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Everything posted by Carriegsxr6

  1. OMG all of those are so wonderful. Very professional photography as well.
  2. aaaaaaaaah so cute. How about starving artist who needs a home.
  3. looks well done. love the shades of blue you got.
  4. aaaah very very nice. perfect for the fall season.
  5. I dont think it is possible to make grubby candles with any soy wax. I have tried to use silicone molds with both container and pillar soy waxes and they just crumble when i try to take them out of the mold. I have even tried blending the two together and no luck.
  6. I have never been able to get one RRD 37 or 40 to work in a 6oz tin with this wax. You may have to go up to a 47 or 50. I sometimes get one 55 to work in a 8oz but it depends on what FO i use. I never get a full burn pool on the first burn either. The RRDs usually create a full burn pool after the second or third long burn.
  7. I usually get hairline cracks in my votives when i pour too cool. try pouring right after you finish stiring in your FO, dont let it cool down more.
  8. What are you using at the moment? Whichever manufacturer you are currently using for your container wax, most likely makes a votive/pillar blend as well. You can usually add more FO with a pillar wax than you can with a container wax. You will just have to experiment the FO load. Try 2oz per lb of wax when making tarts, and see if you get seepage. I wouldn’t recommend using a container wax with the clamshells, its can be hard to remove them since container wax does not pull away from the sides.
  9. STRAHL & PITSCH has palm waxes as well. They have warehouses on the east and west coast. Email them to get pricing and location info. They will also send out samples. I have used both their container and pillar crystaline waxes and I have great luck with them. http://www.spwax.com/datasht.htm
  10. I use this wax as well. I use the All Vegetable Modifier you can get from Candlesoylutions or Moonglow Candles. About 1tbl spoon per lb
  11. :laugh2: :laugh2: Fireside!!!!! I use to love that too until I made a bunch of candles with it, yeah i too started to feel woosy
  12. all of them are great. perfect coloring to match the scents
  13. One of my favorite scents. These look wonderful
  14. See that goes to show you that different people get different results with waxes sometimes. Cause personally the Cargill C-3 frosted way more than the Calwax CB3 for me and the tops on the CB3 were smoother than the C-3. Iono I find it that if I pour around 125 for CB3 everything comes out gravy.
  15. First batch looks wonderful. Congrats
  16. eeeeeeeek So glad you were in the same room to look over and see that. I dont want to imagine what would have happened if you stepped out of the room and werent able to react so quickly.
  17. I have used the Cargill C-3 wax in the past before and it was my fave until I found a local supplier in Cali that carried Calsoy CB3 I found that with the Cargill C-3 you MUST let these cure for at LEAST a week before you can test scent throw. And with some scents you MUST let them cure for at LEAST two weeks. For some reason the trick to this wax is the cure time. I have always had great sucess with the RRD wicks with this wax.
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