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Everything posted by sisterkaren

  1. I haven't used any of those, but we love TCS. Pumpkin Souffle. It is not spicy, but more nutty and buttery. It throws great in our C-3 , which i don't think throws as well as ezsoy. Good luck, we had a hard time finding a pumpkin spice scent that threw well.
  2. We use a simple broshure that we change seasonally. It has on our logo, our "Why choose our products", some info on our business and all of our scents and descriptions. We use our local printing shop to print them up for us and fold them in a tri- fold. It costs about $.03 a copy which is on tan paper with simple black print. We find it cost effective and easy for us, but we are very lucky to a have a small print shop be able to do that for us.
  3. I just had a friend of a friend actually ask me how much it cost to start my business, and that she wanted to start a "Simple" business like mine. I was speechless. I am really proud of the business that my sister and I built and think it is a little more than simple. Then she proceded to tell me that people have been asking her to make her potato salad for them, but that would take up too much time for her, that she wanted something much easier like soy candles. I told her to maybe buy a kit online and wished her luck. Soon she will be eating crow with her fabulous potato salad.
  4. We do a sugar cookie/pine for Christmas and it has been a great seller( I remember Yankee did one like that just one year and I loved it and was trying to dupe)
  5. Merlot from TCS has been a big hit for us. Throws well in our c-3
  6. We use c-3 and TCS's Merlot throws strong for us.
  7. Love their Sweet orange and chili pepper. We also like Cozy Home, White Tea and Ginger, Lavender-Vanilla is a giant seller, and Lilac Breeze, and love High Cotton and Gain is also popular
  8. I second the Cinnamon-Vanilla from MC, it is one of our best sellers, also Grandma's kitchen is also very good and strong.
  9. We use C-3 and love: Brown Sugar and Fig, Eucalyptus Leaf, Fresh Linen, Red Clove and not for my nose, but their Rose Bouquet is super-duper strong, only use 1/2 oz. per lb. , Granny's Swingin Eggnog is also nice.
  10. Ditto, Spicy apples and peaches from TCS is a must have
  11. Funny story. We loved our Rosemary oil from Greenleaf, but didn't sell one candle. Customers would pick it up, make a face and say it smells like Vicks. When we redid our brochures we decided to rename it sinus relief instead of Rosemary and now it is flying off the shelves. Ahhh, the power of suggestion!
  12. It is a pearl liquid. It is very moisturizing. WE like it, but it is not very thick.
  13. That is the exact tip I was looking for. I thought that the coil should be covered with liquid somehow. Thank you so much for your reply from the virgin turkey fryer user.
  14. We just got our turkey fryer, (have been using the presto pots) and I am just making sure I am doing this right before I start, I'm a little nervous. You just put your wax in right on the heating coil? I have visions of wax explosions for some reason,lol. I did a search on turkey fryers here and I'm just looking for the simple instructions, sometimes I have a tendency to over look the dumbest things. Thanks. Karen
  15. We found TCS's Hansel and Gretel's house to be the strongest gingerbread, though it is very buttery.
  16. We use c-3 and tested some of the scents that we like oob. I have to say I was a little disappointed with the hot throw. We always use scents that throw well after a short cure time. I have tested too many different suppliers, but have most of the time been pleased with MC, Peaks and our new favorite TCS.
  17. I'm not sure what you consider bulk, but we get ours from allwhitecandle.com. We get 36 and it is, I believe $81.00. I like them because they come in a box and all you have to do is add the fo and diffuser base, label them and box them back up and you are done.
  18. I love Peaks, they are always so nice to deal with and ship out immediately. It is a matter of geography that is takes so long for us to get our shipment. Our fall and winter oils were supposed to be coming yesterday and I thought oh well the ups guy missed on his truck. I called ups today after I watched him come and go down our road and they said they lost the package. I'm soo bummed !. We were planning an all day pouring tomorrow for our fall line. I'm not sure when we will get our oils now. Sorry, I'm just feeling very sorry for myself now. Thank goodness it is not oils for a fundraiser!
  19. It is the hand and body wash base from MC. It is creamy. We started out with this base and orginally thought it got too runny when you add fo, we have tried many bases since and can find any that are as moisturizing. We started to add crothix to it and it is much better. I know those who make b&b from scratch have wonderful recipes, but right now we are concentrating on our candles, so bases are the way for us to go right now.. My husband used to have dry and cracked feet before using Mill creeks body wash and it cleared them right up. When he runs out (shame on me for letting that happen) and he uses the leftovers from Wallly World that are still in the cupboard and his feet immediately crack open again. That impresses me with MC bases.
  20. We poured Peak's cornucopia to test. It is strong, but we didn't care for it. It smells strong of Black walnuts. I think our complicated scents sell just as well as the simple ones as long as they are strong and people pick them up to smell them
  21. I haven't tried Peak's yet, but MC has a good dup. that all of our customers love.
  22. I'm with the rest with MillCreek. Their grandma' kitchen and cozy home are some of our best sellers. Also their lav-van. is a great seller too, although I like lav. milk from tenn.candle supply. TCS also has a good apple-Spicy apples and peaches is awesome.
  23. I love your pictures!!! Where did you get your light box? I'm pretty sure that we need to get one.
  24. I am trying to decide between Peak's gingerbread cookies or Tennesee's Hansel and Gretel's house. Any opinions? They are to me, very different scents and am having a hard time deciding which would be better for our Christmas line.
  25. That's great. We changed from ezsoy to c-3, but it saved us $150 a month in shipping. After working out the kinks with the c-3 it is fine, but I honestly think that the scent throw is better with the 415. We just need to make sure that we pick very strong scents. Good for you, now you don't have to through the nasty testing.
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