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Everything posted by mzpickles

  1. Is there a number above the name of the scent, also in a bold, black font? It sounds like how my CandleWic sample bottles look if there is. I hths! [ETA] Nope, the scents don't match up, sorry!
  2. Hi! I did a forum search and found Shannon's foaming foot soak recipe but I want one that doesn't foam. I caught a reference in my search to a foot soak recipe by Bunny from the old board but I couldn't find that recipe. I just want a exfoliating salt soak, does anyone have a recipe they would be willing to share? TIA!!
  3. You're probably going to have to mix your own. I know that Backwoods has a Buttery Croissant FO (and it really does smell like a croissant!) and you could find a Blackberry or Blackberry Jam FO from somewhere. Do the q-tip test, dip a q-tip in each FO and put it in a jar or a plastic baggie. Close the container and let it sit for a while, then open and smell it to see if you need more of one FO or the other. If you use 2 q-tips (one of each FO) then you have a 50/50 FO mix, if you need two of the blackberry and one of the croissant then you'll have a 2/3 to 1/3 mix of the two oils. Or you could try a Blackberry Pie or a Blackberry Cobbler FO to see if that would work for your customer. Good luck!
  4. Hi! I haven't tried this blend but you could always blend your own. There are a few recipes for bug repelling EO blends here: http://candleandsoap.about.com/od/fragrancesandaromatherapy/a/mosqeoblends.htm Good luck!
  5. I know some people on this board have had trouble getting any response from Stacy, but she's always gotten back with me, not always the same day, but usually within the same week! She almost never picks up her phone, but she told me once that her emails go to her cell phone. Just keep emailing if you don't hear from her. And if you don't mind me asking, what are your questions? Maybe if you ask them here some of us that have bought from her in the past can help you!
  6. Mango Cilantro is a SUPER STRONG thrower (hot & cold) in an 85/15% GW 464/IGI 6006 mix. The scent goes from one room into another in my house when I'm burning it and I can smell an unlit candle that's on my kitchen counter from the other side of the room! I only used 1 oz pp too!
  7. My personal tropical favorites this summer are Coco Mango, Mango Peach Salsa & Blue Hawaiian (NG) & Mango Cilantro (CandleWic)!
  8. Searching the Fragrance Oil Finder for keyword "teak" came up with these suppliers: http://www.fragranceoilfinder.com/catalog/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=teak&osCsid=b0fbf51ee56ae31a4cea6d3983b8c0a5&x=2&y=4 This probably isn't all of the suppliers that carry something like Tenn's Bamboo Teak, but it's a start!
  9. I had the same problem two weeks ago with an order I received. The one 16 oz FO bottle I had ordered came wrapped in a HUGE clear plastic bag, it had been twisted and wrapped around the bottle and then taped like crazy. After I FINALLY got it open, surprise surprise it had leaked! The bottle only weighed 16.01 oz, I have no idea how much the bottle itself weighs but little bottles weigh 2-3 oz. empty. So at least that much had leaked out. I didn't contact them but now it sounds like I should, I don't necessarily need the FO replaced, but they should know that yet another bottle leaked. Does anyone else here live at altitude? It's getting to the point that almost every FO order I'm getting has some leakage. I'm wondering if altitude is a factor making the bottles contents explode out slightly. If I go from the Denver area to a ski area (3-4000 feet higher) all of my liquid cosmetics erupt out of their containers (mostly tubes) when I open them. I'm thinking the altitude is the culprit in my case.
  10. Ha! Me too! And I agree that they're great oob so far! My favorites are: Sensual Secrets (not your typical Sandalwood Vanilla, may be even better than the BCN one!) Cinnamon Apple Berry (the berry note gives it an extra oomp!) Olive Blossom (really smells like an Olive Tree in bloom!) Coco Beach Baby (nice apricot top note, not a sun tan oil fragrance) Amber Musk (I would wear this as a fragrance!) Iced Carrot Cake (probably one of the best carrot cakes I've smelled, can't wait to get it in wax) Sweet Pumpkin (doesn't have that off-putting, overly spicy smell that most have) Pineapple Ginger & Bamboo Sugarcane (both are really fresh smelling)
  11. Actually it's the Fig Forest that's being discontinued. And the Fig Tree scent is my personal favorite, but it's not for everyone, it smells like green wood, as though you've just peeled the bark off a branch of the tree.
  12. Darbla, I use an 85/15% GW 464/IGI 6006 mix and I've settled on using mostly CD 12s in the DT sized Status Jars now. The 14s are a tad too big for most of the candles I've poured; full melt pool right away, glass too hot, yatta yatta.
  13. Yes, I've bought the flat topped lids from Lonestar and they fit the DT Status jars fine. Occasionally I've found a jar where a lid was a tighter fit than others, but the majority do just fine. Ihths!
