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Everything posted by jaybyrd

  1. Oo, slurp! Nice color & swirls. Also, great pic- the little porcelains are just right.
  2. Second that in spades! I just dip a toothpick in the gel, dot it in a baggie of sugar & rub it around to get beautiful colored sugar which then goes into the scrub. Great stuff. I got mine at Coastal Scents.
  3. Oo, Cheryl, what a great idea to gild them - they look so upscale! The third one looks like dark leopard jasper. I'm so with you on cherry fo - I once got a bottle of "Cherry Blossom" or some such, and it smelled exactly like vomited-up children's cough syrup. (Unfortunately, I know whereof I speak.) Heehee- "biker bar."
  4. Scented, those are beautiful! Way to go !
  5. My sister and I occasionally have skin reactions to particular FO's - maybe that's going on. Also, if you've only tried the one time, I've noticed that some days my water may be dramatically different in quality - i.e. poorer than usual - which makes a difference too.
  6. I love most "Bamboo" scents - these look wonderful, & what a great name!
  7. I bet that smells wonderful. Lovely colors & dainty swirls - do you think they went all the way through? Great work -be sure to post cut pics!
  8. Pretty pretty! Wish I could smell it.
  9. They all look great, Christina! I say call it "Whitewater," especially since you got that frothy-choppy effect on the top. Then do another one, same scent, swirl it with clay or DSM and voila! "Muddy Waters." It's too good a name to let go.
  10. LOL - crickets . . . chirp chirp . . .
  11. I had the same question a while back - haven't time to figure out how to link it, but see "Final cleanup?" on 6/12/07. HTH!
  12. :laugh2:LOL- Well, I guess the watchword here is "Holy Crap!" Because that's precisely what I was saying - out loud - before I scrolled down and saw everyone else's first thoughts. Unbelievably spectacular, lady - you so rule!! :bow:
  13. Lovely - mmm, plumeria . . . very nice!:smiley2:
  14. Both really look great - I especially like the first one. And VBN is one of my favorites!
  15. Ditto to all that - error & color & liking! And the jasmine is beautiful, too. Great job!
  16. Not only a great job on the GM, but I'm impressed by how perfect the edges are on your coloring. It's difficult enough getting a clean line using chocolate, let alone something that might be tracing any minute.
  17. All gorgeous! The Banana & The Carrot Cake especially ring my bell. And that Snake Peel, oo, way cool!
  18. Hadn't heard of those items! The water lock sounds like something you'd use to make ointments, I suppose. . .
  19. :laugh2:LOL! Okay, I just caught myself doing this, and in the interests of full disclosure have to add: 1) I've been raiding my soap/B&B supplies for items to cook with, NOT the other way around, and 2) The entire bottom shelf of my small fridge is taken up with delicate oils, butters, etc, and in order to plan room for a slab of milk soap, I started edting my grocery list. Striking off things like, oh, milk. Eggs. You know, things that aren't necessary. Hey, shuttup, I NEED that mango butter!
  20. I use Dry-Flo for things like lotions, bars & butters, and experimented a bit with NatraSorb in stuff that ends up dissolving, like tub products & scrubs. Anybody have a preference, or observed any differences? Just curious- looking at various recipes and vendor blurbs, the two products seem fairly interchangeable.
  21. Lol, I SO know what you mean! I have some jasmine sambac absolute which I adore, but as I can't bear the thought that I might "waste" it I haven't actually used it in anything yet, just go for a bliss-sniff every so often. (precioussss . . .) Good to know about these FOs - I use sandalwood as a base note in a lot of my blends, but the costs have gone up so much I've been wondering how I'll manage when I need to restock. Haven't even TRIED using pricey oakmoss. Thanks for the tip!
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