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Posts posted by Loulougirl

  1. I'll have to post some pics in the gallery.. lol I did swirl pink and blue across the top, and it looks pretty decent, if I say so myself! LOL

    For my version of "room temp" soaping, this is what I do. I measure all my soft oils into one bowl. My hard into another. I mix up the water/lye and slowly pour it over the hard oils. The heat melts it all pretty quickly. Then I add my soft oils, start using the ol' stickblender, and away we go! lol

  2. I made my 3rd ever bath of soap today! This time, I tried the room temp. method, and used the hot lye/water to melt my hard oils/butters. Easy peasy!! :D

    I scented it with blue bubblegum from Daystar, I'm really excited about this one! :D

    Hope everyone's having a great week so far!

  3. Thanks for the tips John! Those bombs in your avatar look awesome! :D I can only dream! lol

    I tried again last night, and I'm not sure what I did wrong this time, but all but one just sort of crumbled at the slightest pressure this morning. :(

    I added cornstarch, maybe that was it? *sigh*

  4. Sorry to double post...lol

    I tried again, and... fail! This time... no cracking, but they developed bumps all over! Not the huge warty bumps I've seen before (my first batch). They sort of look like.. concrete. lol Feel like it too, man these ones got hard! LOL

    I never liked that saying... If at first you don't succeed.. but wow, does it sure apply to me now! :D

  5. I'll be trying again this evening, I went today and got some wilton gel icing colors to use. Those orange ones above I colored with mica, and... it stained the tub!! :eek: It cleaned up ok, but man... lol

    I'm gonna try these gel icing colors in the bombs, and my bubble bars! Wooo! :D

  6. Jeana, that's very interesting! Hmmm... I am really packin it in there hard! lol I was planning on tryin again tonight, maybe I'll just try to be a bit more gentle and not jam so much in the molds, see how that goes.

    I am using the ornament balls.. I cracked one half with the first batch I made I was pushing so hard! lol

  7. So I've been experimenting with Bath Bombs. I don't feel toooo bad about all my failures, I've made some great powders, and my kids don't mind testing the "ugly, cracked and broken" ones. lol

    I'm wondering, to those of you who successfully make bombs, if you could shed some light onto what I may be doing wrong.

    I've tried about 5 different recipes, and I'm pretty sure I know what the "wet sand" consistency looks like. Well, maybe not tho. lol I pack them as tight as I can too!

    When they dry, all my bombs crack super bad across the seam, so deep that the two halves almost separate. And they've cracked down the sides as well. :( It's so sad, I really wanna make these! lol

    The recipes I've been using I got from Costal Scents, from the EBook, and from the little video from Kathy. The only ingredient I left out was the poly sorbate, since I don't have any.

    Thanks for any advice you guys can offer! :)

    p.s. This is what they look like.. :(


  8. Sad news Chuck! :sad2:

    Meridith, Hmm.. I must have missed that when I was researching milk soaps. Darn. I already recycled the can, but I'll look and see if I have more and check that out. Guar huh.

    No zap tho. I guess at this point I'll wait and see how the smell goes. Even if it's super stinky, I can still rebatch it ok?

  9. Well, I made my second ever batch of soap last night. I had a can of coconut milk in the pantry, and thought it'd be fun to try subbing that for the water. I read all I could here and elsewhere about this, and froze the milk until it was slushy before I started.

    Well, as soon as I added the lye it began to trace and became pretty thick. I stirred it like crazy and it seemed to settle down. It didn't smell weird, or look especially weird, and I added it to my oils and everything else seemed to go just fine.

    When I unwrapped it today tho, there are tiny little white speckles all over the soap and... it smells awful!! :( I read the speckles could be from the milk, so ... ok, but the smell! I wonder what happened there.

    I'm wondering if rebatching it would fix the smell problem, or if maybe I did scorch the milk or something. Well thanks for listening to my woes everyone!

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