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Everything posted by Firefly

  1. I've smelled big company candles and they don't smell like pure essential oils at all. On the other hand when I try ones from smaller companies (ie in the city I live in) they smell similar to mine and I can tell they are essential oils. With CB Advanced and Enchanted Lites I get pretty good HT but with stronger scents EO's like Peppermint, Rosemary, Thyme, Lavender and I use about 10%. The lighter EO's are harder to get a HT with and I've heard Coconut oil works well and have only tried it once but used too much. I always get a stronger throw with FO's though.
  2. Thanks, of course I forgot to state what type of wax I will be using which would have been helpful. Glad I posted as it sounds like LX 18 is the wrong one to use and I have lots of LX16, LX14 etc too. I have 3 types of Ecosoya but will use straight Enchanted Lightes soy in this one and probably ad 5% palm wax but can skip the palm ratio. Since it's just for me putting some palm in there will allow me to conserve some of my soy. The largest part diameter wise is 4" across (from corner to corner it's 5" across). I want to use Sugar FO with it that I get from a Canadian supplier who I believe gets it from Brambleberry. Normally I use 10% FO for scent.
  3. I don't have an answer for you but here are some of the links here where others have asked about other dyes in soy wax. http://www.craftserver.com/forums/showthread.php?t=78832&highlight=liquid+dyes http://www.craftserver.com/forums/showthread.php?t=78463&highlight=liquid+dyes
  4. Debbie, Thanks, yes there are grapes, apples and I think pears on the side of it. It was in a thrift store and there was only one. It holds 34.5 ounces of water as I measured to figure out a rough idea of wax that it would hold. I'm always burning candles but I wanted one that would last for a long time and can't wait to try this out. If no one has any ideas I'll probably try three wicks to be on the safe side and will try LX 18 I think.
  5. Hello, My mom found this cool glass jar for me and I want to make a candle for myself only. It's 3.5" wide up top and the bottom is 4" across, from corner to corner it's 5". Should I try 3 wicks with this jar to get a full melt pool and what size do you think would work? I'm thinking of trying LX18 as I have a lot of those and I have LX20, RRD47, #3 square braid, HTP 104 and 105. Any ideas? Since it's just for me I can remelt and try again but just trying to figure out what wick to try and how many to use. Should they all be spaced near the centre? I don't ever use more than one wick so have no idea here. side view top view
  6. That soap is a beauty and can't wait to see cut pictures.
  7. Lovely, I like the blue in that first salt bar.
  8. Welcome to the board, it is a wonderful resource and everyone is so helpful.
  9. You have done a beautiful job and I love the delicate look of the swirls and the colour. The scent sounds divine.
  10. They are all fantastic even the one you think is a mistake at the bottom but black Raspberry Vanilla is my favourite. I love the swirlies you go tin a log style mold.
  11. Great question and I'm learning too. I measure 16 oz of wax and multiply it by whatever percent I'm using and add that to the 16 oz of wax. No I want to try it the other way as posted here. I've used both the Ecosoya CB Advanced and the Ecosoya pure soy. The CB Advanced is just a flawless wax, it takes colour well and burns well and has a great scent throw but has some botanical oils added to the wax. The Ecosoya pure is 100% soybeans and does not have botanical oils added to it. It also has been working well for me and I find it's a softer wax so it's not good for making chunks out of (CB Advanced is better for that). It also takes colour well and burns great but it's being discontinued so you can only get what certain suppliers have left so I'd recommend the Advanced or CB 135 (which doesn't work as well with higher scent percentages and wax chips) but scent throw is great for both. I've also used palm wax on it's own and it's a much harder wax so great for pillars, containers etc. It's also vegan and has great scent throw. Beeswax is wonderful but the toughest (in my opinion) to wick and it's also expensive to buy unless you can get it cheap form a local beekeeper. It isn't vegan so certain customers will buy but I still make at least one beeswax candle in my line.
  12. Yep, the place where I got my pure soy has a notice up saying it's being discontinued which is too bad as I was really liking it. Guess it will be back to CB Advanced and CB 135 along with Enchanted Lites.
  13. I would just work with what you have unless this customer is putting in a big order. Coffee soap works well with kitchen odours so maybe that scent in a candle would work well? I'm in the midst of wicking an 8 oz deep tin and am finding it tricky but am using EO's and all soy. I've tried a HTP 104, 105, RRD47, cotton 44-28-18C and will try a #3 square braid but have a feeling that HTP1212 will work perfectly but I don't have any of those at the moment.
  14. Thanks for the feedback. Scented, Yes the first one is M&P inside of M&P.
  15. I really like The Sage FO's and some of Brambleberry's as well.
  16. Those are really pretty and the colours are great.
  17. Hello, I wanted to post these earlier but I was busy with all my Christmas shows so thought I'd post them now. This is a M&P that took a bit of work to make and it's scented in a Cranberry scent. Chai Tea Soap with essential oils before I cut it. Chai Tea that's has been cut Energy M&P soap that was fun to make Almond Star M&P Wonder soap made with essential oils that is M&P Honey and Oatmeal Soap CP This is my Tranquility soap that is an essential oil blend I created and I used TKB pop colours. Well that's all for now. I'll post my newer photos of soap I've recently made soon.
  18. Thanks for the heads up. Think I'll get more while I can. So far I really like the scent throw of this wax. Guess when I'm out of it I'll continue using the other ones I have. Does anyone know what is similar to the Ecosoya Pure soy?
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