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Everything posted by barncat

  1. I would guess that over 1/2 probably dont even have a tW, I would say about sitting in a dish as an aroma thing...not good with words today:lipsrseal, but do you get the idea?....
  2. Man....i thought i clicked on the recipe page! Both look yummy, prefer the plain, only cause i dont like raisins!!
  3. A Few Sprinkles, But The Weather Held Out For Ssaturdays Show. Did Better Than Most Of The Other Vendors Around Me. Most Didn't Show Up Cause Of The Weather. Did 10x The Booth, So Was Ok For Me, Should Have Been Much Better Though. I Was Trying Out My New Stuff, I Would Say About 10% Of My Sales Were The New Stuff I Was Trying And The Rest Was Regular Old Stuff,,,was Hoping The New Stuff Would Go Over More.
  4. You laugh, but it costs me about $500 in their screw up! i couldn't sell it to our customers cause it wasn't the same color. And another $200 in materials and 5 hours in labor fixing it cause they poured contianer wax into pillar silcone molds! and on and on......
  5. You've pretty much quoted my life. Do as much yourselves as possible before hiring emplyees. Once you get into employees it doesn't always get better. Training, watching them all the time, putting the wrong scent in, the wrong colors, casuse they dont know the differnce between blue and navy dye, etc... If you need to hire someone, do it PT. any other friends or relatives you can hire just to do packaging? maybe exchange their work for candles. I would suggest shutting down for 2 weeks. Go somewhere, and don't go into a gift shop with candles!! I can never get away with out involving a trade show or going out shopping and checking out the competition. Everyone gets burned out, beilieve me, for a while I didn't come in until 11 or sometimes at all, because i just didn;t like it any more. but things have changed, and I'm back in to it again. How old is your son? Get him invilved. i'm sure he would enjoy spending more timt with you. my son is 5 and can weigh out tarts, unpakage supplies, heck now hes into dipping candles!! he enjoys it by spending time with us, and I also pay him a few dollars too! He's saving up for a 4 wheeler. he even wants to make his own stuff for a craft show. We come in sometimes at 7am and can easily work until 11pm. Your not the only one. I was watching tv one night and the owner of a restaurant said he worked 120 hours a week and I thought I wasnt working enough. By actually taking all the orders in and creating a schedule you can effectively reduce your time. We now go home at 6pm. yet, i alwyas take paerwork home and work on the laptop, but I'm still technically "home" and can put it down if needed be. Do you ahve quickbooks? if not get it! You can imput your orders and have it spit out a report for what you need for the week. This eliminates having to make the same thing twice.
  6. How about offering them $6 or 2/$10, or $7 and 2/$12 and 3/$15 that way you are offering the higher price but giving them a discount of they buy more. This may end up working out better for you by selling more and actually having better profits.
  7. I have the 5" ones I could spare, but I dont think the 3 2.5" ones, I'll keep searching if I have any.
  8. i've only tried the red velvet, which I thought was very weak and did not really smell.
  9. I have these boxes that my bulbs come in that give a nice snug fit a PET 1oz bottle. the only thing is you would have to put a label on the top, as there is some code numbers on it. They are white about 1" square and 4 1/4" high. you may have them, just pay shipping. Have a few thousand......
  10. This company has stamps.com too. Next time I get to the P.O. I'll have to ask what was made out of it. So that would be a federal crime I guess?
  11. Both packages had the exact same label (the tracking numbers were the same, they are supposed to have individual numbers)on them. I don' t think our postman really new what to do, until he told his boss that he couldn't get them to scan and noticed they were the same numbers. I just had to put the empties back in the mailbox for him to check out.
  12. Well, if you thought about copying labels and trying to get 2 for one, forget it!! I finally got my box from laserinkjetlabels and they had the same tracking number on them when the mailman scanned then. Postmaster called me and they are going to investigate it, and want all the envelopes back! Don't know if it was an accident or not, but someones in trouble!!
  13. Anyone else having problems with them? This is twice now they had no labels...uh what's the problem, all they do is labels?? I ordered on Wed, was notified later that day that they were out. i emailed back right away asking how long and no reply. my card was charged yesterday, so assuming that they are going to ship now. I called today and checked and they said that they wouldn't even begin to ship orders until next thursday Right now they are the only one making a specific label.
  14. All of KOTL are custom made for them, i have a contact for someone who makes them for them, but could be anywhere at the moment.
  15. It can take me 1 week to sell $1000 in retail, yet a few hours to sell $1000 wholesale. The whole point is volume. If you feel that you aren't making enough or not worth the time, don't do it. Just cause someone asks, doesn't mean you have to.
  16. Yes, check with your local university to see of there is a SBDC there or nearby. ITs free and they have tons of seminars and you can meet with them. I meet with them every other week, trying to utilize all their resources and such and find out where I can cut costs.
  17. I Made A Roughly 5" Across And 4" High Heart, And Used A 60-44-18zinc And Worked Perfectly. Used Ecosoya Pb For It
  18. I've had that heppen too. I got an apple once that smelled like honeysuckle. It took a while, but eventually they sent a call tag.
  19. While visiting New England aI stopped in at the Yankmee candle flagship store. It was huge. Seen lots of cool stuff, plus they gave some demos on beeswax dipping in colonial times. I was actually expecting more. Was a big giant gift shop really. they had every type of yankee candle you could imagine, as well as more. My son enjoyed it. he liked the forest you walked through and all the neat displays, very kid freindly. He also duipped some candles, now I couldn't get him to do any of that here, but he loved it.
  20. I'd post in large quantities first and see what you can rid of, then try the smaller amounts
  21. I have a collegue that was contacted by QVC, and they sat down and everything with them. They had to have so many units in stock and you had to buy back what didn't sell, plus you had to take back any returned items. You had to provide packaging as well. They wanted to be able to sell them at his wholesale price. It was more of a hassle for him and he wasn't going to make any money. They are very price driven. He thought it was a great deal at first, but walked away. Just make sure you get everything in writing and be prepared first, and be able to take rejection, or acceptance, and make sure you can do it too!
  22. I would say Beanpod, followed by a very close second of Swan Creek.
  23. Odd that were both different candle man, I can guarantee a frosted candle out of my molds on anything over 180* It might depend on the wax you use also. I use a parrafin blend. I don't heat my molds either, We pour an average of 700 candles in silicones in molds a day. I love when its cold out, they set up so much faster. Summertime we are about 30% under quota for the day, but in winter we can get that much over.
  24. I believe you are pouring to hot, try backing down to 175-180*
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