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Everything posted by Lumina

  1. I make tins, mostly the 4oz and use Golden 464 with ECO wick. Great results and they are a top seller for me.
  2. Loved them. I tried the cupcakes ones before and they just didn't turn out right for me.. More practice for me... lol. Are the hearts tea light or votives? Cindy
  3. Beautiful. Thanks for the information, I am going to give this a try. I am not sure how well paraffin candles will sell for me. I love to make them, but stopped a few years ago when they wouldn't sell. I always have people come up to me asking for soy candles. Soy is ok for containers but is too soft for pillars. Cindy
  4. I mostly sell at the local Farmers Market or craftshows, very little on line. But I guess you can say that I sell only RTS. I only list the oils I carry and usually have candles made up (container). I will do special orders for the pillars. I haven't tried Etsy yet, thinking about it, but there are so many candles for sell on there not sure how well I would do.
  5. Getting ready for Valentine's Day.
  6. Very beautiful. I like the idea. Are you going to package them together?
  7. I have some candles that are years old, yet they still burn and smell great. If it is a holiday scent I have wrapped some up and just brought them back out the next year. Same with tarts. I had a bunch of clam shells that didn't sell well or were messy because they melted in the heat. Those I just remelt and make fire starters out of them. My cabin smells great during the winter.
  8. I use the credit card sheets and write everything down including a phone number in case there is an issue. I have never had a customer have a problem with me doing it that way.
  9. I use battery power fans. I put three on my tables, it also helps to fan the fragrance to entice people to enter the tent. I use to do shows in FL during the summer and that is how I managed. Now in NC it doesn't get that hot, but I always carry my fans with me just in case. Also I don't use the sides on my tent, instead I purchased shade cloth from the local hardware store, put grommets on it and use velcro straps to hold it to the canopy. The shade cloth helps the air to flow around but keeps the sun off.
  10. I make pillars because I like them. So I have a few different sizes but they do not sell well. People love the look, but they just don't sell well. I think they add to your display and bring people into your booth. If they don't sell, I just put them away for the next year or burn them myself. They also make great gifts. I keep inventory on all my craft shows and Farmers Market.... it changes every year and I finally figured out I just need to make a bit of everything and go from there. Cindy
  11. I have been making palm wax candles for years and really love how it burns and the throw. I just started using Glass Glow for containers and had a bit of a problem. Someone on the board suggested I hadn't let it burn long enough for the mp to get started. She was so right. I let it burn for 4 hrs then the candle did fine. I use the CSN wicks and they seem to work the best for me. Cindy
  12. This is a great idea. Thank you, I am going to give this a try. I have made things in the past that I love but have not sold well. I always want to try new things. This will give me chance to try them.
  13. Where do you purchase your shrink wrap bands?
  14. That is great news. I am still working on making a profit but I know it will come someday.
  15. Beautiful. Makes me want to start working on my candles again.
  16. Thanks, yes the wick is centered, I am thinking the same thing, might have to order the next size up. The wax is very pretty. I also wonder if I should let it set up for a week before I try burning it more.
  17. I am just trying out glassglow and not sure this is what it is suppose to look like. I usually make palm wax pillars and soy containers in a tin, but wanted to try something new. This is a 5oz jar with dim 3.25H and diam is 2.25. using a CSN9 wick Any suggestions or help would really be appreciated . Thank you
  18. I have decided this year to try and go to as many of these as I can so I can become inspired again. This is the first one I am going to . Tennessee Soap and Candle May 4th, 2013 at the Scarritt-Bennett Center in Nashville Than I am going to the Gathering in July.
  19. I am going. This is my first time so looking forward to it. Was able to use my Husbands points for a free hotel room, so that helped. I live about 6 hrs away so it is a drive, but think it will be worth it.
  20. Beautiful.... you have given me inspiration
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