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Everything posted by Bev

  1. I weigh mine on a digital scale and use a glass measuring cup.
  2. I need to take a refresher course in math! Or pay closer attention to what I'm doing when I'm making candles!!! Last weekend I made some tester candles and decided to try adding 1% beeswax since I use 100% soy. I was so excited to fire them up last night to see how they burned. Imagine my disappointment when they all tunneled down the center and the wicks drowned out. Scratching my head, I just couldn't understand why they did this. So I went back and looked at my notes. I miscalculated my beeswax ... I added 10% instead of 1%. YIKES!!! I know I'm not the only one who's done something this stupid. Anyone else want to share one of their blunders?
  3. Step awaaaaay from the glue dots!! They don't hold worth a darn. I've heard wick stickems are good. I use household silicone myself.
  4. I sell quite a few food scents but the biggest sellers are clean scents like Clean Cotton, Downy, or Spring Rain. I have never sold one Cornucopia candle. I think you either you love it or you hate it. Unfortunately for me, everyone around here hates it!
  5. I went to Avery's site and downloaded Avery Design Pro (it's a free download) and I print my labels myself.
  6. Joe just posted a thread with his website link. Screen name: Wickman.
  7. I, too, am still testing these wicks but so far I really like them. I love the stability of these wicks in my pure soy candles. And as AngelaVA stated, they come in a huge assortment of sizes, which is great. Give them a try. I don't think you'll be disappointed.
  8. I like the looks of the sign! I don't think the word "toiletries" brings any kind of negative connotation at all. I wish I had someone who could create such a beautiful free sign for me! You are a very lucky gal!!!
  9. Sample packs are your best way to experiment and find what works best for you. In the beginning, I started out with samples from Lonestar and Peaks and found several of each of their FOs that throw well in soy. Half of the fun of making candles (to me, anyway) is testing out the samples!
  10. I, too, was going to suggest the 8 oz. square masons. There are a variety of lids you can purchase for them. The rustics look very country, especially with a little homespun tied around the rim of the jar.
  11. I'd say wait and see what it looks like before you get upset. It may end up being a really nice sign!
  12. It looked really nice. I like the black lids on your container candle jars. The labels complete the look! Very nice. Glad you did well!
  13. Call your local Department of Revenue and they will tell you exactly what licenses you need to sell. In my state, as a sole proprietor, I needed to obtain an assumed name certificate from the county I live in, obtain a sales tax number from the state, and obtain a business license from the village I live in. I also carry $1 million in product liability insurance.
  14. I keep my stored in alphabetical order in one of my cupboards. On the door of the cupboard, I have a sheet with the name of each supplier I use and which fragrances I order from them. When I use the last of the fragrance, I know exactly where to reorder it from.
  15. I finally finished testing my wax and it is superb! I would love to order some now but I have two cases of EZSoy in my garage that need to be poured before I spend any more money! At first, I wasn't having a real strong hot scent throw with this wax, but taking Brenda's advice, I waited another couple of weeks and then test burned again. The throw was awesome! A little bitty 4 oz'er that I poured scented my entire family room. This wax is definitely on my list when I am ready to purchase again!!!!!
  16. I'll be attending new member classes tomorrow at a new church I am interested in joining. This is a very exciting time in my life. Sunday I plan to pour some more 8 oz. square mason tester jars using my Wick-It samples. Then I am going to prepare a homecooked meal (for once!)
  17. If you don't feel you're ready yet, don't do it. If you are selling to the general public, you need to make sure all your i's are dotted and t's are crossed. There are many things to consider: sales tax, business registration, business licenses, insurance, etc. If you have all those bases covered, and you feel you're ready, then go for it. And be sure to let us know how it goes. Good luck!!
  18. I've poured tarts for my own personal use using 100% soy container wax. All you need to do is put them in the freezer and they pop out of the molds just fine. When I make the tarts for resale, though, I use a combination of soy container and votive wax to make them harder and easier to package. I shrink wrap my tarts.
  19. I use household silicone to hold my wick tabs in place. Once that stuff is cured, the wick isn't going anywhere!
  20. Donita, I wish you lived in my town! I'd be begging to come to your studio and take lessons. You are a master at your art!!!
  21. I believe Lonestar uses a different colored fragrance label on their FOs that are not B&B compatible. I find that helpful.
  22. I use Peaks lavender FO in my EZSoy. It gives off a good cold and hot throw. Does not smell like toilet water IMO.
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