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Everything posted by Michi

  1. LOL at the gag gifts! Not only does my grown daughter get stocking goodies-her younger sis and bro do of course(and of course my two grandkids)- but hubby does, my MOM AND my Grandma do also! Stocking goodies are a HUGE deal in our family! I actually think everyone Looks forward to stocking stuff more than anything else!
  2. Well, my mom wants a couple mandarin plum (from peak) candles, and my oldest daughter wants some nag champa candles. So I'll be pouring those this morning and then putting together some really nice gift baskets/sets for them both. That is, IF I can find my scale. I put it SOMEWHERE out of the way while cleaning up for my open house and now can't find it. UGH! Where could I have put that thing?!
  3. Thanks again for the compliments everyone, it means a lot! :smiley2: Vio, I don't have my website up and running as of yet, I hope to have it done after the first of the year though. It's been a lot of work, and I still have to take pics. and write all the descriptions and such-ugh! Having an "after Christmas" sale/open house would be awesome, plus being able to introduce your spring fragrances will be perfect! I wish I had enough time and energy to do another one so soon. I think asking my cousin to have an open house or just a "party" at her house, would go over great! Thanks for the advice/idea Angel! I'm definitely on business hiatus right now, only thinking about Christmas and family right now. After the holidays I'll be all gung ho again I'm sure. LOL
  4. Actually it's not a bad price when you consider the size of the candle. It comes out less than $1 an ounce. I sell mine just over $1 an ounce. Of course with something that big I guess you'd want peeps to think they are getting a deal.
  5. Sherry, it's California. Carrie, you lucky duck you! Not fair for me, but oh so good for you!
  6. So, just b/c STELLA says she'd wick up, you just go with that?
  7. never heard of them, are they massed produced candles or what? IF so, I would not consider them a crafted item at all.
  8. It doesn't necessarily have to get a FMP on the first burn. Your next couple of burns will be the tell-all if this is the right wick or not. IMO cinnamon types are a bit harder to burn, so that same wick may give you a FMP on the first burn with a different type of FO, like a floral etc. Just have to keep testing and testing and testing-oh the joys of it-NOT! lol
  9. I think they all have the tendency to rust given the type of FO that is used-yep the vanilla and citrus types do rust the Peak's tins as well. Hmm never thought about using the modge podge in the tins, I use it in my terra cotta pots (for candles) though, I'll have to try that, thanks.
  10. OMG that is the cutest dog-my mom would want to steal him-she just loves Jack Russels! That coat is darling, especially since you didn't use a pattern and just whipped two of them out in no time. That's talent!
  11. Do you know what the ingredients are? That may help for starters.
  12. Those are so cute. I love those first bottles in the Snow Drift Farm link you gave Madcitysue! Not a bad price either-hmmmm thinking how I could use those-may have to start making perfume just to do so. LOL
  13. I too love all of these, they are very different, and I like different. My favorite I think though is your white/green/red one, I just love the subtle green & red layers in that stark white-very pretty! You sell right? Well, I hope you do, cuz these will be bought up very quickly I'm sure!
  14. Very nice indeed! Great to have a DH that has the time and inclination to make you those nice risers. You said you stained the "baskets" but are you talking about the little votive boxes cuz I don't see any baskets on your display. I really like those votive boxes great way to display those without them taking up tons of room-very smart. So the tall snowmen are tealight tart burners or the snowman heads? Both look really cute. I'm glad you did well, since I know now (after my open house) just how much work it is to set up a display like that.
  15. I should hjave elaborated a bit more. When I said that they don't require an address that's true bnut it does give you the option to put it AND the CRV code in and will tell you immediately if there is a complete match of everything, so no waiting until there's a chargeback to be notified of a problem. HTH a little more.
  16. Next one? Who said anything about a next one? LOL Thanks for the compliments on my soaps, I love making the curly Q ones. Sorry your open house didn't go that well either, what is up with people? Man, when I get a flyer for something like that, I'm all over it. Of course I love looking (and buying) handcrafted items. I guess others maybe just like buying Wallyworld items instead?? LOL
  17. here's some more of my toy soaps and a pink sugar chunk soap:
  18. Hmm very small pics. don't know why? Must be a photobucket thing? Dang it! Ok, let me try these another way:
  19. Aww shucks, thanks girl! I wish I could do something else to get rid of some of this stock, I just do not feel like going through another open house type of thing this close to Christmas and don't have anywhere (extra room etc.) to keep this stuff displayed unfortunately. I actually had a lady come up to me yesterday and say, "Oh I don't know if I'll be able to make it to your open house but I definitely want to buy some soaps and stuff from you" Uhhh Helloooo I had to tell her that it was the day before-boy did she run off real quick! LOL Ding Dong! Ok, for your viewing pleasure (remember photographer I am NOT):
  20. WOW, aren't those eyecatching! I bet they'd sell in a heartbeat, just cuz they are so pretty!
  21. WOW, more power to ya girl! I did ONE open house, and I'm wiped out! I can't imagine feeling withdrawls or sad about not doing shows. LOL Sounds like you'll have some great "last minute" sales with those guys though, so that should pull ya through.
  22. HER DOG absolutely loves it??? WHAT? That's a new one for me! LOL
  23. I JUST started using Propay, and for the amount of business I'm likely to do it's perfect for me. Yes, I'm sure it's a bit higher in per transaction fees, but overall, the yearly fee is reasonable, and the ease of use is good. I just processed my first transaction through them this morning, and it does NOT require purchaser address, only their zip code. You don't even have to input the CV/CID code which surprised me. Anyway, just thought I'd put that out there for you.
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