  14. I've been experimenting with a 85/15 GW 464/IGI 6006 blend but I'm still having to hot gun the tops occasionally and still getting frosting sometimes. I've been thinking about going 70/30 to see how that performs. Interesting thread, thanks!
  15. I just poured my first candles with this FO this week, it definitely smelled like strawberries in my house when I did! Even DH (who usually tells me everything smells spicy) was able to identify the strawberry scent! :laugh2:Now I can't wait to test burn them!
  16. Awesome, thanks for the link! 50 feet though, that's probably more than I'd use in the rest of my life! :laugh2:Seems like I read somewhere here about someone using a Citronella torch wick, I may investigate that avenue. Thanks again!
  17. OMG! Those buckets are adorable!! No IKEA in Denver yet though & it sez you can't buy them online. Has the paint peeled at all Luminous? I had read about using Lemongrass w/Citronella, thought it was just for the citrusy scent but more research revealed that it's a bug deterrent also. I do have CS's Citronella but I should maybe email them about the amount, I found one "How to Make a Citronella Candle" (on eHow I think) that said you should use 2-3 oz pp. So I'm really confused.
  18. has anyone else tried Citronella with soy waxes? If so, what percentage do I use the Citronella FO (from CS)? Or should I stick with something like IGI 6006? And again, what percentage will work the best? And this may be a more appropriate question for the FO discussion, but if I want to blend another scent in to cover the bleh! Citronella fragrance, how much of that would be needed? Thanks all in advance!
  19. I'm right there with you Steve! I needed more 1oz samples like I needed a hole in my head, but a site with a BOGOF offer sucked me in last week! I resisted up until the last day, then went for it, now I've got 20 more samples coming, I can't wait for that package to hit my front porch! I'd tried to do that before last week! No luck sticking with it though!
  20. Jonsie, I apologize for semi-hijacking your thread. And to your original question, the lavenders I've poured (not the same as yours) do not smell "soapy" and it's not a descriptor I'd apply to a true lavender scent. I've grown lavender in my garden and to me it has a dry, herbel smell so that's what I look for in a FO. So I'm not sure what is the case with yours, sorry! And I want everyone else to know that in the future I will take up matters like this with the person involved. It's been like fingernails on a chalkboard for me to read EccoLight's posts though, and I actually did research on the matter before I brought myself to say anything. While there are indeed people that don't mind, there are also those who mind quite a bit, so if that's the case why risk offending at all? That's my opinion and I'm sticking with it. :lipsrseal
  21. I'm sorry, but I just have to say this. I don't know where you live or how old you are, but I've noticed you call almost everyone on this board "hun" when you post. IMO it is extremely presumptuous of you to be taking that liberty with people you don't know, whether it's in a forum such as this or in real life. Even though I grew up in the South where everyone calls everyone "hon" or "sugar" or some such diminutive, to me there are still instances where it oversteps the bounds of politeness and proper etiquette. Especially if you don't know someone well enough to be using a personal term of endearment then it comes across as condescending and disrespectful. To paraphrase what Top said to you in one post "We're not your huns".
  22. To me Peak's Lemon Pound Cake also smells like lemon drop candy. I've used it in paraffin and GW 464 and if I ever use it again I'm going to try adding something like a plain vanilla pound cake to it to bring out more of a bakery scent. But I tend to do that with other fruit/bakery type combos, like Peak's Blueberry Muffins (or CS Blueberry Cheesecake & Blueberry Cobbler & their Lemon Chiffon), all I can smell is the blueberry (or the lemon) so I have to add something cakey to them.
  23. I've tried the CS Blueberry Cobbler & Blueberry Cheesecake, both were great in my 464 soy. And Bert's has a reputation on this forum for having high quality, inexpensive oils, so if expense is one of your criteria for purchasing an oil than I would say to definitely check her oils out! And I didn't see anywhere on Aroma Haven's website where they claimed their FOs were more concentrated than anyone elses, they do state (like most of the suppliers talked about on this board) that they have high quality oils and that they are undiluted. I think one reason theirs are more expensive is that they have some really unique scents that you can't find anywhere else. I've bought a lot of AH/RE oils for testing, they have all had awesome hot/cold throw for me, and imo they're worth the extra $$ b/c I'm looking for something a little different. The more complex the scent the more ingredients therefore more $$. This is also the case with companies like DayStar. You say that the shipping from BitterCreek is too high, have you checked shipping from BC South? They're in TX as are a lot of other great FO companies, is the shipping from TX to GA that much higher? And like other posters have pointed out, there's no way to get away from testing any FO in your application. You can only hope that you find one that works for you right off the bat so then you can stop searching!
  24. Awesome! My sister loves cucumber scents! Is it a true cuc, no flowers?
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