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Everything posted by LuminousBoutique

  1. they just came out with 'pink sugar" type too. shocker.
  2. and I should add I think it not burning right is way worse than not being strong enough.. a customer could be unsatisfied with the scent, and choose something else the next time... but an improperly burning candle they wont forget.
  3. yep sorry paul but you always have to test, i learned my lesson one christmas when I got really overwhelmed with orders and I just poured a new scent for family and friends only, guessed on wick considering its the same wick I use for over 40 scents in that same container. wouldnt you know it, that one scent needed to be wicked up. Its a huge bummer (not to mention squirm worthy) to have family and friends tell you your candle didnt burn right
  4. yeah thats not bad at all! Some stores are as much as 15% in our area, and $50 is pretty low! Congrats on scoring a good deal and I hope your sales increase!
  5. yep exactly... im sick of them rewarding the cheaters.
  6. they really are so pretty its no wonder customers like them! Its a nice departure from the plain old white or tan bar of soap
  7. milled... so they make a batch of CP soap, cure it fully, then shred it down and in a double boiler slowly "melt" it, this particular soap maker adds some unmelted shreds back in for texture. Its a fabulous way to use ingredients that would be destroyed by the heat/reaction of regular CP. It lasts longer than regular CP too because it has much less water. I make alot of milled soap, ive never made dandelion... alot of this sellers soaps are very pretty but I dont know how beneficial ground up dandelions really would be....
  8. its so much better than propay, its going to change everything I think. The only issue is the small handful of customers who are wary of taking credit cards on mobile devices.
  9. I joined Etsy in late 2007 selling jewelry... opened my soap and candle shop on there in 2009. It is absolutely not the same site it was. You are 100% right admin does NOTHING about resellers unless they have solid proof, even then likely nothing is done. The FEATURED SELLER is a reseller, and simply removed the items. She was buying items off save-on-crafts.com and just selling them for 4x the price. And shes now the FEATURED SELLER. etsybitch.com etsy call out pressure on etsy ... all sites that fully document things like this.. and admins non-response. I had a friend email admin asking to be syndicated (so her items show up in google search) they said 'sure thing!' and syndicated her that day. I did the same and I was told that wasnt possible. I SAW HER EMAIL.. they did it for her... its bullshit. That said, I do not like artfire. There is very little traffic, the site is, imo, tacky and cheap looking... and my customers have just plain said they prefer etsy over artfire. So I dont go in etsy forums anymore, I avoid the cupcakes (what we who've been around awhile call the sellers that are ALWAYS on the forums putting down newbies, kissing admins ass, and denying there is anything wrong) and I just mind my own shop. As long as I'm making sales I'll keep it, but I dont count on etsy to do anything but be a venue.. I 100% believe they wont get rid of resellers because it makes them money so why would they? I have reported hundreds of shops and items.. most are still there.
  10. i always just use canned, less water
  11. with HP, i've noticed it comes right out no issues, no grease or lining needed... and if it is struggling a touch, 15 min in the freezer does the trick. Whole other story with CP but with HP its usually OK
  12. I put all the product under the table, cover them with plastic, then lower the tent.. someone would have to try REALLY hard to get to the product, so its ideal for security shows. Like envy said, pack up your expensive product though if you're worried about it... but I leave the majority of items OH- I dont leave bath bombs or moisture loving products.
  13. yeah... whoa.. but not unexpected considering there appears to be no wax left in the container and the amount of soot, size of wick.
  14. really cool way to make weights... if you have the time.. is to buy 4" PVC pipe and cut it into 2' sections, screw handles (like kitchen cabinet handles) into endcaps and epoxy one end cap on, then fill with either sand, or even better, concrete. Then epoxy the other endcap on. Make 4 of them, you can spraypaint them any color to match your booth. I just painted mine white so they would fade away. You can use the handles to carry them and also to tie onto them, but I simply ziptie them to each leg using the big strong zippies, and cut them off at the end of the show. I tried using sandbags, blocks, so on in the past and people trip on them. This way they are very hard to run into, you'd have to try. lol
  15. http://blog.thesage.com/2010/09/02/turmeric-in-cold-process-soap/ this might help! and this! http://www.craftserver.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-29693.html Personally I havent used turmeric... or paprika. I'd assume paprika would have a stronger scent... turmeric looks like it doesnt at lower usage rates! I've used small amounts of cinnamon, cocoa powder (dissolved in a little bit of water first), ground orange lime and lemon peels, blueberry juice (which turned red and green before going back to blue, PH!), ground dried rose leaves (I had deep red ones, they gave a beautiful color), ground tea leaves, uhm what else... i know there are more. This is all in CP though, with MP you could use most of those but some might not want to suspend, and might make a layer on the bottom or top as it cooled, kinda "settle" which acctually might be kinda pretty depending on the soap!
  16. I would try less sugar, just see what results you have. Have you tried this recipe? http://www.craftserver.com/forums/showthread.php?73425-Scrub-Class-July-26 I've played around with it quite a bit, its a good starting recipe. You can adjust the butters, oils, and sugars to suit your needs...
  17. the SOUP goes to a soup kitchen... i dont think the money does, but i might be remembering wrong. Anyways, good for him for having ambition but I do think its a bit nuts that he doesnt actually make the candles... but hey, thats business!
  18. if you have alot of them, you could keep them in an airtight container sorted by scent, too- that helps extend the life.
  19. ugh.. forgot about WSP's stupid order minimum. screw them.. I'll just keep looking
  20. I'll order some and see! It says laser only... but who knows. it has free shipping so its not a huge loss if it doesnt work out LOL@ pleasure ridge, I do the same thing. Any time I'm ordering from a supplier I'll look around and fill that box up if I can, just to save on shipping.
  21. The funny thing is, Bellingham WA is my hometown! I used to drop by all the time... but im not going to be there for another 3 weeks. Then again.. I could wait 3 weeks... *sigh* lol!
  22. Oh this stuff is water soluble paper- it disolves in water but you can put it in M&P soap... its hard to find, I've looked all over... but I'm hoping there might be a source I cant find- it looks fun and I want to play but jeeez.. no way I can justify those prices on shipping
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