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Everything posted by annie123

  1. Call me skeptic but this kind of action requires a pretty powerfull lobby, with big contributions to politicians because these people only do what will put money in their pockets. I know that Fran Dreshner one of the faces behind the Safe Cosmetics Act also sells her own line of beauty products, claiming that they are so much better for you and won't cause cancer...so I think that the big fish will always be the big fish no matter what but I am sure that they would like to get rid of us and control the natural/organic market.
  2. No Stella, not a torch at all I couldn'd even get a full melt pool, I tested a few different FOs and I just gave up on the jars. I now use them to make jams. I add CO and I am starting to wonder if it could be the problem with my 464? I have not try CDN wicks and I still have some of the Elite jars, so I am going to try that.
  3. What wax? I use 464 and I had to go with a CD 20.
  4. Yes, 6006 is 30% soy and 70% paraffin. It is a great wax by itself when I was working with it I used zinc wicks. The only issue I had with it was the soot. 464 is a real PITA and getting a good burn in a 4" container with only one wick is not easy to say almost impossible. Mayve you should try a smaller container until you figure out what works best in your wax. TCS has a 70/30 70% soy 30% paraffin that is very easy to work with and someone use to sell a 50/50 blend but I don't remember what supplier it was. There is no magic recipe when it comes to making candles it is all about testing until you find what work best for you. So test, test, test!
  5. Ok, I want to try something new. I am thinking of trying NG WOW wax but before I spend the money I was wondering if anyone works with this Wax? Is this wax worth trying? How does it compare to Tennesse Candles Supplies 70/30?
  6. We need to stop making candles and start selling candle making supply that is where the real money is. WSP can you say EXPENSIVE? Shipping is included in their prices and their FO are excellent but I will not pay such outrageous prices.
  7. 464 is a PITA - I have been working with this wax for years and I still have problems. Cure time 2 days to 1 month - JS Caramel Apples took over 1 month to cure. Wick type and size % of FO quality of FO some work better than other, I could never get Peak's FO to throw for me in this wax, their FO work well in my tart melt wax but in 464 nothing. to CO or no to CO and when you finally get it right your candle will frost. If you are new this is not the easiest wax to work with.
  8. Makes you wonder who is really behind all this?
  9. From what I have hear USPS will default this Fall unless Congress steps in...I have nothing about people getting paid good wages and having medical and retirement but the quality of the service in my area goes from total incompetence to I couldn't care less so I think that USPS would greatly benefit from privatization.
  10. My candles are fine at first but within 2 to 3 weeks they will frost - I suspect the A/C downstairs is always much colder.
  11. I am sure it is only a matter of time until some idiot introduce the safe candle act since they were already talking about banning air freshener products.
  12. Funny Rep. Schakowsky was on MSNBC a few weeks ago saying that we need to create jobs??? I guess she doesn't realize that many of us will be out of a job when this bill passes and it will pass because what politician is going to vote against the SAFE Cosmetics Act??? Most people in the B&B business don't even know what is going on. There is no one lobbying for us, there has been no organizations to fight this and parties don't even agree, the Handcrafter Soapmakers Guild supports this bill, so it is total confusion. I want to see how long all these suppliers and organizations will last without our dollars.
  13. I bought some Perfumers alcohol from AH - Now I was told I could ship my perfumes with UPS but that is too expensive. Has anyone shipped with Fedex Ground? How do their prices compare to UPS? I was also told that I couls ship with USPS air surface???
  14. Flannel Sheets, Alaskan Wildnerness, White Ginger & Amber, Lemon Verbena.
  15. I love AH Alaskan Wilderness. OOB it smells nice and strong, more a Holiday scent to me. I made a lot of tart melts with it and they sold very well.
  16. You can't go wrong with Backwood, I just got oakmoss & amber OOB smells great, I love their Croissants, Honey Gingerbread, Sea Salt Breeze.
  17. I love JS oils but a lot of them are weak in soy. Christmas Wish, Pumpkin Patchouli, Red Velvet Cake are very good in pure soy.
  18. Just got my order from CMS, OOB the Pumpkin Spice doesn't smell like much. I am wondering if it is worth pouring into wax.
  19. EW carries a lot of Vegan and Organic products and yes they are expensive plus shipping they are on the West Coast. Are your customers willing to pay extra for vegan and organic? If not I would recommend WSP they have a good selection of B&B bases.
  20. Shipping is included in the price but I think that their prices went up? Their FO's have always been expensive, good but expensive, now they are ridiculously expensive. Over the years I have stop buying my FO's from WSP. NG, Backwoods, CS have very good quality FO's. So maybe WSP should be careful not to price itself out of business.
  21. I just check WSP last night - $111.82 for Eco soy I know shipping is included but shipping to my location is about $20.00 so that makes it $91.00 a case?
  22. I have never bought from Scentit and Onlyfragrance their FO's are a little more expensive that what I am used to. Are they worth the higher prices?
  23. Anyone other from them? I am looking at their Lemon Buttercreme and Cinnamon Bread Pudding. Any good in Soy?
  24. I made some NG Clean Cotton tarts yesterday smell nice reminds me of AH Flannel Sheets?
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