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Posts posted by Loulougirl

  1. Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later! lol I decided to make soap on a whim yesterday, and.... it overheated. I soaped too hot. Must.. learn... patience... lol

    So now I think I might try my first re-batch! lol The soap seems totally fine, just cracked and sunken in the middle. :(

    Darn it!

  2. I don't think food coloring is good to use, I've never tried it but I heard it would stain your tub/skin!

    I use the wilton gel colors in my bath bombs. They're meant for icing, and they don't add any extra liquid, which is perfect for bombs. They also tint the water a bit, which is fun! :)

    I can't say how the tbk colors will work, I haven't tired them. It might be adding just enough extra liquid to make your mix too wet. Bath bombs are finicky that way.

  3. I'm sure this has been covered but I couldn't seem to find what I was looking for..

    How can I figure out what size soap pot (bucket) to use, related to batch size.

    I mostly make 1 lb. batches, so I just mix it up in my big glass kitchen aid bowl.. but I got a nice 3lb size log mold I want to try.

    Maybe it's a dumb question, but thanks for your help ladies! :)

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