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Everything posted by kandlekrazy

  1. Are their essential oils ok to use in Soy candles? Seems I was on their site a while back and eveything I looked at just said "soap"???
  2. Thanks both of you!! I need a clean lemon scent as I'm adding it to my olive oil candles...want it to smell like olive oil and lemon salad dressing!! OK, so I like food related smells:laugh2: probably why I need to lose 40 #'s!
  3. I was going to buy this one yesterday and something stopped me...now I read this thread?? Hmmm...still like to try it...anyone who doesn't like it interested in selling it...or did you just buy tester size?
  4. I'm looking for a lemon that doesn't smell like fuel or medicine and doesn't have other scents added to it. Maybe even Lemon Peel ?
  5. I've seen Willow Whispers here: http://fragranceoilheaven.com/CompleteFOList.html don't know if it's the same thing you're looking for.
  6. My candles changed with that fo as well...wonder if it was a bad batch or if the mint in it is turning the candles yellow/green? I've used their vanilla alone and while in darkens the wax a bit, it never turned yellow or green, makes me think it's the mint?
  7. You might want to try the EZ setter also. It centers the wick in the bottom of the container and then I use the wick centering tool on top. It's soooo easy with these tools.
  8. Looks great!! Let us know about the HT (especially if you didn't cure this one very long.) Ok, I want to make pillars this weekend!
  9. I guess that's why so many insurance carriers won't cover candle makers or even candle retailers. Now I'm wondering if I should have ribbon around the glass on some of mine?
  10. Let it Shine and Gen Wax are both pretty close and reasonable on shipping.
  11. Brownies sound good...not sure I want to even start in the soap making...could end up another addiction!
  12. I got this 5" bear mold in a group of candle molds I bought on ebay. It has a flat back and only about 3/4" deep. It's cute, but I can't figure out for the life of me if it's worth trying to put a wick in it. It can't stand up has to lay on it's back. What would this be used for? Looks like a non-stick muffin or cookie tin to me.
  13. That would require moving out of CA :rolleyes2 and I really, really don't want to do that...basements are a rare thing here. I do remember how nice it was to have 1800 sq ft of basement in the house I grew up in (Illinois!)
  14. I agree, scale is most accurate way. However, I have read that you can use measuring cups, but be sure to be consistent. If you are measuring wax then be sure to measure the fo also, and if you weigh the wax, be sure to weigh the fo.
  15. Be sure to post some pics when you get them done...I'm sure they'll be beautiful and that way it will encourage the rest of us to make some!
  16. I'm glad you said it first...I was thinking it all the way through this thread! Maybe white shoulders candles??
  17. Thanks, the yellow is actually colored yellow, it just has a tiny white ring which might be hard to see in the pic. Pic made it look darker in the center but it really isn't. Well...yet another characteristic of soy wax...I'm just not coloring anymore in soy, it's not worth the hassels. Even though they burn the same, I wouldn't want to sell something that looks like that...JMO. If I can afford to do so, I may just start using palm all the time. I like the fact that is doesn't have that smell that soy has and so far with the palm, no headaches...so it must have been soy and not fo as I thought.
  18. I only have about 50 fo's (but I only really like about 20 of them) and my DH is ready to kick me out...not to mention the 40,000 wicks (not quite) and the 300+ jars...oh and the 50# wax containers...all in my dining room and kitchen! I need a room just for candle making...can't wait to move!
  19. This place has the same thing and offers discounts if you buy multiples...however shipping may be an issue depending where you live. http://www.kangarooblue.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=454&zenid=4584e3ba0eb67a5e833767a66a8caf83
  20. You poor thing...don't think I'd survive (seriously) without coffee, tea, chocolate. I'm addicted for sure and get migraines if I don't use it (did I say use? I guess it is a drug!!) Love, Love, Love dark chocolate. But I do understand, because I had one of those bugger stones a long time ago and it hurt worse than childbirth! I took my chances when I started back on all the bad stuff.
  21. I'm so glad you posted this because I thought they looked pretty darn good. I'm thinking to myself, oh gosh I hope my first ones burn that good...can't wait!!
  22. Stella, you're too funny! Ok for frosting, I can live with a little frosting in my life!! I was beginning to think it was some form of fungus...thanks for clearing that up. Well these ugly ones are almost gone now because I've been giving them away as they do burn fine and smell fine. Now just natural color and so far only the really, really old ones have a tad around the edges. I'll keep my fingers crossed that they don't all go ugly on me!!
  23. Sorry, Stella, didn't read your post before I posted!! Frosting heh? Never had it show up in a ring before...usually just spots here and there or everywhere!! Ok, at least I have an answer! Maybe these were the first candles poured out of the batch and were poured a bit hotter...or the last and poured too cool? Also didn't realize frosting could show up after 5-6 months...boy makes me all the happier I don't color them anymore! Frosting doesn't show so bad on natural color! I'd better go to bed now...it's been a long day!
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