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Everything posted by TheQueen

  1. I just dribble the liquid FO in the bowl while mixing up the dry ingredients and have had no trouble with clumping. What few little ones I get smush easily while mixing so it's no big deal to me.
  2. I also use fragrance oil, pretty much to MY nose's preference. Add a little and then add more if you like a stronger fragrance. Don't you just LOVE milk bath??
  3. I have seriously considered an old fashioned stovetop percolator, but I don't think the electric kind would work. Mainly because of the "works" in the bottom of the pot, and I don't know if it would get hot enough for wax purposes.
  4. Oh, my, I am so inspired now. I bought a plastic tray thingie so I can try my hand at the MP swirls. Do you have any words of wisdom to offer before I jump into this? I think I'll have a cosmopolitan FIRST and then have at it. :whistle: And your baby is just too adorable for words!
  5. The Conservatorie also carries MMU ingredients. I've purchased from them and have been very happy with the quality. www.theconservatorie.com
  6. Good job! And it looks fantastic. My first attempt at lotion was not very good, but one of these days I'm gonna try again. You're an inspiration to us. *super banana*
  7. I just went to Old Mill Fragrance's website and IT"S CLOSED. Gone. Had a nice note saying go to Tony's Fragrance website. Wow.
  8. I use a bain marie with a small non-stick pan. As the mixture cools and congeals I put it back on the b/m briefly to remelt and continue filling the tubes. Then I wipe the small pan with paper towels and then warm water in the sink. Works well for me.
  9. Thanks so much--that helps a lot! I'll give it a whirl--or a stir--this weekend. :highfive:
  10. Hey, all you great soapers here at CT--I don't do CP soap at my house because of our two little kittybabies and no kitchen door. So I have chosen to do M&P. I have some lovely colored clay beads and would like to add them to the M&P. I tried it last weekend and while the color was great and everything, the beads naturally sank to the "top" of the soap. Do I need to add them perhaps after pouring into the mold and letting it set up a little bit, then stir like crazy?
  11. I so agree with those who have taken these events personally. It is just plain RUDE to hand a gift back and say "I won't use this" because it IS a personal slap. If you don't like a gift just say thank you and either give it to someone else or throw it away. But don't tell the giver something so rude. My own mother has given me things over the years that I would never wear or use but I give her a big hug, say thank you Mommie, and stash it away. Or give it to Goodwill. Hey, anything anyone gives back to you just send it on to ME!
  12. Yep, that's what I do, too. Put them in a little container and scoop it out.
  13. And tell your customers they are "limited edition" fragrances. What a splendid idea to mix them!
  14. Generally 1% of your total liquid/oil weight. But check the recommendation on the preservative of your choice.
  15. Try Kentucky Candle's soy whip base. It's truly delicious on the skin--very dense and a little goes a looonnnggg way. http://www.kycandlewaxsupply.com/
  16. Oh. My. Gosh. Those are gorgeous. If you don't like them, I'll be happy to take them off your hands.
  17. I make relatively small batches of sugar scrub, 500g, for my own personal use and to give to family and friends. The sugar does not dissolve in the oils so the scrub will stay "scrubby" for quite a while. However, I package mine in 4oz containers so it's again a relatively small amount. But that 4oz container will last me several weeks using it twice per week on my face and each time I shave my legs, which can be 2-4 times a week. My experience has been that the scrub stays "scrubby" right to the bottom of the jar. HTH
  18. I've probably spent $500 in the last four months and I don't sell anything. I love making the stuff for myself and I love giving it to my family and friends even more! And you've come to the right place for information.
  19. I simply LOVE Kentucky's Soy Whip; however, I don't sell any products, but the folks I've given some to also love it. HTH
  20. Oh, Darling HomeTownCandles, welcome to the Addiction! I started with a sugar scrub and it has grown exponentially since then to include salt scrubs, bath melts, milk baths, bath fizzies, and small soy candles. And I'm now running out of room in the Cupboard Under the Stairs. I only do M&P soap at home (cats who are very very nosy and no kitchen door don't mix well with lye) but when I go to my daughter's house we do CP soap. Yee hah--we got another one!!
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