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Posts posted by Loulougirl

  1. Hi & Welcome! :)

    Search is definitely your friend! I've learned SO much by just reading and researching!

    I just wanted to say, i don't personally add color to my body butter... but if you did want to color, you'd probably want to add it at the end. Once everything's cooled down, preservative added, fo added... then color! :D

    Even just for yourself, you'll want to use real preservatives. :) I make stuff for myself, and family, and I got a few different preservatives to use in products. :) I really like Germall Plus :)

  2. Thanks you CBE :) I can only aspire to have a scrub as awesome as yours! :)

    I was mixing with my stick blender. Maybe that's too powerful?

    I'm planning on making a few more batches tonight/this weekend. Thanks for the tips! :)

    edited to add: It's not very warm here, so I don't think that's the problem. The oil layer appeared before I'd even added any fo. :(

  3. Hmm, that's a good idea Dee! I'm rather new to the emulsified scrub thing myself. :) I'll try it!

    Really I guess I need to just keep tinkering with the % of ewax to oils. This last one I made is holding up nicely, but just a bit too waxy feeling.

    Perhaps more hard oils, less soft and a touch less wax will do the trick. lol

  4. Thought I should add... my recipe is 10%ewax and 8% stearic right now. The rest is hard and soft oils, fo and preservative. and sugar. lol

    I tweaked it a bit last night, upped the wax and dropped the soft oils. This morning it seems ok, but the after feel isn't as nice.. more waxy feeling. :(

  5. So I've been working on emulsified sugar scrubs for a while now. I'm very close.. BUT... I always seem to have a thin layer of oil floating on top.

    I've tried upping my ewax, and dropping the oil %.. I'm wondering if I should increase the stearic AND ewax..

    Any advice ladies?

    Thank you! :)

  6. lol Well... lookin good so far. I honestly have no idea if wrapping helps keep the spots away. lol

    It seems the pink sugar and vanilla pear all have a few brown spots, but haven't gotten any worse. The blue hawaiian have no spots!

    I've been making scrubs since then, but I'll be back to the bubble bars soon, and I'll try mixing really, really well to see if that helps.

  7. Well, almost a week later... and there are a few (3-4) brown spots on the pink sugar bubble bars, and the vanilla pear bubble bars.

    I'm thinking this may be due to not mixing it as well as I should have. I just kinda gave it a swirl then dumped it in. :(

    I made some with NG blue hawaiian, colored them blue, used the neutralizer as well, and those don't have any brown spots. All three kinds I made within a day of each other. On this one I mixed the fo and neutralizer together really well before adding.

    I'll be keeping an eye on the blue hawaiian ones to see if they too develop drown spots. Perhaps the only key with this is to just mix thoroughly. :)

  8. Thanks for your help Dee :)

    I just got some Select Shades colors from Tradewinds. I'm gonna try them in the fbb, but I'm not sure about scrubs.

    On the site it says not to use in wax based cosmetics, but my scrub is only 10% wax. I emailed them to double check. Does anyone know about using these colors in things other than soap..?

    Mostly I got these colors for soaps, I'm pretty excited to start using them!! :D

  9. Hi all :)

    So I got some fbb to play with. It's really cool, but I was wondering how to color it. I have some liquid color for soap.. micas, and gel colors I use for bath bombs. What do you think would be best?

    I'm wondering the same thing for scrubs too. I tried micas but that didn't work well at all. It stained my skin!! :lipsrseal

    I tried the gel colors in the scrubs too and it seemed to make the scrub separate...? At least, that's the only thing I did different, so I'm guessing it has something to do with the color.

    Any help/suggestions would be much appreciated! Thanks ladies :)

  10. lol No worries. :)

    They are still nice and green, no brown specks or anything.

    I honestly didn't notice any foul smell. Course, my sense of smell isn't the sharpest, and I didn't exactly sniff the open bottle or anything either! lol

    They smell like nummy vanilla pear, no chemically note or anything off. :)

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