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Everything posted by KMommy

  1. Thanks for the replies. I didn't want to start testing too high and end up with seeping tarts. TopofMurrayhill, I like your tag line. Isn't that from Moulin Rouge?
  2. Sorry if that was too "general." The information on % load was not provided with the instructions in the box I just thought someone here that makes tarts might know what the % range is.
  3. Using a soy pillar blend wax what is the max. % FO that can be used to make tarts?
  4. Thanks, I was there yesterday and I saw a display with the ceramic cobbler(loaf) for 1.00 but I didn't see the souffle ones. I'll have to go back and see if I can locate them.
  5. Today I saw some some B&B items(colored sea salts, bath fizzies)for sale in souffle dishes! I thought that was pretty creative! They weren't your usually white souffle dishes. Some appeared to be hand painted, others had different designs on them such as fruit. I was thinking these might also be cute for body butters, thick lotion, sugar scrubs... Not sure how they would be sealed? The salts were simply wrap with cello and heat sealed. I looked at the Dollar Store and Dollar Tree but all they had were the basic white. Has anyone seen any of souffle dishes in different colors or designs?
  6. Thanks! I tried to view the items on the order on-line section but I received a message that I need a password. I sent a message to the company to find out how to get one. On the home page there is a photo of a one serving tea pot. I am not sure if that is a real tea pot or not but I have seen some tart warmers that looked like those. They sold for 20.00+
  7. I agree, something different than the common burners would be nice. They are out there I just can't find where people are getting them. I don't believe people that sell them are paying 20.00 each for them like the ones I have located on-line. Once you add in shipping you would have to sell them at 30.00 to make any sort of a profit. No one is going to pay 30.00 for a tart burner. I've seen the crock pot type but those are pretty common as well.
  8. Well of course, it figures:undecided ! Does anyone know of some others that might be like those pictured above?
  9. I am looking for some different styles of electric tart burners. Most of the burners I have located on-line sell for 13.00/15.00 - 18.00. At that price(plus more for shipping) I am afraid that what I would have to sell them for would push the price up to more than what customers are willing to spend for a tart burner. The comments I have been getting is that they are interested in the tart burners but if they can get one with a tea light at discount stores for 1.00 - 3.00 and the scent is just as good why spend more money. I explained that the electric warmers will not require the constant replacement of tea candles, no flame, easy to change scents, large variety of tart scents... So I do have people that are interested but if they are going to spend more money than they want something more attractive than the usual tart burners offered. So I began searching for "something different." I saw the ones in the photos attached here for sale on someone's site. There were some others with really pretty tea pots(didn't save that photo). The starting price was around 22.00. Does anyone know of a supplier with these type of electric warmers or other different styles that sell for less than 15.00?
  10. What information do you use on a warning label? I know it needs to contain something concerning the location of the candle and the warmer(areas that are not high traffic locations), that the wax is hot and could burn skin... I use pre-printed labels for my regular candles but I haven't located any for the wickless.
  11. Thanks! How much do you add? Do you keep adding until you achieve the shade you want and all of it is covered?
  12. At what phase do I add Mica for my bath bombs and fizzies and how much?
  13. Thanks everyone! I have a coffee grinder so I'll be able to make my own.
  14. I am looking for small clear boxes and chinese take out boxes. I have located a couple of sources but they seem pretty expensive to me. Anyone have a good source for these type of boxes?
  15. I know that colloidal oatmeal is suggested for use to help with skin irritations such as poison ivy rather than the oatmeal prepared to eat. Other than products such as Aveeno where do you get colloidal oatmeal?
  16. "I wonder how we're supposed to fit warnings and ingredients etc. on one label??? " Me too! Maybe on the instructions the suggested amount per use should also be written? I think I am going to skip using the menthol in mine. Gosh, here is another one I located concerning eucalyptus... "The American Herbal Products Association gives eucalyptus leaf a class 2d safety rating. Class 2d means that there are restrictions to an herb's use. In the case of eucalyptus leaf extracts, people with inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract or bile duct inflammatory disease should not use eucalyptus leaf extract. You also shouldn't use it if you have liver disease. Ask your health care provider if either of these conditions apply to you. You also should avoid taking too much leaf extract. The tannins in it could cause stomachaches or damage your liver or kidneys if taken in large amounts. " Never apply eucalyptus oil to the face or nose of a child under age 2.
  17. Those look beautiful. I can almost smell the apples & oats from here!
  18. Congratulations! Nothing like the feeling from your first sale!!!
  19. Thanks everyone. That is scary, especially since I was planning to use peppermint in a foot soak. How can I make sure no one is using more than 2 drops when there is more than 2 drops used to make the product? Same applies for spearmint I am a little surprised that pennyroyal wasn't mentioned. The information I read concerning pennyroyal discussed keeping the oil AND the plant away from pregnant women and animals. It can contribute to miscarriages and death. The plant smells like peppermint and is sometimes grown because it is suppose to help deter fleas. If you type in pennyroyal warning there some other scary info. http://www.health-marketplace.com/Pennyroyal.htm There is also a warning concerning comfrey and possible liver damage. http://www.healthcare.ca/HC-Headlines/comfrey.htm Located this on peppermint. Scroll to Precautions and Possible Interactions http://www.metagenics.com/resources/imc/OneMedicineCons/ConsHerbs/Peppermintch.html I haven't tried it yet but the recipe I have uses both peppermint and menthol. Almost all of the foot care products contain peppermint oil. Especially the foot soaks.
  20. Are there certain warnings that should be placed on B&B items for specific essential oils? It seem that I remember reading that there is a warning for peppermint and pennyroyal oil concerning pregnant women. Not sure about that but does anyone know of other warnings that need to be on products for the use of essential oils?
  21. When I ordered from them the outrageous shipping was for regular ground delivery. Not second day or overnight. This was several years ago and I don't know if the policy is still the same but I worked for a company and we had a contract to ship with UPS. It was a flat charge no matter how much or how little we used them. If it is still that way for suppliers I can't see how the shipping charges can be so inflated. It does cost money to ship as someone stated above but in comparison to what other suppliers charged WSP was over the top. I am glad to learn that BCN send priority now. I had the same experience with them as WSP. I ran out of wicks for an order and BCN was the only supplier that I could located that had them in stock. I only needed 1 pack of wicks. I contacted the company and asked if they could send them US Postal. I was told no they only send UPS and the charge was over 8.00 for one single pack of wicks. If they are now using US Postal on small orders I may order from them again.
  22. Is the cellulose fiber used to scent and fill sachets the same as the corncob kitty litter sold in the pet stores?
  23. Thanks! Sounds like I might like both. I am not sure about this but it seems like I read that using food dyes were not safe because some people have allergic reactions to them.
  24. Who do you guys order your jars and bottles from? I've located a couple of sites but I am not sure if they are the best prices. Any suggestions?
  25. I am new to soap and planning on starting with some M&P. What type of dye do I use for this type of soap? Is it mica or liquid?
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