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Everything posted by Michi

  1. Yes, I would be leary of pouring candles into used containers if giving away or selling, but for your own use, as long as you're keeping an eye on it (like most chandlers do ) then I don't see why not. These pottery containers you have, you say they already had wax in them? Do they have a glaze on the inside? I paint terra cotta pots for candle containers, but I make sure they have about 3 layers of modge podge on the inside before I pour wax into them. Otherwise they are very porous and should NOT be used for candles. And just for safety reasons I will NOT repour into these pots, maybe I would if only for ME, but I wouldn't even trust my mother (who has several of my terra cotta pot candles) cuz she's the WORST about trimming her wicks, and just leaving candles burning all over the place, without checking on them from time to time. :rolleyes2
  2. Maybe when you cut it, you're pushing it over? I've noticed that sometimes my little 4ozers get off centered sometimes, (b/c they liquify more quickly b/c they are small) but I think that's what I'm doing wihen I don't pay attention and just cut them without straightening them out again. Other than that, not sure what could be causing them to be so off centered.
  3. Oooh I'm absolutely LOVIN' that BRV soap-it's my fav. color! The little gold stamps look really cute on there also. The swirls are awesome and I just want one!! How cool to have someone close by to share your passion and friendship!
  4. Nice- I love the colors on both, but especially that fuschia one, do you mind me asking what colorant you used for that? (it's my fav. color)
  5. WOW great pics. I love how close you can get! I've yet to figure out how to make MY camera take such close ups, and I've had it for about 4 years! I love the color of the votives-are those little shavings attached somehow?
  6. Without looking at my recipe, I'm pretty sure I use 10% ewax, and something like 8% stearic and cetyl in my butters and emulsified scrubs. I'll double check, but upping your emulsifiers should help. It's all trial and error to find something that works for you and that you LIKE. That's the fun of it IMO, although it does make it more pricey. When you finally DO make something that is awesome you just have a great feeling of accomplishment! Keep on keepin' on.
  7. Very pretty orbs Cindy! You did a good job on those.
  8. the pellets are palm as well? I didn't know that wax came that way, or do you somehow make it that way? I too would love to see pics. of some of them burning, or at least know HOW some of the more "different" ones actually burn. You give no description or instructions for them. Especially that one at the bottom of your home page (can't remember what you call it?) it looks like a fountain. How does that burn? Is the bottom just for looks? Or is it wicked all the way down? How do you ship the ones with the pellets? Shrink wrap?
  9. You probably weren't the ffirst of their wholesalers to up prices and probably won't be the last. The price of gas going up almost on a daily basis should be enough of a warning to people. That alone raises the prices on almost everything we buy. I'm glad they took it well cuz ya gotta do what ya gotta do! I just hope people will keep buying.
  10. I don't see why there would be any adverse effects by mixing of different bases. That being said, your best bet would be just to go for it, test it them out, and see if you like the performance of the soap you've made. There should be lots of good reading here and in the archives if you do a search on M&P. I have tons of fun making M&P soaps, so wishing you lots of fun also.
  11. I'm confused by this statement Crafty1- I also do rtcp and always let my lye cool somewhat, otherwise it's too hot for doing rtcp. I just do mine at my island counter. I've never had a problem with enhaling fumes unless I stick my face right into the pitcher. Maybe b/c I never mix more than what's needed for 2-4lb. batch. I guess if I was mixing a lot more, it might be more "fumey" huh? My pitcher is clearly marked (with permanent black marker) that it is for LYE use only and not to be touched etc. Sometimes I'll put it in the freezer for a few minutes if I'm in a hurry for it to cool. But I always make sure I'm in the kitchen preparing my oils and such so that if little hands want to get in the freezer I'm right there to stop them.
  12. So, are you saying that ALL posts by suppliers will be removed? Or just the ones plugging their businesses? I guess I need more clarification. My personal opinion, for what it's worth, is that before any one moderator gets delete happy, they should have to run the post by another mod. Kind of like referees in football, before they make a call, they huddle and come to an agreement. And is this part of the TOS? It should be, if not. I surely don't think it's fair for a mod to come on a post and state something negative/inflammatory towards a supplier, and that supplier not be able to come to their own defense with a simple explanation. I also think if you're going to enforce suppliers not posting, then you need to tell ALL suppliers to keep their URL's or any other business related information off their personal posts (in their signatures) and only be able to use such in the supplier section. Afterall, that's a form of "plugging" their business. Just my .
