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Everything posted by KMommy

  1. Those are so cute! Even if the soap doesn't fit I can always find some other use for those - thanks! I could spend a small fortune at Papermart!
  2. The weight is a little over 6oz and the size is 3 1/2 x 3 1/2.
  3. That's it! I remember that being discussed as well. On another board(maybe?)it was also discussed that using the menthol with the peppermint might be too much for those with nerological disorders or circulation problems. I didn't look into it further so maybe there is a way to confirn it some place. I just decided that I would leave out the menthol or use it without the peppermint whenever I get around to experimenting with it. It does sound like a fun recipe!
  4. You guys are full of such good ideas! Thanks!!!
  5. www.brambleberry.com There was a discussion about menthol on another board and it was mentioned that maybe there should be a warning concerning not using if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or by asthmatics. I haven't researched it any futher but I am sure there is information available concerning it's use.
  6. Thanks, I appreciate the suggestion and it does sound nice but I tried that and I can't explain it but it just didn't look attractive. Infact, on a table with other items absolutely no one even picked it up to take a look. It just doesn't have that wow factor.
  7. I saw the cutest glass heart shape bottles with a cork in the top used for bath salts? Does anyone know of a supplier for these type of bottles?
  8. I have a mold for a heart shape bar of soap. The problem is that it won't fit in the boxes I have for soap and a soap band will not stay in place since it is wider on top than bottom. Can anyone suggest some other attractive ways for packaging these bars?
  9. Other than Nashville Wraps does anyone have suppliers that you like for bulk gift wrapping ribbon? I am interested in wire ribbon of different sizes. Especially sheer ribbon with wire.
  10. When making a layered soap with M&P when do I pour the second layer? I would imagine if I let it compeletly cool they wouldn't stick. I wanted to do one color on the bottom and another on top or maybe one type such as a moisterizer and the other an exfoliant.
  11. I am so happy to hear that someone else has had this problem. Well, I am not happy that it happened to you, you know what I mean. I know alot of it depends on the area. Some people have great success in explaining the quality of their candles. In some areas people just tend to not care. That is what it is like here. I am very proud of my candles but I can't afford to just give them away. I had someone tell me that my 10oz candle shouldn't cost more than 3.00 MAYBE! Just like what is mentioned above - because they can get a large candle for 5.00 at Walmart or even a 26oz candle from the craft store for 5.00. I feel that they are right! If they are satisfied with those type of candles then they should stick with Wallyword because I feel I make a better quality candle and I can't do that at discount store prices. It's just fustrating because it isn't a matter of just explaining the quality.
  12. Good suggestions - thanks for the help. I've seen photos of candle problems posted in the past but no matter what I type in the seach box I can't find any. I need some photos of candles with sink holes - which wouldn't be a problem if I still made paraffin candles. I am always amazed at the misconceptions that are out there concerning candle making. One person told me that she is planning on starting a candle business after a someone told her how to make candles and how easy it is. She said that all you have to do is buy some wax from the craft store, microwave it, add dye and 1 1/2 FO or a little more if you want a stronger candle "She even shared what wick I need", and then pour into a pint size mason jar. She said that this person sells them for $5.00 and "Makes a killing." I explained that not all wax or FO required 1 1/2 oz FO, FO's should be weighed, too much and you have seeping which is dangerous because... I discussed a little about wicks and why there are so many, using different wicks for different FO' and containers...Most of all I stressed how important it is to test and if you want to make a quality product you need to invest alot of time in testing. She said in a very dismissive type of tone "Well, this person sells tons of candles and I buy from her all of the time. Her candles smell good and they are at a price most people can afford." It wasn't that I was trying to convince her to purchase my candles it just concerns me that there are some potentially dangerous candles out there. I don't make the mason jar candles but I can't sell a large container candle at 5.00 and make any sort of profit. People with very limited experience are telling others how to make candles that may be a hazard. The bottom line with most people is does it smell good and is it cheap.
  13. I am trying to educate customers on things to look for when purchasing candles. I have been trying to explain that not all candles are equal. Not saying that my candles are the best there is but I know mine are better than a lot being sold at the discount stores. I took the label off of some discount store candles to illustrate candles with wicks that were not centered and candles that burned right down the center leaving a lot of wax hang up on the sides. I was really surprised that most people told me they never noticed that when burning a candle. The only thing they paid attention to was if the candle smelled good when burning and how much it cost. One of the main comments I hear from people is "why does this candle cost more than Walmart(Kmart, Dollar Store)?" One local craft store has a large display of 26oz candles for $5.00. I can't compete with that price but I would like to explain to customers the difference in the quality of candles. One other comment that surprised me was from a lady that told me the candles she purchases are so highly scented that you can actually see the fragrance oil on the top of the candle. That's how she knew that she was pruchasing a "freshly made good candle.":eek: I explained seeping and curing to her and she told me that the lady she purchases from was the one that told her visible oil was a sign that her candles were strong! Frightening! I think a visual gets the point across better. I was thinking of placing a flyer that would remain on the sale table showing photos of poor quality candles(no company names shown in the photos) and illustrating... 1. wicks that aren't centered(had one - mentioned above but accidently left it at sales booth) 2. excessive wax hang up on the sides 3. candles that produced excessive black soot 4. tunneling 5. dips in the center from candles that needed relief holes and re-pours 6.oil seeping I wanted to place this on the table next to some of my candles with one of them burning to show the difference in the quality. I have one photo of tunneling and excessive wax hang up but I need illustrations of the other points. Does anyone have any photos of the other problems or anything else you think I should include?
  14. I was mainly concerned about it on hair because the spray is for body and hair. That was the first time I had heard of sea salt being used on hair. Thanks for the response!
  15. I am new to soap so I thought starting out with re-batching would be a good way to experiment before I move into making it from scratch. I did see the shreds on pv site but I also thought that was bit expensive. Robin, Thanks for the brambleberry link. I see alot items in addition to the kit I like as well.
  16. Can anyone suggest a supplier for shredded soap bases and is this the type of base used for re-batching?
  17. I know it depends on the area and sales change from one city to the next but here I am afraid to say people are very cheap. For the most part they aren't willing to spend extra even if it is quality. I can't count the times I have heard "The stuff at Walmart, KMart... works just as good." I've heard people say that they aren't interested in "homemade" cosmetics when they can get products at Walmart. It's not just a matter of giving them a good product and explaining the quality. For some the bottom line is the price and I can't sell my products for Walmart prices and make a profit.
  18. I was reading the information on a hair & body protein spray base and it contains sea salt. Isn't that drying for hair?
  19. I am looking for a Oatmeal or Oatmeal & Milk that really smell like Oatmeal. The ones I have tried all smell like almonds. I happen to like almonds but I need a Oatmeal. This would be for B&B products. Any suggestions?
  20. Bunny, I don't belive you can't do M&P worth a flip! I have seen some pretty photos of the work you do posted and I don't think there is anything you can't do!!! Thanks for the explaination and for posting the photo. That soap is almost too pretty to use!!!
  21. I have seen some listings in soap base sections as re-batching. What is the difference in re-batching and M&P?
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