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Everything posted by Michi

  1. Darling! Do you sell these to a shop? I LOVE doing up baskets and such, especially for V-day, but never have anywhere to sell them.
  2. We don't believe YOU! LOL I swear I'm always in awe when I see your soaps-so much detail and all the different colors that go into one bar of soap! I've TRIED detailing some molds, like ones that have wording/symbols and they looked like CRAP! LOL Not to mention that the colors always bleed into the one another. Just admit it, you have a gift! (I'd still love to see you doing it though, so yes, please have hubby take photos).
  3. WOW-amazing! That's the BEST looking HP soap I've ever seen! The scent combo sounds good also.
  4. Can't you make a hang tag that is business card sized, and then fold it in half so that you actually have four areas to print info? I do this with my small 4 oz. candles that I put into bags, it works out great! One fold shows my logo, tag line, fragrance and wt., the two inside folds say something about being handpoured, great for weddings, showers, or just for pampering yourself. and then the last fold (the back)has my business name and address info. That's a LOT of info (IMO) and so not sure why you couldn't do that with the bath teas?
  5. I love the layered flip flops as well, but know just how much work they are and can't imagine doing all of them (45 pair) like that, so you did good! the unity candle is really nice, beautiful saying! How fun for you to get out of your freeeeeeezin' tundra, into the warm sunshine. The weather is gonna be perfect for your trip (thinking positive for ya!) How exciting!
  6. That's awesome! Definitely eyecatching! I too would like to know what size the decal is, and also what kind of vehicle do you have? (It almost looks like the back of my minivan) I'm anxious to hear how much more business this will bring you!
  7. I wouldn't say they are "bad", I just don't care for them (my opinion) compared to the other bases. They feel different after they are melted and set up. Almost chalky feeling and they seem to dry out-must have less glycerin in them?
  8. They will sometimes continue to sweat throughout their little lives depending on natural conditions. I hate the LS bases! :lipsrseal They are dry and icky feeling IMO. I live in a fairly dry area, but we do sometimes get some humid days living in the valley and living only an hour or so from the coast, we get that ocean air pulled in ya know! Therefore, sometimes my soaps sweat, sometimes they don't, they are very tempermental! LOL It's aggravating to be sure! I don't always shrink wrap mine, but I do make sure they are wrapped some how/way, cuz they are dust magnets, being a bit more "sticky" than CP/HP etc. We've had this discussion before, and there are those who swear you don't have to wrap your soaps, but it just grosses me out to think about all the particles that are in the air, landing on my soaps, and then sending them out into the world, and then someone finding a stray "fuzz" on their soap or something, just freaks me out. LOL As soon as my m&p soaps are set up, they are wrapped or at least covered until I can get them wrapped.
  9. Michi

    wood roses?

