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Everything posted by Camay

  1. Ahh, I see. Thank you very much for posting that.
  2. Could you post a picture of the ash? Or could anyone post a picture of ash? I have heard about this but I don't think I have ever seen it. I suppose it looks like ash, right.
  3. I absolutely love Brambleberry! Wasabi and Vanilla Sandalwood (or is it Sandalwood Vanilla?) are two of my all-time favorite FOs. One time an order I placed at BB arrived in a bag. One bottle broke open and another one leaked. I went through the order and sent them a detailed note about what was missing. A couple days later I received another entire order! Instead of just replacing the broken/leaked FO, they replaced them all. And shipped it to NH in 2 days. Great customer service. I hear what you are saying, socoolsoaps. The names of the FO on SS are really cool. Very enticing. The few I have gotten have not been as unique as the name lead me to believe though. They were not bad by any means, just not really different like their names implied.
  4. Give yourself a big pat on the back! Try to focus on the positives and not worry too much about the little details (hard to do for some people, I know).
  5. That is quite possibly the coolest soap I have ever seen!
  6. Polypropylene = 5 Polystyrene = 6 Looks like their website is wrong, or they shipped you the wrong item. I would contact them.
  7. What does the bolded statement mean? Dispersed? No. The fatty acid salts are not gone by the end of cure. They are what make up soap. Hopefully all of the lye has reacted, if that is what you mean. Plus all of the chemicals that make up the EO or FO are there, and the coloring, if any. I am not arguing anything about labeling. I don't know all the rules for that. Just from a scientific stand point, you cannot say to a customer, or put on a label of soap that this contains "contains no chemicals." It simply isn't true. There is a really good "cheistry of soap" webpage out there, but I can't find it right now in my bookmarks. I'll have to look again this afternoon.
  8. This is kind of off topic, but I need to correct the above statement. Homemade soap, or any soap, certainly does contain chemicals. The fatty acids that made up the oil and butters (all chemicals) reacted with the sodium hydroxide (another chemical) and made fatty acid salts and glycerol (more chemicals). Personally, I would cease all communication with this woman. She sounds like a nut job.
  9. I do love these reviews too. I can't find the Olive Blossom at ICS??
  10. They don't look like the same lid to me. The Fillmore one has a wider rim. Maybe it's an optical illusion though.
  11. I went to their site without any problems. It says Sultry Angel is skin safe.
  12. I was just shopping at amazon.com and they have one of those roundabout thingies. However, they have forward and reverse buttons for the viewer to control the spinning, so it doesn't spin at all unless the viewer wants it to. Also, the pictures don't do that zooming out at you thing. We have lots of traffic circles/roundabouts here in SE NH (everyone I know calls them traffic circles). They are very efficient at moving large volumes of traffic through an intersection.
  13. Is that one of those enormous 6 x 6 pillars? Very cool!
  14. The motion is difficult for me as well. I get motion sick very easily, and so I don't like the merry-go-round thing. I don't think Sliver's post was rude either, it was just to the point. I get the feeling from these website posts and the zillion gallery posts, that all you are looking for is lots of pats on the back and attagirls. You will get those (and have), but you will also get opinions that are not so easy to take. That's the way it goes on a forum.
  15. I thought the same thing! I was expecting everyone to say cinnamon something or vanilla something.
  16. Cierra Candles, which is now closed, still has their website up. They have a list of recipes for mixing the chips: http://www.cierracandles.com/color_mixing.aspx I would copy the info ASAP, as they might take it down any time now.
  17. Love those doggies! Oh yeah, the baby is cute too...
  18. I just discovered these this week too. I purchased a couple from Candle Soylutions (there is a link here on the page just below the Peak add). I got it last night and tried the fragrance that came with it for free (I chose the "By the Sea" fragrance). This filled up my whole large family room within 15-30 minutes. Only thing is I don't like the fragrance, it is very florally. So now I am looking to use my own stash of FO to make fuel. I found this online: "91% ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL (not 70%) can be bought at WalMart & just about any pharmacy. It costs about $1.19 for 16 oz. Used straight, it will get rid of odors; add 2 teaspoons of any decent quality fragrance oil to a pint of 91% Isopropyl Alcohol to duplicate the "boutique refills" Also, after you use the lamp for a while - or - leave your lamp sit filled & unused for a while, the stone gets gunked up by the oil ... soak the stone & wick assembly for 24 hours in straight 91% Isopropyl Alcohol to clean it." I'll try to get to Walmart for the alcohol today or tomorrow. I only have the 70% here at home. I'll let you know how it goes.
  19. ooh, cool! I'll have to look for these. Thanks for the heads up.
  20. Another very satisfied customer here. Love (in paraffin): Apple and clover Himalayan bamboo strudel and spice violet lime moon lake musk rain water white tea mistletoe cranberry marmalade
  21. Love those dragonflies! And I love that tester mold. I'll have to think about getting one of those...
  22. I typed it into the scent forum (www.scentforum.com) and found it at four different suppliers: candlechem, taylored concept, texas candle, and the candlemaker's store.
  23. I just meant a Q-tip dipped in each oil, sent in a envelope (42 cent stamp, which I would provide). Someone recently did this for me, out of pure generosity, so I thought I would "pay it forward" and offer the same for you. Pm if still interested...
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