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Everything posted by mzpickles

  1. Ahhh, I'm beginning to see your point! Week two after pouring and nary a hot throw to be found! I liked the Iced Carrot Cake oob and when I was pouring b/c I could distinctly smell all the different parts, the cake, the spices & the icing. Steve is NG's CC spicy? Other than Elements the only other one I've tried has been Lonestar's and that one was a bust.
  2. I think they will be having one sometime in August. Check their blog site.
  3. IMO it smells more like a sweetgrass type of blend, sort of more like fresh cut hay than dried bales of hay imo. And it throws like crazy at 1 oz pp in 464 soy. It's pretty unique. I hths!
  4. :laugh2: You ROCK at the blending ideas!! I've been wanting to try your Pumpkin Apple Butter one for this fall!
  5. Is it a newer BBW scent? If so, it may not have been around long enough for dupes to be made yet. And the FOF is not all inclusive, there are a lot of companies that aren't listed on there. If it's available hopefully someone here will know but be patient, this is not a fast moving board, it may take a while for someone to see this thread and post. Good luck!
  6. Did you check the Fragrance Oil Finder?
  7. This might fall under the category of getting carried away with the theme, but BCN has a Hayride scent that is really nice, they also have an Autumn Leaves scent that I love.
  8. That large? I guess I don't know how the 435 compares to the 464 but based on how well the 12's burn in slightly smaller jars (3.5" to 3") for me that seems large. I went ahead and tried 2 CD 7's (mainly because I had some of those that I couldn't use in other jars) so as soon as the candle has has a bit more cure time I'll know if that worked or not. Thank you for answering though, my board search gave me answers all over the map!
  9. And it won't make your arteries slam shut!
  10. oooh, I want to try the Elements Autumn Harvest, is the hot throw good for you in your wax? IIrc you use 464, don't you?
  11. I haven't tried the KY Carrot Cake yet (it's on my very long list of FOs to check out!) but I did pour the Iced Carrot Cake from Elements (I think it's a FOH scent) last weekend. I'm really looking forward to burning this one, it seems nice and strong & spicy. I've been looking for a really super spicy carrot cake and I may just end up blending one by adding cinnamon to this one. After I check out the KY of course!
  12. I like the BCN Cilantro too! Did you ever try the Bramble Berry Pineapple Cilantro? It's the only one I haven't tried and while I'm curious about it I haven't been curious enough to place an order for it. I have oodles of the other Pineapple Cilantros I bought and I've been thinking about adding some Coconut Milk FO to them to see if I can soften the sharp bite of the smell a bit. The Yankme description is "A tropical treat ... fresh, island pineapple served with a citrus touch of cilantro and sweet coconut."
  13. 16 oz. apothecary jar. I use a 85/15% 464/6006 blend. I'm going to be using a patchouli FO (Patchouli Spice from Cierra). In the past I've dbl wicked with two ECO 10's only to have them drown out 1/2 way down with a similar patchouli FO. I'm using CD wicks now and would appreciate a suggestion on what size to start with. Thank you all in advance! :smiley2:
  14. IMO the Mango Peach Salsa is fresh & fruity. Peach predominates but it's softened by the mango, I don't detect any of the salsa part. Great hot & cold throw in 464. I hths!
  15. on the Beach FO? I think I'm finally going to cave and test this FO out in a candle, but would like a recommendation as to which supplier to purchase from that has one with a good hot & cold throw in soy. I use 464 mixed with a bit of 6006. Thanks in advance!
  16. lol! It's MakeUpAlley.com. There are chat boards there for skin care, hair care, makeup, B&B, fragrance, nail polish, and more. When I started as a member it was just a Makeup and an anything goes board, then they started spinning off boards for more topics, the fragrance board was one of the first spinoffs. I spent a lot of time on the fragrance board to the detriment of my bank account. Not this this new habit is any cheaper!
  17. I'm such a newb at B&B that I don't even know what SLSA is!
  18. I am the same way about my favorite FOs, it's not even like I can't get anymore, it's just that what I have is mine, all mine I tell ya! I used to be a Frag Hag on MUA, so I suppose it was logical that I became a FOHO here!
  19. There's a lot of green tea perfumes out there (http://www.fragrancenet.com/f/net/search_results.html?search_type=search&search=green%20tea&mv_pc=gawus_green_tea_1351_gs_green_tea_perfumes_e&kw=green%20tea%20perfumes&gclid=CKKshseKzqICFQPJsgodRxWAxg) , possibly the best known are L'Occitane Thé Vert (Green Tea), Bvlgari Eau Parfumée au Thé Vert (the first green tea perfume) and the Elizabeth Arden product line. Almost all of the green tea fo's I've smelled smell like a green tea perfume to me except the one by Sweet Cakes. That one smells like a freshly brewed cup of green tea! http://www.fragranceoilfinder.com/catalog/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=green+tea&x=7&y=2
  20. Well, my first thought when I read your post was something to evoke the smell of what I've always called "football weather". It's the smell in the air during the fall that always says "football" to me. I've run into other people over the years that call it the same thing, something about a smell of fall that makes you think about being outside at a game on a Saturday afternoon. So my recommendation would be BCN Autumn Leaves (a BNL scent). If you're up for it, you could try adding a small touch (VERY small, it's pretty powerful) of BCN's Campfire Smoke. I think this makes it smell like a bonfire night at an evening football game. Just a thought!
  21. No, it's the same thing. And as of earlier this evening they are back up. Also I don't know (yet) if the new place is bigger or not, it's just in a different location. Could just be retail space rates are better at the new location. :smiley2:
  22. Monday maybe? I was there Wednesday, they took Thursday & today off to move, the new warehouse is not that far away so it shouldn't take that long.
  23. I like their Vanilla Cotton. I can't handle any other cotton scents (they make me sneeze!) but this one is nice!
  24. hehe. Sorry about that. What I was thinking was maybe an additon of some alpha-hydroxy acid, but maybe that's not possible. So scratch that idea, just a plain salt soak of some sort, I have bought ones in the past with salts that were scented with lemon, lavender or some sort of cooling mint. I have a few EO that I could use to scent them, I just need the basic recipe. Minus the foaming components which I'm guessing are baking soda and some sort of acid or base that would react with the baking soda. I have a chemistry background but I'm clueless when it comes to making up something like this. I even googled foot soak recipes but didn't find anything like the products I was thinking of. Am I making sense?
  25. I have a L'Artisan perfume that's patchouli mixed with rose, it is nice!
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