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Everything posted by debratant

  1. I bought a few of those little candles too. They are so cute...here they are. The seaside escape I burned smelled great for such a small little thing...and it burned pretty cool. This wick is smaller than the other two it looks like. I also bought several of the hand soap...love that stuff.
  2. I just ordered some 1274 from peaks...I can't wait to play with it. I love mottled candles. Would love to see pics of yours
  3. Luci...I had tried to soap the berries and lillies and it seized on me. I love the Wild Sage, Crab Apple and darn it...now I gotta go look again to see what she has lately lol.
  4. I think I will make a candle with it. Kinda saved it for soap. Although...I could order more. lol
  5. Ravens...I would first do what Brenda suggested and back down the fo because she dealt with this issue with your blend. I use comfort blend only. I believe I've double wicked that jar with htp fifty two...sorry to spell numbers. Number keys don't work on laptop lol.
  6. I have his nine bar slab and the dual loaf molds and have not had an issue like this at all. Is the sheet mold different from the slabs?
  7. See that white ash on your wicks? I've had that happen to some of my zincs after one burn...and they were pitiful...barely a flame. I read on here about some other people having an issue with the zincs too, not sure what thread...did a search and came across it....figured maybe it was a bad batch? I switched to htp. here ya go...read this link http://www.craftserver.com/forums/showthread.php?t=78305
  8. I like that oil alot...need to make another batch of soap with it as it's one of my husbands favorites. I kept the name (although I don't sell)...and I color it light butter yellow and add red jojoba beads to it.
  9. Hi Noodle. Admittedly, it's been a few years since I ordered fo's from Chemistry Store. The ones I had are all one ouncers and i only used them in soap, which they were fine for. I am going to be placing an order there in a week or so...what do you recommend getting as far as fo's go?
  10. That Hinoki Wood is awesome...you should order a sample of that one for sure Ravens. It is strong like Luminous said. I made a pillar with it and only used 3% and that was strong. I like the Chemistry Store for a lot of their things, oils, butters and soaping stuff...but the fo's are not really one of them.
  11. Hit or miss...as with any supplier. I do have to say though...that I poured 2 of her Spring Rain into 4627 with a tad of glass glow added and let me tell you...the hot throw is phenomenal....and the cold throw is out of this world as well. That was the first time I tried adding glass glow to my 4627. I read it on here somewhere and thought to try it and dang...this candle is just awesome lol. I used 8% fo load. I use alot of her oils in soap though...and they are fine.
  12. Yep Daisy....made the same mistake when I was new to pillars. lol You can remelt that one down and try again...just remember to save a bit in your pour pot for the repour Oh...and as Candybee said..that pillar wax shrinks...so you didn't do anything wrong. What I do is either pour at night then when I get up...do my repour...or pour in the am...then do my repour at night. Sometimes I'm able to repour sooner just depends on how long it takes to cool in this house. I also may repour sooner when I see the sides start to pull away from the mold. Then it's tricky for me to repour to just the right spot so I don't overpour. *my hands are shaky lol*
  13. I use the comfort blend wax....after trying a few waxes...this is the one that I felt had the best hot and cold throw. It's a mess to work with...but I've found if I cut it up into workable chunks and store it in a container...it's not so bad at all lol. I find this wax to be the best for me...and my nose. I use htp wicks with this wax. As far as this board being not very active....well, sometimes it gets slow, but it is the best and to my knowledge...the only discussion board besides the dish that you are free to discuss anything you want.
  14. Interesting...and of course I had to google painting with smoke to see what it's about. Called fumage...quite interesting and a practice that goes back a LONG time. I'd never heard of it...but then I'm not an artist. I had heard of a sight smoker...as my H was a sniper at one time for a swat team...but had never seen one, so thanks for those links schmism. A pillar or taper candle seems to be the preferred method, from what I read, and probably cheaper lol. Anyway...ya learn something new on this site all the time. Good luck cactus lady with whatever you do on this.
  15. Depends on the day really...on a good day...dear hubby...on a bad day...damn hubby...on a really bad day...well...you figure that one out My apologies to Amyrose for the off topic too lol
  16. It seems like someone else mentioned the aztec wax earlier this week. I almost ordered some from C and S the other night...but ended up backing out of my cart since something came up. Guess I will go ahead and order from Peak. I've been out of GG for several months so it hasn't affected me. But then...I'm a hobby maker...so don't order wax often. Complain away....it's great info for those of us who are looking to order and aren't sure where to get this wax lol. my bad...it was debbie who asked if they were discontinuing...lol
  17. I think they both look good...but I'm partial to the tye dye looking one too. Oh, you will try cp some day. Guaranteed. I will be prepared to come bump up this post someday when I see you mention you're trying cp. I started with MP too and love the creativity with it...but love the cp process too.
  18. That's a good man Steve. A guy giving me soap/candles on a date would certainly keep me coming back, not to mention cooking me dinner? I can't even remember the last time my husband cooked me a meal lol. Good for you.
  19. I wrap them up in newspaper and put in a little box filled with newspaper Never had a problem sending them that way to family. I send my mom tarts all the time. A padded envelope would work too probably, but the votives might get banged up in that.
  20. The reason you had shrinking in your container is because you used a pillar/votive wax for a container. Not sure where you got the slap of wax..michaels? hobby store?...but if it's for pillars/votives...it will not be great to use for a container. I use mostly paraffin...I order supplies online so I'd suggest looking at the supplier by state thread and find someone close to you to order from. I use 4627 comfort blend. It's a PITA to work with because of it's consistancy..vaseline...but I LOVE it. I use HTP wicks with this wax. For pillars/votive and tarts I switch between 4625 paraffin, 1343 and palm waxes. I use flat braid wicking for pillars. One of the reasons you got those lines is likely because you poured too cool...too slow or a combination of both. They are called jump lines. Hope this helps a little.
  21. I have soaped Red Palm butter before about 2 years ago or so. I have pics of them somewhere. The Red Palm was actually one of my first 3 batches ever. It was a very dark yellow color. Google red palm oil soap and you will see the color. It was a nice bar...even for my 3rd batch lol.
  22. thanks for that tip moonshine. I have some tart molds that have some rust on them and I will use the oven cleaner now.
  23. Well, good luck with that steve:p<runs off to order more m/p:tiptoe:
  24. I have a bin filled with rice...you can buy a big bag cheap at the store...and put my molds in there. This requires some finaggling and leveling, but it also keeps leaks contained to the bin should anything leak. I use this bin mainly for angled layered pillars mostly but still usefull for regulars.
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