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Everything posted by barncat

  1. I look at it this way, I'm making just the template, then they do stuff to it, put it in fancy boxes. I actually make a nice profit for what it is. My cost 1.50 including overhead Their cost from me $2.50 plus .50 shipping =3.00 Work they do to it plus packaging $3.00=$6.00 Price they sell to customer $12 plus add $1 for shipping =$26 Its just contract manufacuring. I never see the customer. I make 100's of one scent at a time, and don't have to worry how it looks in the end, plus they have to account for all the screw ups they make to it. I don;t have to worry about selling it either.
  2. no, I buy everything except the molds, which are custom and he buys the,m. I still make a pretty good profit.
  3. Their custom candles and are pretty expensive. I can't say because of privacy agreement. I get pd $2.50 for a $26 retail candle. There are 6 of us, and with this we'll be adding on one more just to take care of his account.
  4. I got the big account..he's ready to go, sending me some more samples of the new products. I'll be making him around 150-400 candles per day depending on demand. :whoohoo:
  5. i don't think you are quite right. You are thinking more of a patent, which you wouldn't have cause you didn't invent it. Here's a quote from the us copyright site: Copyright, a form of intellectual property law, protects original works of authorship including literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works, such as poetry, novels, movies, songs, computer software, and architecture. Copyright does not protect facts, ideas, systems, or methods of operation, although it may protect the way these things are expressed. http://www.copyright.gov/help/faq/faq-general.html#protect Best you can do is when you sign up for shows, tell them you don;t want her anywhere near you because she copied your exact product, and you have proof, sometimes they may end up not letting her in the show...ask me how I know...I did that to some one, who did the same to me.
  6. This was for 5 days straight it seeped, and it was every scent doing it. We kept wiping off the scent, but after a few hours, it would come out again. I just never had that happen before. I did a show a few wekes ago where they froze, but it never seeped out. Wandering because it was freezing then they upped the temperature reallly high and fast.
  7. Thanks...actually getting around better. On the seepage, At the show I was at, I think they actually froze and then warmed up tp 75 deg. So wandering if that was the reason. Anyone know how to not have this happen. Just awandering how shipping this product would be. Still new at the whole soy thing.
  8. My candles are seeping. Anyone know the recommended rate per lb. I was using it at 1oz per lb. TIA
  9. sell them at a discount...it may be yucky to you, but wonderful to someone else.
  10. same here..no waste...everything except what ai spill on myself or the floor gets used somehow.
  11. I try to find their business name in the yellow pages or listed as carrying another line of product. Like my store is listed on other peoples site as selling wind & willow dips and curtains from IHF. Thereofre you know they are a business. If you can't find anything else I ask them for more info. like invoices totaling over $300 from a vendor or a combo of $2000 from varoius vendors or a pic of their store.
  12. Full retial...its much better that way, but then i'll do somtthing custom for them if they like too. Mom gets 40% off, GM gets 30% off, but then they help oout too.
  13. Looking for a lid manaufacturer/distrubutior for metal lids for apoth jars, not supplier. Looking spec for black one with the ring from the jar store. TIA
  14. I have tested both heating and not heating. I believe it depends on the wax you are using... Soy..no need 50/50 maybe..depending how you want them to look parrafin...yes The look I get from using parafin, I need to heat them. Try both wasy and see for yourself:D
  15. still looking...arkansas won't even talk to me...kind of rude in a nice way. They're not taking on any more new business...first I heard that. There got to be someone.
  16. It depends on your area. Not everyone likes the country that is not from your part of the country. Prim/Country is really big on MD, PA, OH, IL, KY, TX In and then scattereed throughout the country. I find DE kind of in the middle of that as could go either way, casuse you kind of got that beachy thing going there. One person will say Country is in!, The next, who could be in the same town would say no, contemporary is the away togo. What is in your home? Do what you have the passion for, and then go with it. If you go with comething you personally may not like, you may never be able to create the product they way you want to becasue you don't know enough about the style. Either style can take you so far. Create a whole bunch of labels using both mixes and see what you think you will like. Try asking friends or family which one they like, maybe you can create something that;s kind of in the middle.
  17. yeah...50,000 jars minimum. Not quitre ready for that yet.
  18. I'm looking for one with stars impressed in them...can't find them anywhere
  19. Anyone know of a manufacture that does custom ones?
  20. keystone has them price ranges from .50 to 1.05
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