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Everything posted by gloworm

  1. Thanks guys. I never have luck posting pics. It always says the file is too large and I don't know how to reduce it. Glo
  2. Ok. This is weird. Is it possible that this soap could be OK? I just left it sit on my work table thinking I'd have to rebatch. Then just for the heck of it I cut it and gave it the tongue zap test and it seems OK. A few air pockets but not too bad. I washed my hands with a little piece and my skin didn't come off. LOL. What do you all think?? Glo
  3. If the soya butter is flakes how different do you suppose it is from just plain soy wax flakes?? I've used plain soy wax in lotion bars & we liked it. Glo
  4. I'm lousy at math-how much preservative would you add the the Mickis Body Mousse? Phenopip OK? Borax as in 20 mule team?? Glo
  5. Looks like bayousome is the best price. Does anyone know of any other with better prices?? Glo
  6. I use the 4 or 5 qt buckets that ice cream comes in. Microwave oils in them no problem. Glo
  7. Sometimes if you ask they will accept photos instead of slides. Glo
  8. Last post on the link provoded to soap dish yesterday is from the new owners. Check it out -if the case is as she states it's a shame the new owners are being blackballed for the previous owners shortcomings. Don't flame me, please!! I haven't tried the company, just read her post and she says it was not the new owners who cheated everyone.:tiptoe: :tiptoe: :tiptoe: :tiptoe: Glo
  9. One thing that helps me as I can be mathmatically challanged also -I use 2 calculators. First I use MMS-calc to convert to percentages for me then I plug these percents into the SOOZ calc for the actual recipe amounts. HTH, Glo PS, If your not adverse to using animal products, lard (from Walmart or grocery) makes a fabulous soap-one of the nicest in my opinion.
  10. I think I have lye pockets in a Cp I did that accelerated super fast. Tied to moosh it in the mold but looks like cheese! I assume the acceleration is what caused this?? I actually did 2 batches exactly the same and one seems OK. If you do the tongue zap test and get a little zap will it go away with a proper cure?? I think the 2nd batch will have to be rebatched. TIA, Glo
  11. What do you wrap the tarts in first? Plastic wrap, shrink wrap?? I have yet to find a way that I like. Would be nice to put them in naked but they would smear all over the jars. Glo
  12. Reading Carrie's post brought the name "Grammy's Drawers" to mind but then I took a better look at the name. LOL. Glo
  13. I was just thinking the same thing. I ordered the free sample pack and so did my mom and neither of us has heard BOO from them. I almost forgot about it till this post. Quit anxiously awaiting the mail some time back. Glo
  14. Hope she gets to go. Just curious where the trip is to? Glo
  15. Dinah, Check with Fabulousfunfur. I think she is from Canada. Glo
  16. Is the Soy Skin Butter a premixed ingredient?
  17. I was hoping to find maybe 6 or 8 oz jars. I agree Michi I think 4 oz is basically a sample of scrub. On the other hand SYR and I live in a really low income area and sometimes it's hard to even recoup ingredients at a craft show. I really don't think we could sell a four oz around here for 10.00. Would be nice. I know 16 oz would never sell. My son does candles and everyone always wants the littlest cheaper ones. Rarely do we move the big nice candles down my way. Mike calls the area the "Armpit of PA". Personally I would go a little lower.
  18. SYR , I haven't found many green lids even. The few I found weren't very attractive. They looked like the jars that soup or broth base comes in. You think 4 oz is a big enough scrub? Maybe I use too much but I thought that would only be enough for maybe 4-5 baths?? Haven't priced anything out yet either but those 4 oz jars were kinda expensive even without shipping. Since we live in the same area where people hate to spend money:rolleyes2 with us crafters I didn't want to price myself outta the ball park. Glo
  19. Thanks Syr. I had found those ones-they are up to 4 oz. Hope to find one a little bit larger for scrubs. Wouldn't 4 oz be too small for a scrub?? Or not?? I really don't think I'm going to find them have been looking for weeks. Probably going to have to find something else. Thank Much, Connie
  20. Tried SKS. No green jars-bottles only. WAAA:( Glo
  21. Not sure if this helps or not but I have read where some rubber band their tubes together. Helps them stay upright and spills might just go into another tube. Glo
  22. Does anyone have a source for green pet jars for scrubs & whipped butters? Looking for maybe 6-8 oz ones . Have found up to 4 oz ones but are quite pricey. Was hoping someone knew of a better place. TIA, Glo
  23. Scott I know you said online supplier but Walmart has little pails like you are describing. They are 97 cents a piece. HTH. Glo
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