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Everything posted by gloworm

  1. I've never been there but I remember someone saying Sally Beauty Supply had them. Not sure why??? Must be one of those crazy haircoloring things.
  2. I had all the same problems as you guys with them last fall. Would never use them again. Glo
  3. What is "trolling". Also, while I'm asking questions what does KWIM stand for?? Glo
  4. We have placed an order and have been given a ship date of 5-26-06. The FO should arrive in time for the PA gathering and the Ohio Convention. Anyone wanting to save shipping -now is your chance. Lori can deliver to PA and I can deliver to Ohio. Take Care All, Glo
  5. http://www.bayousome.com/ They are great. Super fast shipper and fair shipping. I'll have to dig in my box, maybe I have a surprise I didn't find:cheesy2: , I've just been grabbing jars off the top of my box!! Glo
  6. Jean, Did you ever get this to work in a roller bottle? Glo
  7. Thanks so much SYR for your reviews. Just a note to everyone checking out the new site-we do have glitches . We are fixing them as we find them. Just found one in the shipping calculator-if you check shipping and it seems wacky it probably is. LOL. Please bear with us. Those of you who have set up a site know just how much FUN this all is . Glo
  8. Thank you so much to those who have pre ordered, we really appreciate your patronage:yay: . You will not be disapointed by these fragrances. Our testers have said they are awesome in wax and cp (most of them). They are all skin safe. Glo
  9. Thank you so much Michael & Lori for the kind words about the pumpkin cornbread. We are pretty excited about that Fo too. We will soon be placing an order for our first shipment (hoping to this week). We have been testing in wax and cp ( SYR is one of our CP testers), and have been getting some wonderful feedback. Our top five picks so far are Lemon Curd, Pumpkin Cornbread, Pear Vanilla, Cucumber Mint and Sea Salt Scrub. Grumpy you will not be disapointed with your sample I guarantee (Lori reports it can be a bit temperamental in CP, but she wants to try again since it smells so awesome). The Blackberry and Hazelnut Coffee are superb too. Mike is working on the site and pricing as we speak. We may post a pre buy soon so we do not under order on that Pumpkin Cornbread! We have quite a few samples circulating now (I enclosed them in my 2 Birds swap) so if anyone received one that they liked let us know. Take Care All, Glo
  10. Oops, the cat is out of the bag. Hubby & I,as well as our son Backwoods and DIL Amy have just begun a wholesale biz. :highfive: We are planning to order FO's possibly this week. Will talk more later as I am at work right now. GLo
  11. Grumpy I made a batch a few weeks ago and was sure it had lye pockets-it zapped the heck out of me. I left it sit out of laziness more than anything and now it's fine. Took a bath with it and my skin stayed on . Maybe give your soap some time. Glo
  12. Well Bun you & I think alike. :highfive: I had the same scenerios running through my mind. I left it in the bowl till I got my answer-so I will add phenopip. Glo
  13. No preservative needed in a recipe like this as there is no water?? Am I right? Or should you add phenopip or something just in case? Glo
  14. Grubby check with SYR-she's the FBB Queen. Glo
  15. I would be very leary of signing a pricing contract with her so far in advance. Prices are going to go up. Many candle supplies are petroleum based and we all know about gasoline prices. Wax is on the increase already, I've heard some incredible price jumps-like $20.00 A CASE INCREASE. Also remember weddings planned so far in advance do not always happen and you may be stuck. Ask me how I know. Glo
  16. Don't feel awkward, we're mostly a friendly bunch and like new kids to join our play group:yay: . Your recipe sounds nice. I'd try but don't have cyclo or IPM. Glo
  17. What would be the difference between a body mousse and a whipped butter? I've never done a mousse. Sounds nice. How much monoi will give a nice scent? Glo
  18. The sponge capsules are at the Dollar Tree - I think they are a pkg of 18 for a dollar. Several diff kinds for boys and girls. HTH Glo:)
  19. Here is the original thread: http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=19344&highlight=play+dough Glo
  20. I could be mistaken but I think the jewelweed is called "snap dragon" around here. Is that the the plant with tiny orange pitcher type flowers? When you touch them they pop? I never knew it was good for poison ivy. Thanks for the info. Glo
  21. I'm afraid of milk too. I always read freeze the milk. Here's the dumb question of the day-Do you then add frozen milk cubes to the mix or are you defrosting the milk and adding? Glo
  22. Thanks so much for the post Gerrie. This is exactly the info I was trying to find last week. Asked some ?? at the post office and she really didn't know. I knew flashpoint had to come into it somewhere but didn't know the particulars. The post mistress did tell me you can't ship perfume, hairspray, mouthwash etc. I'm assuming alcohol content but am not sure. Glo
  23. Oh yeah, Titi (double up those consonants Bud) Twister makes me just wanna run out and buy one of those candles. Uh huh, Uh huh:confused: Speckled D--- ?? Anything like King Ralph's Spotted D---??? I don't think I want to smell either one. Who are these people and who do they sell this stuff to? Maybe the guys they showcase on Cold Case Files every night??? Glo
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