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Everything posted by Louise

  1. How pretty, sherry. Isn't it fun making things like that? I love it. To take some fabric and cut and sew and stuff and embellish and create. Your soap will be a great addition!
  2. Ginger took the words right out of my mouth.... they look like summer...so cool and refreshing!
  3. Thanks Vio. I'm sure though that this isn't one of the first things you should be eating! But I bet saltine crackers taste like a gourmet meal about now eh? lol
  4. Ooooh, it looks so creamy and dreamy! Love the purple sugar on top. I'm pretty sure you'll be needing my address
  5. I had to come back and gaze at these lovely swirlie soaps. Can't wait til my pops get here and I can play! I've been holding off soaping an fo, waiting for them to get here... I need that orange! lol
  6. I think they are both very pretty! I can't notice the gray hue in the first batch like you mentioned. But then again, sometimes seeing soaps in pictures are very different than seeing them in person. I can't wait to see these cut!
  7. Well, this sounds like a party waiting to happen.... I'm in!
  8. Oooooooh, they look so nice! And I love how the colors turned out. Of course, now I'm wishing I ordered the Dragonfly one too!
  9. I bet it smells wonderful. And with that in mine, I call dibs on the 3rd bar in from the right in the back row
  10. That looks terrific! Such elegant swirls too. Can't wait to see cut pics. I can see you all are going to be torturing me with the new colors.....UGH!!
  11. Hi, my name is Louise. (Hello Louise) And I admit I'm a fan of this weekly thread too. (watches as everyone else nods there head in agreement) It all started one day, as I was walking down the yellow brick road.... Ah, what to make this weekend. Well, I think I'll rebatch this truly ugly soap that started out nice and since then has turned brown on me. So I'm going to shred some of it and make shower gel. I have some other ideas swirling around in my head so will just snag one of those and run with it. I hope you all show your creations after they're made so we can see them!
  12. I make YOU laugh??? I'm still thinking about Joe!! (I have an appt on Monday. I may have a new story to tell ya after that. LOL)
  13. Very pretty swirls. I love the colors! What scent are they?
  14. Thanks everyone! They were really fun to make. I also got to make whipped soap for the first time. Ima thinking I'll be doing this again, it's just too cool. Thanks Soapbuddy for letting me know Nizzy is a he. LOL
  15. Michi, how cool! What scent did you use? I bet they smell great. And the crinkle cut sets everything off so nice too. Terrific job!
  16. Grandma, they look great.... very nice, and clear! Mine never turn out that way, so I finally just moved on to other things lol. But after seeing all the LS pics lately, I may revisit it down the road sometime.
  17. Here's the pics of the cut bars. [ATTACH]15087[/ATTACH] The bar on the right was cut with a knife dipped in hot water. The bar on the left was cut with fishing line. Notice what happens though if the line doesn't go all the way to the bottom of the bar.
  18. Michi, I failed to state that this was whipped soap....my bad I had been reading about how some people cut it if they use a log mold. The best way is to cut with a wire, but wasn't sure if I had any wire. LovelyLathers, yes it is fun to make! I know I'll be doing some more like this. You say it's best to cut them as soon as they cool down, but I don't remember them getting hot! LOL. I followed Nizzy's method and soaped RT. I beat the heck out of my solid oils (never did get actual peaks) and then slowly added my liquid oils, hand whisked from there (which I think was a mistake and will differently next time), then slowly added my fo and whisked some more. My hands and wrists are really screaming today . I just cut my log....used the hot water knife trick. That worked ok. Then halfway through went to see if I had any craft wire. I didn't, but I did locate my roll of fishing line! I think that worked a little better than the hot knife. In the silicone molds I poured 3 full roses and a dibble of a rose. So I took out the dibble rose but some of the soap stayed in the mold, so will wait a day or so to attempt to take the others out. Very interesting, indeed, this whipped soap. Oh, and I don't know if anyone remembers when I asked in a thread about using the cookie press. Well, after reading Nizzy's tut again, she suggests using one, LOL.
  19. Thanks Ginger. I was sort of craving cupcakes after I made them. I wonder why, lol.
  20. Thanks Carrie. They are scented with Butt Naked. I was going to have my title read "See My Butt Cuppies", but somehow that just didn't sound right
  21. After being inspired by LovelyLather's whipped soap cuppies, I just had to give some whipped soap a try. I was just sorry I didn't have any jimmies to put on them. [ATTACH]15086[/ATTACH] I also made a layered log mold and even a few roses in a silicon baking mold, but they are not unmolded or cut yet. I've read where it's best to cut log molds with wire, but don't know if I have any. Maybe if I don't wait too long to unmold, I'll be able to use a knife dipped in hot water. If anyone has any other suggestions, please, don't hold back, lol. Thanks for looking!
  22. They both look super! I think your purple/pink one turned out just fine. Love the colors.
  23. Gran, yes, sometimes I use both in the same recipe at 7% each (my main oil being OO). You could use 10% of each depending on what your other oils are, but be prepared to wait a little longer to unmold and cut. Avocado has a high percentage of unsaponifiables so your bars will be a bit softer. HTH
  24. Emu oil, evening primrose oil, borage oil, neem oil. HTH
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