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Everything posted by KMommy

  1. I have been experimenting with cyclo as a body spray and I really like the results. It goes on oily but dries within 5 seconds. I know that alot of people market this product as a body/linen/air freshener which was what I had in mind. Compared to other bases that do not have an oil feel to them the Cyclo. base scent definitely lingers in the room longer which would be a big plus. The only problem is that I have noticed if the product gets on hardwood or ceramic floors it is a bit oily and might present a problem. The oil on these surfaces tends to stay for a while - longer than the 5 seconds on the skin. Has anyone else noticed this and do you include any special instructions on your product about it being slippery on floors?
  2. I didn't know that there had been problems with SNC before I placed an order. If I had I probably would not have taken the chance. I am happy to report that I placed an order and a few hours later I received a e-mail notice that it had shipped and a confirmation number. So maybe the customer service has improved.
  3. There were several fragrances that I wanted to try but there is no use in trying them if I won't be able to get a continuous stock.
  4. I got the following e-mail this morning:cry2: . I hope someone buys her business so it can continue.
  5. I located this chart that might help http://www.acneinformation.org/17.html Soybean oil is on the list as comedogenic. But I have seen cosmetic products that contain soy and they claim their products are non-comedogenic ???
  6. Thanks for the information and all the great links! Those are a big help. My lotion bottles and jars came separate from the tops so I was concerned about how clean they really are. Thanks again for the help!
  7. How do you sterilize the equipment you use for your products? Do you sterlize all of your lotion bottles, jars, utencils used such as funnels ... Do you use bleach or something else? I am a little concerned that the bleach might leave an odor in plastics?
  8. I would search the candle topics and/or post on the candle forum but I am pretty sure that for wraps you want polyPROpolyne. I posted a question concerning packaging of candles and was told that some things seem to drain the scent out of candles/tarts so if you are going to use a plastic look for polyPROplene. The easy way to remember it is PRO is good Ethy is bad. I didn't know if that applied to cosmetic jars as well after I read the comment from the supplier. I store my candles indoors in a closet but the people on the candle forums should be able to give you more help.
  9. I was reading some information on a supplier site for cosmetic jars and there was one jar made with polyPROpylene. The statement next to it states "The jars and lids are made of Polypropylene, so they are safe with all your cosmetics." So does that mean not all products are safe in jars made of Polyethylene?
  10. I don't melt my Shea or Mango. I whip them at room temp. and my butters are firm(before)whipping but not totally soft. They whip very nicely without having to melt. I tested whipping using the whip, freeze, whip again method VS. just whipping at room temp. and I did not notice any difference in the end result. Maybe the butters vary from one supplier to the next and some people might have a harder butter before whipping.
  11. Some please correct me if I am wrong but isn't there a specific type of Vit. E that is the preservative - T-50 http://www.fromnaturewithlove.com/product.asp?product_id=oilvitamine&searchflag=1 T-50, natural mixed tocopherols (isolated from vegetable oils), is a natural, heat stable antioxidant that protects food and cosmetic products from oxidation. If you need to add vitamin E oil to protect your formulation from rancidity, use our T-50 Vitamin E oil instead of our 250IU/g, 1000IU/g and 1400IU/g Vitamin E oils. While the alpha tocopherol in the 250, 1000, and 1400IU/g oils is wonderful as an in-vitro anti-oxidant, studies show that the gamma tocopherol in the Vitamin E T-50 oil is a better anti-oxidant for oils/lipids in cosmetic formulations. T-50 has a higher content of gamma tocopherols and can be used at a rate of .04% or 400ppm to adequately protect your oils. Although T-50 is not an organic product, it is allowed for use in "organic" or "made with organic material" products.
  12. I think Sweet n Low contains saccharin. I know some people would rather avoid saccharin even if the amount would be very small. Lip balm wouldn't have that much in it.
  13. Thanks for the info. What is the "double bonds" that is mentioned in F. Coconut?
  14. I have seen both listed for sale. What is the difference? Is one more suited for lotions and the other for soap?
  15. Thanks for the suggestions everyone! I had been wondering about Mabel W. site & products myself. I've Never ordered from that one.
  16. I have some flavor oils that I find are a bit bitter and would like to make them sweeter. I have seen special sweetners for lip balm flavor oils sold. Is it necessary to purchase something specifically for lip balms are is there maybe a mroe common product that might be available locally that could be used?
  17. What size bottle do you sell your body sprays and do you use Cyclo.? I have been testing some with cyclo. and I am very pleased with the results. But after pricing how much it would cost to use cyclo. in a 8oz bottle(cyclo, FO, bottle, label + amount for shipping of supplies) I am afraid I would have to sell it for more than people are willing to pay to make a profit.
  18. Thanks everyone for the help! I located some!!!
  19. I believe there is some information regarding it not being transported by air on MMS.
  20. What type of bottle do you use for testers for your body sprays? I was thinking about using a small(2ml, 4ml ) atomizer as a free gift with purchase. I can't seem to locate any that small. Any suggestions?
  21. I love your blue! Perfect color for that scent.
  22. I hadn't noticed the spots until I read your comment. I think you did a good job. The color reminds me of blueberry cheesecake.
  23. Thanks again! Sounds like I would get more use from the Formulator's Alcohol and it's definitely cheaper than Cyclo. Since this would contain distilled water would I need a preservative?
  24. Thank you. This would not be for body spray, air freshener only.
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