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Everything posted by Louise

  1. Ooooo, I hope you post pics after you cut those! What a nice thing to do for you friend.
  2. Hey, I don't want a Mounds bar.... there's no nuts! "You can be my "straight man" forever and ever!" Ok, but don't be touching me in a way that makes me feel uncomfortable....
  3. Dee, interesting results. When your hubby did the tub thing and got all tingly, did that include his hands also? Sometimes our hands can take alot more than the rest of our bodies. I'm just kinda thinking out loud here. Can he maybe lay his arm (or a good part of it) in the sink?
  4. Soybean oil doesn't add much quality to soap and is used mainly as an inexpensive filler. You would do better to lower it to no more than 20% and add olive oil at 25%. Higher amounts than 20% of soybean oil will make your soaps softer and also more prone to rancidity. HTH
  5. Those turned out really cute Libby. And what a find you got on the pots, good deal!
  6. Terrific SF! Then it will stay nice and purdy, I like that. Dang, and I just ordered some BRV but not from SW, bummer.
  7. Lookin' good there, ladysj! I can't wait til you cut them, I bet they will be really cool looking inside.
  8. Another gorgeous work of art, SF! You truly are the Goddess of Swirl! Now, I have to ask, will the base part of the soap turn dark due to the vanilla in the fo?
  9. Dee, why don't you try this. Put the plug in your sink and run water in it with the bubble bath. Let it sit a few minutes all bubbly and nice. Then, slice a bit off the drakkar bar and toss it in. Stand back and watch. If all the bubbles disappear, then you'll know it wasn't just a fluke thing. If you have some unscented soap, slice a bit off of that and do the same with the bubble bath. Will be interesting to see if it's the soap and bubble bath in general, or a scent thing.
  10. Congratulations Mama on your first born!! And just look at those baby balls (oh she's not addicted, uh uh, nope, lol)
  11. How pretty!! I love the colors and the swirls, Barbara! I'm with you on the ash thing and reason for liking HP better. But I'm sure as soon as you can wipe them w/some alcohol all will be right as rain.
  12. WOW! Absolutely stunning. The colors are so vibrant.
  13. Oh, here's a name for the candle. Nuts About Java Disclaimer: I am not responsible if this has already been suggested. If it has, I apologize. I must be channelling today.
  14. Vio, yes, when your soap is cured you can wash it off. No, it doesn't get into the soap. It's like a layer of dust on top of it. HTH
  15. UGH with that darned ash. That's what I dislike so much about cp.
  16. What pretty spring colors. I'm sure they will be a big hit with your customers.
  17. Nice swirling effect there. I bet it smells out of this world too!
  18. Announcer Johnny, "Well, she's won a Cup of Joe's Nuts in the handy twelve pack carton, along with Joe's Nuts in a Bag. These items are sure to bring hours of pleasure! Found at fine retailers everywhere"
  19. Oh goody!! What did I win? Johnny, tell her what she's won! *camera pans over to hostess as she makes sweeping arms movements displaying all the prizes* :laugh2: :laugh2:
  20. Sometimes ya don't ( couldn't resist, lol, I'll go to my corner now ------->)
  21. Angel, ooooo, good idea about the salt scrubs, I'll keep that in mind, thanks. (And yes, next time I'll cut them sooner, promise lol). The colors were Ultramarine Blue and Chromium Green Oxide. Now I'm totally out of the green and not too far behind on the blue. I'd best get to ordering more. Scented, when I used the whisk, and finally got to what I thought was a light trace, I then poured off for my colors and mixed them up, then went back to my pot and whisked, whisked, whisked to get more salt up into the mix. When I then looked at my color cups, the soap was definately getting thicker just sitting there, so figured I'd better get pouring. Gotta find that fine line, ugh.
  22. Ok, I'll fess up that I have 10 huge Rubbermaid tubs on wheels and then 5 smaller tubs, 5 paper carton boxes, 3 diaper carton boxes, 6 large black trash bags, and 1 dresser full of fabrics. I sew anything from quilts, formal wear, flannel pants, scrubs, coats, dolls and bunnies and craft items, to my own lined suits when I worked in my former life. Ducky, you can find cardboard storage boxes at an office supply store that are small enough to hold each batch of soap, that way the scents won't mingle.
  23. Very pretty colors and swirls! And that scent sounds so yummy :drool:
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