    I've seen them on here, and though they DO look very realistic via picture, just didn't really think much of them. BUT, with my last order from NG, they sent me a free long stemmed wooden rose (scented with angel wings-angel by T. Muegler type) and they are really pretty IRL. For those interested, you might ask NG if they will send you a sample rose. My rose is a varigated red and yellow, very pretty. I just hate dusting, and the thought of having these knowing with oil on them they would be even bigger dust collectors, gives me the heebie jeebies! LOL
  10. Cindy, I guess you couldn't tell that Fat Elvis was just being sarcastic and funny! Hence the hysterically laughing smilie at the end.
  11. I've never had a problem with aluminum bottle and black plastic sprayers from cotton blossom. I DID have a chronic leaking problem with some plastic bottles with plastic sprayers I bought. Mystical, what did you mean about putting a couple of crystals in the bottles? What kind of crystals? That has me really curious. In answer to your question sister karen, either works as long as you use PET or comparable bottles. The problem with clear bottles is that sometimes (depending on the FO) the FO will make your cyclo cloudy looking, or it won't mix, That's why I like using the aluminum.
  12. How about: Mary shea moisturizing cream (it kinda sounds like mary jane when you say it all together) LOL Psycedelic shea cream Shemp lotion (ok that one is really bad!) LOL
  13. I understand where you're coming from, you don't want people to be discouraged by the small amount. Like everyone else stated, yes, you have to list it as net weight, but in your description you could state that only the tiniest amount is needed for any one application. Whipped shea is basically concentrated (depending on how much oils/other ingredients you use), and therfore only requires a tiny amount be used. Also, have you let this set up for a while? I know that mine seems to "solidify" or deflate(for lack of better words) a bit after it sets up completely. I've actually stopped whipping mine so much b/c of this reason. Same thing with my emulsified sugar scrub (which has a lot of shea butter). After a week or so, I could actually add more to my jars b/c of the deflation. Plus, once they try it they'll realize how little they need to use and that the 2.5oz lasts quite a while.
  14. WOW we're neighbors! I'm in los banos! I believe there is another member here from modesto-small world huh?
  15. That looks awesome and I bet with the added rose clay and silk powder, that it FEELS awesome as well! Well, if you're looking for a variety of ages for testers, I'm pushing 40 (OMG-I cannot believe I'm gonna be 40 this year-YIKES!) And would just LOVE to try your facial cream soap. I'm forever looking for a good facial cleanser.
  16. Nope, I'm in central CA, actually closer to northern CA than southern CA. About 2 hrs. South of Sacramento and about 90 minutes south east of San Jose (silicon valley area). No wax/FO suppliers nearby! SFIC is actually within driving distance-about 2hrs. From me-but that's it.
  17. I've done it both with and without sweetner. Even without the sweetner, it doesn't taste bitter. Of course I don't use very much flavor oil to begin with. I just want it to have a hint of flavor/scent, and if sweetner is added-just a hint of sweetness also. Have you ever tried a store bought edible oil? They are nasty, nasty, nasty! It's always so artificial tasting. Not sure if it's b/c of too much flavoring or the oil(s) that are used? Plus they always seem kinda sticky also. Ewwww I vowed when I made one it would be a heck of a lot better, and it is!
  18. Congrats, that's fabulous! :whoohoo: That sounds like a pretty big undertaking (all that packaging)-I'd be a wreck trying to figure out pricing on something like that! What kind of wrapping/ribbons/colors are you doing? Did you have to order a massive roll of wrapping paper-like nashville wraps sells? You'll make sure and post pics of them right? I'd LOVE to see them! When are they due?
  19. That IS exciting for those of you who are closer to them-I LOVE many of their FO's but shipping of wax from them to me is heart attack inducing! LOL Can I just say how friggin' envious of you I am, that you just drive to a great supplier?! I can only dream about doing that!
  20. Ooh me, me, me- I can help ya!! I was in charge of the decs. For my hawaiian themed class reunion 2 years ago! Ok, first I bought these adorable ceramic flip flops that hold a tealight- they come with the tealights or you could make them, but the ones they give you worked out great, and then I just bought an extra bag in case they needed to be replenished. I got them from oriental trading-you get like 4 or 6 in a pack for really cheap. I did 4 to a table that sat 8 people. Everyone at the reunion thought they were adorable so we gave them away as prizes. Then I did some "drink" candles for special areas (for you that could be the sign in area, head table, etc), I made pina coladas, blue hurricanes, lava flows, etc. I had tons of great ideas of things to make, but I was on a budget-darn it! LOL You could make m&p guest sized shell soaps wrapped in tulle, then have those little ribbons with their names printed on them to tie-I have a pic of the soaps I made, but its on my home computer and I'm not at home. You could also do small pillars or votive glass container candles and then place those inside a larger glass that has sand and shells at the bottom-you can usually get the sand and bags of shells at Walmart or any craft store. You could also do pillars or jars with silk flower leis twisted around the bottoms-this idea is especially nice if they want white candles-it gives them some easy Hawaiian flair. The possibilities are really endless for this, and this theme has become very popular for weddings. I also did some stuff for a hawaiian themed wedding, although I didn't get asked for candles or soaps, they did hire me to do up the guest book, the toasting glasses, the ring holder, and the wedding knife! They were adorable, if I do say so myself. You might mention that you could something like that for them (if you're so inclined) and you could PM and I'll tell ya (and show pics) how I did it all up really pretty. What was really a cool idea at this wedding, is for their favors, they did little "margaritas in a pouch/envelope" they ordered them from where I don't know but it had all their wedding info printed on them and of course the directions to make the margarita-totally cute idea! HTH
  21. I just use my wick clippers-it's basically one step. Just pull or push the wick over then trim-which obviously extinguishes the flame. I find dipping or snuffing the wick to extinguish to be a PITA especially b/c I use zincs which have shrooms. Too messy.
  22. I've nevered ordered before, but I believe they are having a sale on them right now, so think I will. I like the fact that you can get them the length you want-I waste so much wicking having to cut them to length, ya know?
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