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Everything posted by kandlekrazy

  1. Just tried Stella's link and it took me right in.
  2. Ditto on Stella's reply, c-3 is much better. If you want to use up the C-1 try blending it with another brand of soy wax.
  3. I haven't found a coconut that throws in any soy wax. If I mix it with something else it's ok, but not on it's own.
  4. This week I elminated everything...using C-3 and 415 blended, but no beeswax and no coconut oil. For some reason the humidity really makes ugly candles here on the west coast. They are coming out without the wet spots and frosting, but really ugly tops this week, but the heat gun takes care of that issue...but I'm not using the same wax as you.
  5. Have you tried to eliminate the beeswax yet? I know how you feel, the humidity got up to 80% and my candles went downhill!!
  6. Started to post on this and realized my menopausal brain has taken over and I suffer from CRS!! Just a question, why not make up the wax by the pound with the coconut oil and then take out what you need for 1 or 2 containers and add your fo, color, etc?? I make at least a pound at a time, it's much easier on my brain!!
  7. Liquid is definitely more consistent and really isn't that much more expensive considering you only use drops. I found with the chips, it helps to melt them in the bottom of my pour container before I put my wax in. They seem to incorporate better and much less of the spottiness.
  8. The steps you take are important and you are on the right track, but the biggest thing is to document each step...you think you'll remember, but trust me when you start changing wicks 4 times and changing fo %...you won't remember what you did where. I learned the hard way to start journaling everything until I get the results I want with a fo. Then I have a "recipe" for the wax used, fo used and wick used and container used that all worked together! When that happens, I literally because it's a LONG, but fun process!!
  9. I noticed on a supplier's website that Palm Stearic is being used in containers all by itself, is it the same as the Palm Crystal Wax? Also does anyone know if you can add it to soy to harden the candle for summer shipping? I'm sure all the testing will start again, but I'm afraid to ship 100% soy in the summer months.
  10. Just got on, note on website...down for last 3 days. here is a link directly to one of the journals...the hobbyist journal isn't working right now...errors...but this one came up fine. http://www.genwax.com/candle_instructions/___0___notes_adv.htm
  11. Yes, I haven't been able to get on either link this week...they must be working on the website/s because this has never happened before. I'm going to give them a call if I can't get on tomorrow...need to find out if my containers came in!!
  12. They are working on a new site and I wonder if that is why the old one is down? You would think it would automatically redirect?? I haven't been able to get on either site now. New site: www.generalwax.com
  13. looks very similar to a jar I bought at this site...special order only http://www.bottlesetc.com/wglass2.htm#Candle%20Jars
  14. Their fo's are among the best I've tried...I'm sure you'll be happy with all the wonderful smells while you're testing. Best of luck!
  15. I've used it in soy and no odd smell. Maybe try cutting back to 1 oz. Be sure the coconut oil hasn't gone bad because it will alter the smell if it has.
  16. I've tried it in soy and it throws pretty strong...even after only 24 hrs, but never tried it in Palm/Soy mix.
  17. speaking of tins getting hotter, if you give any away as testers or you sell them, be sure to put something on your caution label that states not to burn on a wood surface...I've seen some nasty burn rings from the tins when the bottom got hot. Other than these things mentioned in posts...I love working with tins...don't see any wet spots...and the wick centering tools work great on tins (both round and square!)
  18. They feel pretty smooth to me. I compared to some champagne flutes we have that are frosted and the champagne flutes are almost rough to the touch, but they are etched crystal...the ones I have from Genwax are much, much smoother feeling. HTH...and I hope if you order you are satisfied...I've had good luck with them.
  19. I saw some really cute tins the other day where they left the wick long in tins with the clear tops and they curled it in a circle...looked great in the gift baskets, my only concern would be the end user actually cutting it before they used it. Also, I don't warm my tins at all, mine come out better if they are just room temp or a little cooler.
  20. If you want a really detailed test journal go to www.genwax.com and I believe it's under techniques. They have printable journals for testing candles...they helped me to determine which steps I needed to take and then I made my own page.
  21. Thank you all for the recommendations, I will order some tomorrow...did I say ORDER?? oh my, just got 3 boxes of fo!!
  22. Have you purchased from them directly? I checked them out a while back but their website states they don't sell to the public? I'd love to be able to buy from them and pick up the glass.
  23. Yes, I buy from GenWax all the time. I actually go into the store. The customer service is pretty good, but seems like new people all the time. I actually have the 9 oz square frosted from them and they are very heavy glass, and the 10 oz round frosted, also a nice heavy glass (which I'm sure you've seen in other posts, I'm having a hard time wicking.) They have the plastic lids to fit these tumblers with the 2 holes for breathing/smelling! I've been very happy with the glass from them especially since I don't have to pay shipping.
  24. check out this link, they have a 7, 10 and I believe 14 oz all round frosted. www.genwax.com
  25. Natty, Are you finished testing this one yet? I went on a wick hunt...actually organized all my wicks, again, and found some 60c's so I tried it, like Henryk suggested. It got a big shroom on the first burn but almost made it to the sides in about 2 hours. I trimmed and it's doing great. Even if it shrooms up each time, it's not leaving the mess in the wax I was getting with the LX 26. I have never yet had a wick catch up on the sides after it's 1/2 way down in a container this size, maybe in a smaller container it would. I feel like I'm cheating my customer if the entire candle burns leaving 1/8 - 1/4" of wax on the sides. I'm convinced after I use up these cases, I'm not buying these containers again.
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