/Avery-DesignPro-Retirement.htm
  17. I got all my soaps packaged and labeled. Will irk in adding to the webstore tomorrow or after my husband gets off the computer and goes to bed ? I finally figured out how to package the square brine bars. Is it too cheesy?? They are really a beautiful color the photo does not do them justice.
  18. Looks good!! I've accidentally taken the top off my glitter instead of just the little red tip and poured glitter on them before. I just blew the glitter so it spread out as best as possible. Could also explain why I find glitter in all kinds of spots in my kitchen too. LOL can't wait to see them cut. I'm having soaping withdrawals. ??
  19. I don't think I've ever tried CS so I can't help there but I can't imagine any better than this one. It's spot on delicious apple fragrance.
  20. I downloaded Avery design pro and I've used it for several years. I print on full sheet labels and then cut them myself. So you can use their label sizes or you can customize your own size.
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