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Everything posted by Louise

  1. Ooooooooooh, I can't wait til you cut that bad boy!!
  2. Two oils that I always make sure I have on hand are Avocado and Sweet Almond. Of course I always have Emu Oil too. They both are super in soap. I certainly can tell the difference between a soap with it and a soap without it.
  3. Barbara, they look fantastic! And yes, they look lemony, I love the name! Looking at these is making me :drool:
  4. They are so pretty! Haven't sniffed salty mariner before, so I'm not familiar with the scent, but the name is certainly appropriate!
  5. Steph, sounds like you've been busy. Can't wait to see the pics! Start putting some of your fall and winter soaps on special, maybe that will help clear some of them out.
  6. With the orange EO in it, along with the other ingredients, it will do fine for a mechanic's bar. Take a bar and find the nearest garage and let them try it out, then you can say "Mechanic tested"
  7. If you are unable to find it, don't stress, the pumace you add in will still do the trick. You could also substitute poppy seeds for the cornmeal.
  8. Dee, your hubby did a terrific job! Looks like he's a natural at it.
  9. "What a difference half a day made." Oh great, NOW I've got that song stuck in my head!! :laugh2: (starts doing a step, twirl, step twirl across the kitchen)
  10. Woohooo, those are bright indeed . I love 'em! I didn't order the neons in the co-op but did get the pop colors. Might just have to order the neons on my own now lol. Terrific swirls you got in your soapies
  11. They look great Vio! You really got some good marbling going there. I love the colors and I bet it smells wonderful!
  12. Sharon, we made them so they last only as long as the Glade ones do, which is a couple of hours. That's all they were really meant to burn actually. But I imagine you could make your refills a little bigger than theirs so they would burn longer. Just be careful how big you make them, as all the melted wax needs to fit in the dish. I used a veggie container wax and a pre-prepped wick. I believe they were Proforma 95. HTH
  13. Glade Scented Oil Candles? My friend saved all her little metal wick cup tab things and we made our own refills. They work like a hot damn. My question is, do you think that the flat metal wick tabs would work just like their cupped wick tab or do you feel it's the cupped shape that helps feed the melted wax up to the wick? I'm just wondering about this and we meant to make a flat tabbed one to try out, but we forgot in all our excitement, lol.
  14. Sally, they are looking good! Next time you do lavendar seeds, put them on the bottom of the mold and then pour your soap in. Less will fall off then.
  15. LL, I think I remember that there is a couple people here who do that. But now that you've asked, my mind went blank, lol. I believe I remember someone saying in a thread that they ship out at 4 weeks maybe? And that the soap isn't fully cured, and that they told the people who sell it sliced that it isn't, but she suspects they are slicing and selling it anyway as soon as they get it. Does that sound familiar?
  16. TexasBrat, yes they require the normal curing time as any cp soap. Carebear, isn't that always the way? When they don't pick on each other you know for sure they're really really sick. When it starts up again, you know they're starting to get better, LOL.
  17. They look lovely, Grandma. I like the soft colors very much. Dang, why isn't there a scratch n sniff screen yet?
  18. Gran, you haven't made anything??? Dang, you're as bad as I am. But I'm getting ready to get to soapin' in just a few mins.
  19. TexasBrat, I can't wait to see your salt bars. Pics! Pics! We need pics! And yes, they'll harden, don't worry, lol. Mine are only a week old and they have hardened up considerably. Carebear, so sorry to hear about the strep. That's no fun for anyone, but especially for kids.
  20. Bless your hubby's widdle heart for being the guinea pig. Hopefully he won't experience any adverse affects down the road
  21. Those are really cool! So pretty and dainty looking.
  22. Vio, looking good! I love the colors, can't wait til I get my pop colors! Are the 2 layers sticking together? I hope so, it will be awesome soap for sure. I can't wait to see your hanger soap cuts too!
  23. "I've got connections" :laugh2: :laugh2: Bless that man for coming through for ya! I meant to tell you yesterday you'd best make a trip to the dry cleaners, ROFL.
  24. What terrific swirls you got!! Both look great, but I'm really liking the second one's colors. I have no idea what Love Spell smells like, but they look like it smells wonderful.
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