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Everything posted by CBE

  1. I usually use either micas, or I use my Peacock dyes.
  2. All of their oils are quite good. I can tell you what I have used in B&B. Strawberry Patch Lime and Lemongrass (pretty awesome) Seashore (one of my bestsellers in lotions and body sprays, but the smell makes me sick to my stomach) Coco Mango Vanilla Bake Cotton Fresh (or is it Fresh Cotton? ) Coconut Macaroon (smells soooo good OOB, but haven't gotten it in anything yet) I'm slowly trying to edge away from Cajuns... even though they are like 30 minutes away from me. They prefer online orders rather than pick up orders, if you pick up, you have to have a minimum of 75.00, you can't pick it up the same day you order, you can only go on certain days, etc., too many stupid rules. So I figured I'd throw my money elsewhere.
  3. Polawax= emuslifiying wax (emulsifier) BTMS= Benhentrimonium Methosulfate (another emulsifier, there's different kinds out there) Please correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Polawax just a "name brand" of ewax? I've heard some people say that Polawax works better than other "brands" of ewax. Sandra, I've used half and half ewax and btms in my lotion and butter recipes, but never tried it half and half in my scrubs. It would no doubt definitely work, but don't know if it will feel the same way. Let me know if you try it! I'm very curious! I personally got away from using ewax in scrubs because it left behind a "waxy" feeling after rinsing, so I tried BTMS and never looked back. BTMS is sorta on the expensive side, so I also use stearic and Poly 20 in my scrub recipe, to help cut down the costs.
  4. Well, you made me doubt myself...lol so I went dig it out my tupperware box to make sure! I have Dead Sea Clay. Powdered. Mine is not coarse though. It's a fine powder. Don't remember where I purchased it from, and no label reminding me of where I got it either. Are they're different types of sea clay?
  5. I've soaped it a couple of times.... either I added it at trace... or used it in my swirl portion to have mud swirls. I usually mix it up with a bit of my soaping oils in a cup before adding my lye water. Stir it up real good with a popsicle stick to get out any lumps. Then either throw it back in your batch at trace, or add a bit of soap to the clay in the cup for your swirl portion. Too much will give you brown bubbles though, and show up on the washcloth. Ask me how I know! lol I tend to have a heavy hand sometimes with colorants and clays!
  6. CBE

    38 Dd

    omg! I want one! lmao Too cute!
  7. Yumma Yumma lookin' bars! Bet they smell awesome too!
  8. Looks FANTASTIC Sandra! What scent is it in? I personally like the natural color of the sugar on the top. BTMS is da bomb in scrubs eh? I'm like you, I rather BTMS than ewax. Feels soooooooo much better.
  9. I was going to stay out of this, but I think I will add my two cents in. Adam, with all due respect, in doing what you are doing, what does this prove? All you are doing, is getting everyone's panties up in a knot (including mine). I admit, when I first heard about all this a few weeks ago, it threw me for a flip... because the details of this HCM situation were very vague. As of right now, I plan on riding it out with HCM... if you don't feel the same, I suggest you jump ship now. You need to do what's best for YOU. There's alot of questions that need to be answered. Instead of veering off topic... how about we stay on topic for once? Frank...instead of going round for round with Adam....lol, Can you calmly and politely explain, in detail what is happening with HcM? I mean none of us knows if when you change to Mazbo do we have the option of staying at HcM with the new owner or will we be switched to Mazbo? Will Mazbo be the same price? Easier to use? More choices? Will our sites transfer or will we have to rebuild? If our sites will transfer, who will be doing this? You? Us? Let me tell you, I'm not computer savvy. All this talk about databases and SQL whatever's is greek to me.
  10. Daystar carries Nutty Nut Vanilla (it's a dupe of the Body Shop's Nut). It's got that almond note... but it has a scrumptious soft vanilla bottom note that just rounds out the whole scent. It's really yummy!! I don't do candles, so I don't know about the scent throw, but it's awesome in B&B.
  11. You've been a very busy woman!!! lol They all look great!!
  12. Provence Clean (type) from SW. It's just a soapy clean, fresh, invigorating smell, loved by both men and women (in my neck of the woods!).
  13. How about There's No Place Like Home. Kinda long... but cute.
  14. This is tooooo adorable! I love it!! I'm curious too, how do you scent them?
  15. another great looking one! I Love that blue!!
  16. Wow! Talk about gorgeous! I love this one Ju!!!!
  17. I'm not a foody type FO person too... but occassionally, I get a wild hair up my ya-know-what to use these types in BB. My favorites are: Lemon Pound Cake (yummy with a tad bit of almond mixed in) Anything Pumpkin (very comforting to me) Chocolate (either Chocolate Truffle/Chocolate Serendipity from SS-I use it plain or mixed with either a little bit of mint, orange, strawberry, or coconut) Oatmeal and Honey (mixed in with a little sweet vanilla makes it extra yummy) Gingerbread (more for the holidays, but mighty yummy year round in scrubs) Pistachio Dream Cake- from BW. Oh man. Smells soooo good in scrubs. VERY delish.
  18. oooh my favorite colors! Looks fabu! So I'm thinking this smells gorgeous in soap like it does OOB eh?
  19. Did someone say sex toy??? ETA: Gorgeous soap!!! It has a very mysterious look to it! Love those colors too!!!
  20. Wow...love that concept! A bath melt attached to a bath bomb? Who would'a thunk it? Ok.. I'll be the stoopid one and ask how the heck did you get it to stick together? Looks scrumptious indeed! Lovely texture on your soapies too, and I bet it smells good!
  21. oooh I think they look great too! Very fabu!!! Love your logo too. Very chic!!
  22. For me, it all depends on my mood at the moment. I've seen myself whip up something pumpkiny-delish to pamper myself (because I love Fall, and Fall scents seem to "comfort" me bigtime for some reason) and then other times, I find myself wanting girly scents, like dupes or sweet fruity scents... and then sometimes spa-like scents (like Tonic), and then there are times I just want to smell yummy, like vanilla, chocolate, berries, etc. And when I'm trying to bring out the "goddess" in me (ya know, that womanly feeling), LOL I lean towards more earthy and floral scents, like sandalwood, patch, ylang ylang, amber, etc. LOL Yep, I got lots and lots of moods. (damn hormones)
  23. Beautiful work!!! When I grow up, I wanna be just like you! Amazing.... just.... amazing.
  24. Lawd, that's some beautiful soaps! ooooh... I feel my soapin' mojo comin' back on!! I love to be inspired by everyone else's creations on here! These soaps are very inspiring!!
  25. oooh Angi! Looks great! I'm like Louise, I love honeydew too.
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