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Everything posted by barncat

  1. Yes, you definately dont want to protect a customer that only orders $100. For territory rights, my minimum is $1.5K a year,anything below that I cannot guarantee. This usually only come up when I'm at a show..and they can actually see their competition. If they place their order at the same show, i cannot guarantee rights either. I had a big problem at a show in Chicago, ths lady was argueimg with me about another store, in the same town with a similar name. They both placed the order at the same show..sold to both...course looking at it now...neither have ordered lately...hmm need to send(one of) them a coupon!!
  2. I have stores pratically across the street from each other that each reorder every few weeks...they are in a high tourist area..so it varies. THe questions I ask my customers when then want protection is..."What stores don't you want me to sell too?" They know their compeition!!
  3. No warning...just did it. 2 years ago with my last big increase I gave all my customers a warning and gave them the oppurtunity to buy early...not one took the chance. Surprisingly they waited until afterwards..some even in just a week after the increase. So, after that I decided not to waste my time and money by notifying early. they dont really care, some were actually surprised i didnt do it sooner!
  4. Forms and sales sheets, like those are overhead costs should be incorporates into the products cost and should not be passed on to the customer..or hostess for that matter.
  5. I make up my own then take them to office max to be made..costs about .25 each I think. Staples sends it out to be made so can take up to 2 weeks. Also check a local printer. They can d o it also.
  6. Amazingly 100% of customer reactions was...."well everything is going up" I increased 4-20% on about 50% of my wholesale items, depending on the item. I was shocked at the reply...this is definately the time to do it!! I held back on this, and some have never had a price increase, others, this is the 4th time.
  7. I've been turned down for an SBA 6 times now. I had a yes on one, then was told never mind. Got a yes on another one, then banks got bought out, and then turned into a no. I have one now I am working with that says try again in 6 mos, well I am waiting another year. No one wants to loan to anyone right now. Then again, we are asking for 350K. Which sucks is, we have our local EDC willing to loan 1/2, I need to find the other half, but the bank now wants the whole loan. So here I am waiting....Best option is to ask around. I went to my bank..only to learn that they are anti-business, according to several business owners in the area. Defiantely go to some SBA seminars and network..it will get you a lot faster through the door.
  9. Check with the town's Chamber of Commerce or Local Economic Group for funding assistance.
  10. I kind of fell into candles...casue I was bored and it all just kind of landed in my plate...but I did and still work over 100hrs a week!! After 1 year it became our only source of income, except DH PT army job. 5 years later...we are struggling just as much as the first year. I'm the last to get paid. If i would get pd like the rest of the employees, I'd be pretty well off. My goal this year..is to no matter what...i get a pay check.... It's time for a new car and I want a LEXUS SUV!! So it may happen...
  11. Can't help you, but I've been thinking about making some kind of glitter for their hair and hooves. That stuff is expensive.
  12. Minimize and sell my leftover crap ( i think I'll do something or its cute and never use...will post on classys) Revamp my website Maximize the use of email for sales/promos Send out a new updated catalog to minimum of 2000 stores in Spring Send out some flyers to local non-profits for fundraisers in Summer Clean my office...there is some scart stuff in there Reopen our retail store as an outlet store Pay myself more,and work less hours:D
  13. We get ours printed. WE have a 4 page catalog, which is outdated now, and have like 3000 left. We got them printed professionally, it cost around $1500 I think for 5000 of them. We then inserted a price sheet for wholesale, retail, adn fundraisers. glad we did, cause our prices are going up Jan 1
  14. Funny how things work.... WE borrowd a trailer for a day to haul a large item and the person didnt want anything,well we gave them a candle as a thank you. Well this morning they came to buy another one Gave DH's uncle some for a present this year. We usually not get them anything, and I hate that,casue they give us $, but what do you buy someone who seriusly has everything and can buy a $500K house with cash? Well they called and wanted our web address cause they loved them and are telling all of their "rich" friends!!
  15. how is it not burning right? How long are you testing it for?
  16. I know when we did it minimum is $125 to file. I would have not paid it. But I'm stubborn about things like that.
  17. umm...i had that happen to me yesterday! It was an old lad about 100 yrs old I think!
  18. I have made a few molds. Some came out ok, some not..and had to be trashed. I havemore to try a few more things that I want to get done. The hardest part for me whas getting the item to stay down, it kept floating to the top. Oh...and its very messy.
  19. Thanks for the advice...will looking for a plastic container tomorrow! I just cant believe I didnt test to make sure it was NOT aluminum! WE had everyone get out , fortunatly when we open the door the dogs and cats all come running to go out. It happened so fast! Just did it calmly and slowly (but rather brisk)! And ya know...this was the first time I mixed inside, usually do it out on the porch..but its raining....go figure!!
  20. OK....dumb old and now dangerous me!! I bought a whole bunch of new making pots at a sale for soap making. I didnt think twice that they were not stainless.... WEll, I mixed up a lye solution. WOOSH!!! It started bubbling up and got 5X its size, luckily it was in a very large pot. Ran outside with it with a towel over it and we all ran out of the house as it began to fill up with smoke. It smodlered like crazy for a long time, at least it seemed like forever. Glass only for me now!!!!! that scared the SHi++ out of me! Remeber to always test FIRST before using a metal looking pot! DUMB! DUMB! DUMB!
  21. Please post when you are opening, i get up that way a few tines a year, would love to stop in and check it out!
  22. Just whip up the wax and plop out with a spoon. Paraffin works the best with these I think
  23. It's like asking do you like pepsi or Coke. Everyone has their preference on how it works for them in theif facility with their jars and scents. I would suggest sampling all of them and see which one you like working with. Its like ice cream...got to try all 31 flavors vefore you find you favorite!
  24. try mixing a candle sealer or modge podge with the paint.
  25. I've had that happen when the candle is cold and you light it. The heat feom the flame cracks it right in half. It happens a lot when I do outdoor shows in the colder months, so now I watch what I burn. Just a thought! I've used EPB and I had one on the window and it cracked right in half (without burning) from the cold these last few days.
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