  13. Try them both out and see. That's your best bet. I think you're definitely on the right track though. Yep, swapping out at least some of the cocoa butter for a softer butter would help loosen it up. I'm always changing up my sugar scrub a bit, trying different oil/butter combinations, etc. It's fun! The one thing I haven't done is add SLSA to it. I just don't get the "foaming" part. I like the idea of cleansing my body with soap and then using the scrub as an exfolient and moisturizer. I guess I just can't get passed the idea that SLSA is supposed to be kinda drying, so that would seem to me to defeat the purpose of all the skin moisturizing oils/butters. KWIM? I guess another experiment is coming my way. I'll just have to try it out and see for myself! LOL Let me know what you do/decide.
  14. Hey Camo/Heather- I'd love to see a pic. of your warmers-trying to envision the "lines" you sew, and just can't wrap my brain around it for some reason. LOL I'd love to make a couple of these for my family members who have chronic cold feet all year round. I'm definitely not great at sewing but I do have a machine (that's currently collecting dust) and know how to sew a straight line or two. Oh and I have two bags of flax seed in my freezer that I'm never gonna use for anything else, so thought I'd put them to good use. TIA
  15. That's really not a lot Fire. You'll be surprised how fast you'll go through what you've ordered especially if you make several 2-4lb batches a week. The amounts on your liquid oils are all less than a gallon each, not sure how they will originally come to Jennie, but I can't see wasting the money or time rebottling everything. And I'm sure that the butters and hard oils will be ziplock bagged already. Don't worry about it, you'll be using all that stuff up so quick! You'll probably even be wishing you had gotten more (like I always do!), and if you make as many batches as you intend, you don't even have to worry about keeping it cold. As a maater of fact, you'll want the hard oils to be a bit soft so its easier to scoop out of bags/containers.
  16. How much oil are you getting girl!? LOL You might want to ask Jennie how/what she using to bottle the oils before you go out and buy a bunch. A gallon bottle is not hard to use to pour out your oils. I wouldn't think she would send out anything bigger unless you are getting like 50lbs of one oil etc. Then she may leave it in what it comes in. I know that when you order a 7lb bottle from soapers choice it comes in a perfect sized jug. 1 gallon is 128oz or approx. 8lbs (as I'm sure you already know) so depending on how much you ordered, you may get a gallon sized jug (or 2, etc.) And some smaller bottles for the extra, which you could then use to transfer from the gallon jugs as you use it up. Therefore you may not even need to buy ANY bottles at all. If you do need bottles, you could even use soda bottles. When I would get oils from shutterbug's co-ops she always used these (that she got new from a source) and they were perfect, especially for storing in the frig. Just thought I'd throw that ou there before you spend any money on bottles.
  17. Strawberry FOs are notorious for turning soap brown. I'm sure adding cocoa powder to the portion you wanted red was part of the problem also. Not to mention the puree will brown. All that being said, it is not easy to get a vibrant red in soap. What kind of liquid colorant are you using?
  18. His wife assaulted your SIL? HOLY CRAP!!!!! I must have missed that part of the story! Soooo glad to hear that he's finally gonna have to "pay" for all his shady dealings-these kind of guys don't get caught quite enough!
  19. I've only bought one FO from them-cherry, from their bargain line (I can't remember what they call it-A, B and C??) But it was super strong in my paraffin blend. I have bought jars and tins from them and got great customer service and their shipping was reasonable to me here in CA. HTH a little?
  20. Nag Champa- for my oldest daughter who must be a re-incarnated hippie! LOL I don't really hate it, but I don't make it for anyone but her-yep I really love her! Love Spell-OMG this stuff just makes me wanna hurl and everyone else just LOVES it! BARF!! Clean cotton-ewwww I cannot stand this scent at all-gives me a headache to boot!
  21. Ok when you guys say "CS" is that Candle science or the Candle Source?
  22. Yep, lotion crafter is at the top of my supplier list-just awesome all of the time. What is CME?
  23. Ultimately I Think a smaller label (maybe 3x1.5) would be best as the label now takes over the bottle. BUT, you probably have a ton of them and its such a PITA to cut each and every one etc. (I've tried adapting labels myself-UGH!) All that being said, I really like the last one the best, looks "soft" which is the purpose of the facial scrub right? Just need to get rid of the yellow corners and make a back label, and you'll be set! Label making is such a PITA isn't it?! But then again, oh so rewarding when you finally get it just right!
  24. There is one called A.C. Moore (sp?) I believe I've heard mentioned, not posotive though as we do not have them here.
  25. You could still do the little knotted strips edging even though you're only doing one layer. I have a few of these that my MIL made for us one year-easy peasy and nice throws!
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