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Everything posted by gloworm

  1. Chris, I'd love to know anything else you care to share about your rosacia bar. I have it also and have half heartedly tried a prescribed lotion but didn't notice a great difference. I was told my "type" is only receptive to laser surgery which insurance won't cover.
  2. About the three month shelf life-I would guess this might be correct because I made bath bombs and then didn't use them for a couple of months while I was using swap stuff and now I thought I was imagining that I had way less bubbles than before. I have some for my swap and they were so awesome in the beginning. This is a bummer as I wanted to make bombs now while there is no humidity for summer & fall shows. Anybody else have similar experience??
  3. Thanks guys I appreciate it:) Glo
  4. Leslie, I found that link before. All that's available is shipping scales from there-no tare feature. Is this the kind of scale some of you use? I was thinking more along the lines of a kitchen scale I guess and he doesn't have them on ebay now. I really was wanting to use these certificates. Bunny, I don't make huge batches-usually around 3 lbs so far. Have been playing with B&B so small increments probably makes sense. Thanks All, Glo
  5. Can anyone recommend a good scale from off of ebay? Was given ebay certificates and wanted to buy from Old Will Knott but he doesn't have anything listed. Are any others comparable to his? Want a good basic scale to measure B & B ingredients. With tare and that does not shut itself off automatically. Mine is an el cheapo that someone gave me and is giving me fits. Afraid to pick one myself and have it not be what I need. Thanks Much, Glo
  6. So do you dissolve a whole bar in one bath??
  7. OK, crazy question of the day. I had never heard of bubble bars-are they used as soap?? or just dissolved for the bubbles?? You mold them in bar molds?? I checked the recipe before and it sounds like bath bomb mixture. Sounds neat whatever they are for. I love bubbles. Glo
  8. I think they are still OK to use. Mine are like that too. They were like that when I got them on the classifieds. I didn't know they shouldn't be that way. I just melted and added to recipes and they seemed fine. Glo
  9. I did Cp in this scent on Sat also. Looks pretty much like yours except I colored with yellow oxide. I do like this scent but maybe not as much as I had hoped. It's a nice lemon but I had tried Peaks Lemon Pound Cake in a sugar scrub a few weeks ago and I think we actually prefer it to the Lemon Curd. Kinda disappointing since SW is SOOO pricey!! Glo
  10. Donita, I do believe your creations are the most stunning art work my eyes have ever seen. You brighten many days:) Glo
  11. I got a sample last week also. I really liked the scent but everyone else at home who smelled it said yuck. I think this is going to be a love or hate scent. I'm not any help I know:p Glo
  12. Grand Scentral is kind of a spin off from here. Prairie Annie and a couple others started it last summer when CT crashed and we were all in withdrawl. My claim to fame is I got to name the site Grand Scentral Station:yay: Glo
  13. Thanks guys, I was on the old computer in my soap room and no compute?? Came upstairs to the other computer and there it is . On to the soap pot!!! Glo
  14. Am I nuts or what. When I go in to use SOOZ today I have no compute button. There is a red reset but no compute. Is this just me? I've used this before and something sure looks different today. Glo
  15. I think the idea of going to where the men work is a good idea. Men are much more likely to buy than women in my experience. Ok, I know I live in the boonies (BFE according to my DIL, and yes I did have to ask what that stood for) but where in the world are they going for an 8th grade field trip that costs over 1000.00? My kids field trips are mostly local places and we have to send a quarter to make up what the PTA didn't raise. Sometimes BFE has it's benefits I guess.
  16. I had a mold from them that was crooked and went through a bit of haggling with them although she finally replaced it but wanted the defective one back which was fine. But it was as though she didn't believe me even though I sent pics of the deformed shape. Aromatic Mills strike a bell for sure. No communication and takes forever to send your order. Never again. Glo
  17. Try to make a nice white vanilla soap:yay: Sorry, I couldn't resist.
  18. I feel for you Sara. My one and only CPOP volcanoed on me in the oven. Wasn't even any dairy product in it. Still don't know why, but I never did another batch. Glo
  19. Has he read any of the pm's people have sent him? I was talking to DS about him doing a LOGO last week end. Glad DS found someone else I guess. GLO
  20. Wow Angie that is great. Maybe some of the girls will book home parties from you!! Glo
  21. Thanks Guys, I kind of tried to explain this to my tester but they insisted they used just a bit like I told them and they felt like a greased pig .
  22. Ok, What is the whipped shea supposed to feel like? Made my first last week-whipped up like birthday cake icing so I was happy. I did use a recipe that called for dry flo to cut greasiness. My tester said it's still too greasy. What else would I do to cut the grease? 16 oz shea butter 5 oz oils-I think I used SAO And Grapeseed 2 t dry flo TIA, GLO
  23. I used cookiebugs Holy Grail recipe. It is kind of like paste but I didn't mind. I'd never used a sugar scrub and wasn't sure what the consistancy was supposed to be like.
  24. After a sugar scrub cools does it get harder? I made some a week ago and it is very stiff in the jar now. I don't mind its not hard to use or anything but wondered if I put too much sugar in. Used the amt called for in recipe but subbed 1/2 cup with demara sugar. First scrub I tried. Glo
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