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Everything posted by jaybyrd

  1. Very nice - I especially like the look of the bars in the second pic. Good job!
  2. Everything looks fabulous! You're going to sell out in no time, lady, no worries. You always have such great presentations - Just remember how people at work have loved what you do, and go in with complete confidence. We'll be expecting a full report!
  3. *soap porn approval* DeJae, those are all beautiful - if I were looking at those in a store I'd be there hours admiring & deciding. Or far more likely, take only 5 mins and grab one of each, lol! I love how you used the round vingette for your pics - really eye catching.
  4. Good Googly Moogly!! Wow, Totally Awesome!!
  5. Since it's either/or, I have to vote lotion, since it's more versatile for my needs (day, night, hands, bod, on-the-go, etc) but I really do prefer butter for legs & nighttime. Good poll!
  6. Speaking from a position of utter ignorance, tinned meats & veg always have a certain odor to me - maybe there's enough of some kind of some kind of reaction from the canning to have an effect on the saponification process?
  7. Hmph. Well, okay. We'll let you off with 50 times. . .
  8. Also try a few samples of MMS's powdered colors. A teensy bit goes a LONG way, and you can get some pretty vivid results.
  9. :yes:Yep lol yep - I'm only a step away from direct iv or cutting to the chase & just chewing the grounds (choc-covered espresso beans - mmmmm). Then again, I've heard tell of a few techniques - the lather up the bootie might do the trick - hmm - okay, TMI . . .
  10. Aprillee, I love your soaps. Your stamp is great, too, though I think you're right not to stamp that gorgeous blue. It's so deep & peaceful - I'd call it "Infinite Blue". Wonderful work!
  11. :cool2: Way, way cool effects! Also, LMAO! But don't even think of using those, they're too neat to look at as art. Okay, so I see both your witch and G'ma's hummingbird, but initially it looked to me like a tiny little asian pictogram. What might it mean? (The mind boggles). Screamers, too true! With the drop-jawed "ah-oo-gah" eyeballs and all. Love it. No toads - looks to me like two people working on either side of something or other, or maybe one person sitting/kneeling at a computer workstation. Oh crap, that's me, writing this at work. Yikes.
  12. Borrow away, G'ma. You'd have died laughing at me during my first attempts - I was thinking "pyramids" and trying to use my silicone pyramid muffin mold. Yes, well, "flexible" doesn't begin to describe it - every time I tried to pack the shapes, the bloody mold flattened out. I believe my, um, comments were beginning to blister the paint on the walls. Then the household gods kindly turned on the lightbulb over my head and the rest is history. I still intend to use the pyramids, but clearly those are best reserved for pourable products. :rolleyes2
  13. Golly. I've only made the one GM soap so far, and that sure didn't happen, the ammonia. But then I used frozen reconstituted powder, and rather strong fo. I'm definitely printing out this thread & keeping it in my reference binder- thanks everyone for the wonderful info!
  14. :highfive: LOL, G'ma, what a great story! Watch out - Dr Phil or another of those fat cat "experts" may be sending some muscle to shut you down!
  15. You're so sweet! :smiley2: Thank you so much! Yep, the incense cones were in my mind, too. Maybe it's a West Coast thing, lol! The oatmeal is ground fairly fine, about a T per cup of the other dry product in the recipe. I think the finer portions dissolve when everything is stirred into the warm oils, but there are enough bits that you know it's there when using it. I was going for a smoother look rather than flaky, so to speak, and kept the sugar as the main scrubbie. Just that little bit changed the whole feel though - very conditioning & silky. I like it a lot.
  16. Thanks! I use a plastic kitchen funnel - the middle of a 3 size set by The Good Cook (or is it "Chef"?). Works like a dream - slides right out with a tap & a squeeze if necessary.
  17. Man, I thought I'd never finish, but I'm pretty pleased with how these turned out. Emulsified sugar and oatmeal scrub, scented with Gift of the Magi, and Milk & Honey bath soak, scented White Patchouli. Now to get them all in a flat rate box undamaged . . .:tiptoe: Thanks for looking!
  18. DeJae, I really like the way the pineapple turned out - it's that zen landscape sort of effect. Really nice. You make me want to try the Wildoats & Honey- who makes it?
  19. oo, very nice! I like the coco sprinkles - they look kind of the way cinnamon looks on top of cappucino foam.
  20. LOL - 'm having a childhood flashback - your bar looks exactly like a big thick multicolored crayon I had - Very cool!
  21. Beautiful as always! Love OT's Karma, too.
  22. Beautiful! The salt bar looks & sounds just perfect, plus the pic is great - the lighthouse complements the bars exactly in color as well as theme. All I can say about the carrot is :drool: omg:drool: ! I love the way the colors & swirls turned out in the bayrum & the carrot - whole different branch of styles & you nailed it, you talented li'l thang, you!
  23. All beautiful! I agree with G'ma - you've got Scented's Rorshatz thing going on, which I love.
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