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Everything posted by gloworm

  1. How long have you stored bath bombs. Wondering if I made alot now while humidity is low would they keep good for summer & fall?
  2. We had a similar experience on a smaller bubble scale. DD played in the dish soap and it was on dishes before I loaded. DON'T EVER SUB DISH SOAP FOR DISH WASHER SOAP. LOL Should have seen DD'S face. Had her "clean" it up:yay: That's about 2 years ago and she still gets mad if I hold up the bottle of dish soap with a sly smile on my face. AHH yhat's how memories are made:cheesy2:
  3. Melly, Do you mean when you mix it or when it goes in the tub??
  4. Michelle, How do you use the colorings you have mentioned? Mix with Fo or what. I've been dancing around this question in a few posts now. No directions on mine so I added it dry to CP :rolleyes2 Not a good thing!!
  5. Oh I have loads of wilton paste colors(another addition from long ago:shocked2: ). Wonder if they would work. Man are they concentrated though. I always had colored fingers for a while around birthday times. LOL:cheesy2:
  6. Thanks. I wish my powdered colors had come with at least a little label info. Got from WSP and they are not marked or labeled in any way. I added them dry to my CP and that didn't work. Now I think you have to add them to a liquid or oil first. But with the bombs I suppose that might make them start to fizz.
  7. I do like the foot scrub-forgot that I tried it. I used again just a half hour ago and I think Melly is right. The big crystals kind of keep falling out of your hand. Maybe little ones would be easier to handle. Haven't tried butter yet.
  8. Well then this sounds like something to try. I'm having trouble swirling. By the time I get to the FO and coloring it's too thick. Maybe this way will give me some time.
  9. Do you all add you FO to your soap at trace or do you add to the oils before the lye. Just read a post about doing it this way and was curious if anyone else does it. I always add at trace?? Glo
  10. I tried a few things. I love the bubbling milk bath. I have made that myself but I love your vanilla mint scent. Mary Ann I really like the wintergreen lip balm. Use it every night before bed. Used the bath tea, it was nice but as I've said before, we are bubble people. I really couldn't smell it in the bath-maybe I'm expecting something other than what a bath tea is used for?? Used my bath bomb also-very nice but it was crumbling when I opened it. Not a biggie,after all he had a very long trip!!
  11. What do you all use as coloring for bath bombs? I tried a few drops of liquid and it really didn't do anything. Then I tried a tiny bit of ultramarine and got a very pale color which is nice. For darker color would you recommend just more ultramarine? Didn't want to over do (mine came with no instructions on usage at all). Maybe I should have added it to the Fo?? Any tips?? Glo
  12. I'm a newbie bomb maker also. Just did first two batches today but they seemed to come out fine. Drying them now. My recipe said to do just what you are suggesting. Mixed salts,baking soda,corn starch together well then FO and any oil called for(a hand whisk worked great). Then slsa & then citric real quick. I had no fizzing at all but we have a wood burner in my soap room so that keeps it nice & dry down there. Used a meatballer which was a little tricky at first but after a few I figured it out. Now if they dry hard and don't crumble I'll be in business. HTH GLO
  13. Over on the Whisk forum about 6-8 weeks ago a lady was trying to do a WSP coop on quite a few select fragrances. The post died out.I guess she didn't get enough interest. The prices she had offered were stupendous and I was quite disappointed:cry2: when it all fell through. Some of them were around half price. Couldn't understand the lack of interest frankly the scents she had chosen would have been wonderful. Maybe after the holidays someone would be interested in trying that route. Glo
  14. I've soaped Peaks Spiced Cranberry and added Orange Eo also. It did seize on me. Had to move at the speed of light to pour it ( it was the cranberry). I tried to put some in individual soap molds and it didn't work. Hence Orange Cranberry confetti soap. Which we really liked by the way. Just a FYI-not sure if other brands seize up or not. Glo
  15. Sockmonkey makes many very valid points. In addition to a contract to "protect" the school I would say you need to protect yourself. When delivering I would not leave the school until you did a hands on inventory with someone in charge and had a signed invoice that all was delivered. The numbers of candles sold seems phenomonal. She's also right that most kids do not sell. My son did a girl scout fundraiser and each child did average 10-12 candles but only a handful actually sold. It would be interesting to hear the candlemakers side of the story. When dealing with children or teens as the salesmen I would think that "mistakes" could very well happen. Hope all goes well for you.
  16. I can't believe show charge booth fees and then 5-8 dollar admissions.. If that was in our area no customers would show up. I did a high school last month and I think they did charge $1.00 admission but it was for Relay for Life so I think people didn't mind since it was for charity. When the promoters get greedy everyone loses. JMHO
  17. Package arrived. Lovely things!! Figured out Melly's, Dani's, Slatzoo and Macy's. The other neato items I can't place to a name on the list(some are marked with business, I just don't know which of you owns the business). Won't post anymore questions or comments right now so I don't spoil anyones surprise. Nice packaging too ladies- hope you all will forgive me-I don't sell B&B yet and haven't attempted labels & packaging (have to get DS to help me on that and he is hard to pin down). Enjoy all !! Glo
  18. Maybe we should call Pink Sugar, Brown Sugar???? OH OH- missed page two. See my name was already suggested.
  19. Co- Workers from Hell are much too common. I've worked for more years than I want to admit to at several jobs and have only met and had one friend that I could completely trust not to stab me in the back. And women are the worst. DS and DH work in areas where there are a lot of women and they are always stabbing each other. (DH also worked in a factory with men for many years and problems were rare). I've often wished for 100 acres of land, one road in with only DH, D kids and a computer, and we are right in the middle of the 100 acres. The saying is kids are cruel, well so are adults. I distance myself from most people at work-I work through lunch and breaks to avoid all the gossiping and trouble making they conspire during those times. I know they think I'm different and at this stage in life I couldn't care less. I say tell those two to "Bite Me". Ignore them and their trouble making, keep giving the samples to your bosses whose offices are going to smell wonderful and those who matter will notice and the orders will come. Give the party lady a sample pack and ask her to judge for herself-if she still declines at least it is her decision not based on lies from two jealous troublemakers. I'm actually suprised that the two who took the Lovespell from you returned the samples. Why didn't they try them and decide for themselves? Chin Up!! Glo
  20. I'm a country girl and I Love the smell of a horse barn. The hay and an earthy smell and there must be a horsey scent there as well because we lived next to a dairy farm and that smell wasn't pleasant. You might need to find out what "type" of farm they liked!!
  21. I would call them a booster shot. LOL! Show kids if teddy can get his immunizations they have nothing to fear. ( Can you tell I am a nurse in a Pediatric office)????
  22. Candy Cane of course!:smiley2: Glo
  23. Could you eliminate or sub something for the 1 1/2 Tablespoons glyceryl cocoate( you can sub ploysorbate 80). I don't have any of either. What purpose does it serve?? Glo
  24. That's what we do- the trailer deal. You can really get a lot on a 4x8 trailer. Glo
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