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Everything posted by annie123

  1. I e-mailed it to the WH, my congressman and my 2 senators but I think that most "soapers" don't take this too seriously they think that they will be ok, or that this bill will not become law.
  2. Last year my Halloween theme candles and tarts didn't sell at all...so this year I am not even going to bother making anything Halloween I'll just start producing Christmas items sooner.
  3. It's dead, dead, dead but by the time the kids go back to school it will pick up and get crazy busy.
  4. http://www.etsy.com/listing/52786324/sweet-pink-cupcake-whipped-body-butter Can anyone tell me where I can buy these?
  5. USAA :laugh2:don't even mention USAA to me...The Hartford is another good one I had business insurance with them a few years ago, never had a claim and they dropped me for no reason. Go to Indie Beauty Network you can do a search on this site.
  6. I make these and I have tested and tested them...I have even put my finger in the melted soy when the wick was still burning...it is hot but never burning hot.
  7. From what I have read it is not just about paperwork but every formula has to be tested by an independent lab and if you change any ingredients tested again...even the scent. I also read something about certified sterile facility...so no more mixing in your kitchen.
  8. I think that what they meant to say was it it will level small business...just like a bomb levels a building
  9. Welcome, if I were you I would not invest too much money because if this bill becomes law most of us will be out of business. I only make a few B&B items and I have decided not to add to my product list and see what happens. http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/oppose-hr-5786-safe-cosmetics-act-of-2010/
  10. It is easy to blame BP and ignore the reality, do you think that the other oil companies in the Gulf right now are doing anything different than what BP did? Yes, BP went with the cheaper option to save money but they were not mandated by law to have better safety features on their wells...the real question is why not since other countries required these security features to avoid this type of accident.
  11. Unfortunately we are the bastards who caused this all of by refusing to change our lifestyle, we all want cheap gasoline for our big cars, plastic bottles for our water and yes, paraffin wax for our candles. Before this mess started everybody was chanting drill baby drill...well this is a side effect of drilling. By law BP was not required to have extra safety measures like in some other countries so all BP is guilty of is wanting to make more money like all the big corporations in this country. At the end of the day we still need our cars and they run on gasoline.
  12. I signed the petition...I think people need to sign their names to be taken seriously. I only make candles but this got me thinking that after all we offer an alternative to the big candle making companies and must cut into their sales, so I wonder if theses big candle making companies wouldn't like to see us go away...with a Safe Candle act...who's to say that it is not coming next.
  13. You can always e-mail the reps who are sponsoring the bill...just google their names to find their website. H.R. 5786, the Safe Cosmetics Act of 2010, was introduced into Congress on July 21, 2020, by Reps. Jan Schakowsky, D-Ill., Ed Markey, D-Mass., and Tammy Baldwin, D-Wisc. As of the publication of this petition, the bill is new co-sponsored by Reps. John Conyers, D-Mi, Diane DeGette, D-Co, Alcee Hastings, D-Fl, Barbara Lee, D-Ca and James Moran, D-Va.
  14. I thought it was weak OOB and it didn't do anything in soy.
  15. Sure, however these days more and more people want clean energy, green and eco-friendly products and that is only going to increase as customers become more educated...paraffin wax will be left behind.
  16. So we don't want those "ancient organic materials" spilling all over the Gulf Coast but we don't mind making candles out of its by-product...
  17. Food grade paraffin is also a derivative of the production of crude oil.
  18. Save your money...I tried it 2 years ago and never made my money back.
  19. I disagree I stopped for a year and a half when we moved and when I started again I contacted my "old customers" and many came back...customers are fickle and if they really like the product you offer they will come back.
  20. I don't think that $15,000 is a lot to ask for an established business...I have more than that in supply and equipment...all that can get extremely expensive. Here you would be getting a recipe, a web site, name recognition instead of starting from nothing in a hard economy. The customers list may not be worthless even if she hasn't done any business in the last few years you still have a starting point and potential customers. However I think that you need to know how much she was making in sales.
  21. Yes for some fo and no for others...it all depends of the strenght of the fo...
  22. I love NG's OCean Mist fo but it does not smell anything like ocean to me...so for those of you who have tired it what do you think a good name would be?
  23. Well the prices keep going up while the quality of the service keeps going down...shipping packages with them is already too expensive...plus they have damaged my packages too many times so now I use Fedex and pay bills online.
  24. It looks great but it is a Trademark violation.
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