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Everything posted by Bev

  1. I registered my domain name with GoDaddy.com. I got two years for pretty cheap (records are at home, though, and I'm at work so I can't tell you the price). I can't help you with the other questions you had. I am still in the process of developing my website, but my niece and her husband are doing it for me. (I have heard a lot of people sing praises about DIY stores, though). And I have a friend at work who is co-owner of a web hosting business, so that is who will host the site for me.
  2. I voted for the silver. I think they look very classy and I'd be attracted to them before the others.
  3. Those are really pretty! I know what you mean about needing a clone. I work FT and this week has been crazy with after-work activities. I have new FO's I want to pour but no time to do it this week.
  4. I was going to say the same thing. I had been involved in my share of fundraisers when my three kids were in school, and I think a 3-week turnaround is reasonable. I've had to wait much longer than that before.
  5. MMS has two sizes. They are made for soaps, go on like cigar bands. I hope someone else chimes in if they know another supplier for these.
  6. Maybe what you want are shrink wrap bands? Try Magestic Mountain Sage at www.thesage.com. Go to Catalog, then Order Online. Choose shrink wrap and you will go to the page that sells the bands. You do need a heatgun for these. Is this what you were thinking of?
  7. Try phoning your local schools, both public and private, to see if they are hosting any craft fairs. In my community, our local public high school hosts a huge two-day craft fair every fall to benefit the marching band. The private high school hosts two craft fairs a year, one in the spring and one in the fall. Even some of the elementary schools host craft fairs. They are a great way to break into the craft fair circuit. I did my first craft fair last fall and a few hours before it ended, we vendors received flyers and applications to other upcoming craft fairs in the area.
  8. This just proves that hard work really can pay off! I have been inspired by so many people on this board since I've been here. I enjoy celebrating your success! Congratulations to you!!!!!!
  9. Have fun!! I hope you enjoy it as much as the rest of us do.
  10. Is anyone safe from hackers? There's always someone out there who can outsmart even the most secure sites. A good habit to get into (and I need to practice what I preach) is to change your password every so often to make it a little harder for them to get into your account. Cindy, I hope you can get everything resolved quickly. I'm really sorry this happened to you.
  11. I can't see it either. When I click on the link, it says, "My image for this link is no longer here."
  12. I use the pine hamster litter in my firestarters. I use the party cups like the ones you use to put nuts or mints in at a baby/bridal shower. I top my firestarters off with a little decorative potpourri, just to make them look better. I use the cheap dollar store potpourri. Edited to add: I forgot to say that I add wicks to my firestarters for easy lighting. I use the small pieces of wick that are left after I trim my wicks on my container candles. I never waste anything.
  13. I don't sell pillars but I do sell votives, jars and tins. Jars are my best seller.
  14. I really like your B&B products!! I'd certainly be buying some if I were at that show! The buckets are adorable ... what all is in them?! I would probably use a solid color table covering so it doesn't compete with the candles so much. That and make it longer to cover the boxes under the table. Otherwise, I really like it. Nice job!
  15. I use the small Avery 5161 mailing labels. So far I have not noticed the oil soaking in to the labels. I just started wrapping the votives this way, though, so time will tell. Another alternative would be vinyl labels, which might alleviate that problem. I know Planet Label sells them (www.planetlabel.com) but I have never purchased from them.
  16. I put my label directly on the votive then shrink wrap the votive. The label is readable through the shrink wrap and it easily comes off the votive when it's time to burn, since it doesn't stick well to wax.
  17. I think you handled it just right. Like everyone else has said, competition is good. It keeps us on our toes! For me, competition also keeps my creative juices flowing. If I had no competition, I'd probably always stick with the status quo and never try anything new.
  18. Those are absolutely perfect! Very professional, clean and slick looking labels, beautiful colors. Perfect!!
  19. I really like your jars. The candles are beautiful!
  20. I am in the process of building a website right now. I ordered some postcards from Vista Print which will announce my website. I plan to mail these out to everyone on my mailing list and to friends, family and co-workers once the site is completed. I will also have my website address on all of my business cards, flyers, labels and anything else that I have in print. I'm hoping this will at least peak interest in checking the website out and HOPEFULLY result in some sales.
  21. I love pouring Green Tea from Peaks. This has become one of my all-time favorites!
  22. I think that's awesome! Congratulations. You'll have to post a pic of the ad your candles will be in when it comes out. What a wonderful feeling that must be!!!!
  23. From the title of your post, I thought maybe you got hold of some bad seafood. LOL! BizzyB's makes beautiful chunk candles. Maybe she'll chime in and give you a helping hand.
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