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Everything posted by Carriegsxr6

  1. I was in the process of moving into a new place so I had to hold off on any new creations for almost 2 months. Let me tell ya, it wasn’t easy. I use candle and soap making as a way to tell my self "good job" and get self gratification. Doing without and not being able to be creative really makes one feel gloomy. But finally after getting all settled in, I was able to whip up this batch using lavender and menthol essential oils. Very soothing scent when mixed together. I colored with lavender fields and sea foam green ultramarines from MMS. I got so excited towards the end that I forgot to add the mango butter and castor oil I had set aside to add at trace. So I ended up with 4% super fat, as well as a 30% water discount. This one was made with Coconut, Olive, Sunflower, Palm, Ricebran and Sesame Seed. (It should have also contained the mango and castor) Very conditioning yet hard bar
  2. oooh i really like those layers. very nice.
  3. i have noticed that I get a weaker flame from my tealight wicks when I use the PB in tealights. So I usually use the CB.
  4. oooh I really like the second one.
  5. square braided always work great for me and I make, 2", 3" and 4" diameter pillars.
  6. perfect packaing, i bet those smell great
  7. Yes this is calwax, calsoy cb3 is their all natural soy/veggie blend. I use it and love it, i always get smooth tops, great adhesion and very little frosting. I usually pour at 125. The cb2 is a soy/parrafin blend, and yes much easier to work with.
  8. Wonderful display!!! Love all of your soap, great colors and cut.
  9. congrats, its looks like a reverse swirl. Nice
  10. not to worry about it, i think the bottom one looks great.
  11. they look great, dont worry about it. geez i really really need to try some layers.
  12. Its the Soybean Oil from MMS that makes them so smooth looking. I love soy.
  13. no i didnt do any anchoring or anything. But usually my soap gets used up within a month or two. So I havent run into the problem yet of it fading.
  14. I love using EOs, A little goes a very long way. I have these drying in my bedroom and boy are they strong. I only used a couple of tablespoons of EO for the entire 4lb batch and wow. I also used MMS Yellow Oxide (pigment) for color.
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