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Everything posted by Firefly

  1. It's gorgeous leave it alone. That soap is too pretty to chunk.
  2. Jeana, That's a great idea. Well I don't have that exact wax but I'm thinking I'll try one this week-end (along with my experiment of one that is just all Ecosoya Advanced and one that is all EL to see how they each burn with the exact same colour and scent ratio) and use a mix of EL and Ecosoya Advanced and an EO blend. The EO blend I had a tough time with had Patchouli in it and I know that is a trickier one to wick because last time I did a Patch/Lemongrass blend and had the same problems with it having a weak flame. Going to try and get my hands on ECO wicks at some point as I can't find them in Canada so will find a US place that ships USPS as UPS is a killer on brokerage fees etc. alimet, I've just starting experimenting with CB 135 and really like it but find I get some wet spots if I use wax chips for colour. I've heard this wax is best with no colour or liquid colourant but the scent throw was good and it burned well. I did try a patchouli blend with it but added a lot of colour and that could also be the reason for the weak flame. I used an LX 18 wick in a 4 oz deep tin. Do a search on CB135 though and you will find a lot of information about it.
  3. It's really interesting you mentioned this because I use Ecosoya Advanced, and am now experimenting with Ecosoya CB 135 and Ecosoya pure container soy and seem to have a problem only when I make EO candles. I thought it was due to too much colour or too much scent. Also use Enchanged Lites and don't remember ever having that problem with EO blends before. Now I"m going to experiment and try the exact same ration with my EL and my Ecosoya. My flame doesn't go out but goes very low and gets weak as you describe. It never dawned on me it could be the Ecosoya. I never have this problem thought with that wax and FO blends I use and I know EO's require a higher sometimes.
  4. Buble, Mine isn't a pretty as your picture and I had to add a fair bit of blue to get it to a decent shade but it's the smoothest rebatch I've had. I'm waiting for it to get a bit harder and then I'll bevel and cut it and perhaps post photos of it. I tried to get a neat texture on top but think I'll rub green mica on top to make it a bit prettier. It is a great way to use up scraps and does last a long time.
  5. Oh wow that looks so nice and creamy. Can you post pictures of it in the mold and say warning swap spoiler alert? It looks divine.
  6. bubble, I just tried your version of rebatching and it worked really well. Thanks for sharing.
  7. They look lovely and the scent sounds divine.
  8. The cut bars look wonderful and I love the colours you used.
  9. That is great looking and looks like a waffle on top that's eatable.
  10. I'm in love with that soap. It will get snapped up fast due to it's beauty. I find when I make really pretty soaps they sell out really fast.
  11. Lovely, I too like your packaging.
  12. Both are great but love the cupcakes.
  13. They all look so pretty and can't wait to see them cut. That pink one is to die for but they are all unique and cool looking. Customers will see those and think they are amazing and won't have the expectations that you did when first making them. That's what I have realized that what I think isn't perfect always appeals to customers.
  14. Scented, Thanks for the compliment, my first one I made that I wanted to look like this was a flop and I had to rebatch it so it takes practice. The purple bottom layer was a nightmare. I used purple oxide thinking it would look great and as I poured it into the soap it turned a greyish colour on me. My sister and I both were not happy with that so I grabbed a blue then a red liquid colourant and kept adding drops hoping it would turn out. It still didn't look purple in the pot but more of a dark burgundy grey colour.] I'd like to find a consistent purple colour myself.
  15. Those are so stunning and I'm sure they will be snapped right up.
  16. Thanks, it's a mix of Lavender EO and FO as I ran out of my EO.
  17. Your votive is stunning and I love the box as it's very classy looking. I'd buy one too if I saw it where I lived.
  18. That is so cool looking. You did a great job and I'm sure it took some patience.
  19. I always use my scale to measure my wax and fragrance and the only thing I don't measure is my wax chip amount as I just eyeball how much to use and use a grater when I add my wax in.
  20. Here is the cut photo: The funny part is my sister and I had a big fight over this soap while we were making it. She had one idea in her head and I had another. Then she started pouring and panicked and I took over. She didn't like this design at all when it was wet. Then when it dried she sheepishly said she really like it.
  21. Thanks for the nice compliments. It should be ready to cut when I get home from work later today. Scented, Your soap are always stunning.
  22. Here is a Lavender soap I made: This is the soap when I poured it and it's CP and I used neon oxides. This is the soap out of the mold but want to wait until it's a big harder before I cut it. The bottom layer is purple. I'll post cut pictures when it's ready.
  23. Hello, Thanks. Well I was going to use 2 LX 14's but the ones I have aren't tall enough so decided to use 2 HTP 83's and it doesn't look like it will reach the edge. I should have used 3 HTP 83's or 2 HTP 104's as I had those in tall size and also have HTP 105's in tall size too. I'm in Canada and Eco and CD wicks don't exist here or at least I haven't found a place that sells them. What I might do down the road is order a sampler pack from a place in the States but for now I can get LX, HTP, square braid, RRD's etc.
  24. That looks great and I love the oclours you used.
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