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Everything posted by logcabinmomma

  1. Unfortunately, quite a few Candle Science fragrances are NOT listed skin safe... which really is a pity as there were a few I would have liked to soap (Pumpkin Souffle, Wildberry Mousse, etc). Bummer. -Kristi
  2. We like Peppercorn here! -Kristi
  3. While Sage and Pom was lighter than some other fragrances, I didn't feel like it was especially weak either... it's not spicy and it's not sweet, just clean and fresh and sometimes those fragrances don't seem as strong as the spicy sweet fragrances. I like it, myself. -Kristi
  4. You can get them free with orders from Bitter Creek, but no one sells them in that small of a size (OK, WYW line from BCN is 1/2 ounce, but it's the same price and strength as a 1 ounce of something else) ... to test in things you really need a full ounce, maybe two. The most I've ever stretched a 1 oz sample was a half ounce for an 8 oz candle, a few drips for 2 oz body butter and a half ounce for a 1/2 lb of soap! That was pushing it!!! Some people call the 1/2 ounce size a "sniffy". -Kristi
  5. Weird- I order 100 at a time and have never had this!!! -Kristi
  6. My wicks were at least one to two sizes bigger for C3 vs 464... the melt points are totally different!! And Bittercreek doesn't just throw their wicks in a bag! They have half tabs up and half tabs down and all the wicks are straight and not bent with the wax broken on them (other places have had pretty bad wick packaging). -Kristi
  7. WRITE EVERYTHING DOWN!!! You never know when you'll need to know whatever it was again!!! -Kristi
  8. I also use CDs in my 464 and love them! The only problem is that my regular suppliers don't carry all the sizes that I need... good thing bittercreek does flat rate priority shipping on orders under 2 lbs... perfect for wicks! -Kristi
  9. Thanks. That's exactly what I was thinking. I talked to her today about it, so I think we're set now! -Kristi
  10. I have a customer who just bought an 8 oz candle in a container that I have tested out the wazoo with the same wick, wax, fo etc, that I had tested up one side and down the other. I JUST had another customer rave about her candle which happens to be the EXACT same batch, container, etc. Well, the new customer has said that she had it lit for 4 hours and still couldn't smell it in her BATHROOM and never did smell it. Hmmm... I KNOW this person and I don't necessarily not believe her, but I don't know how it could be. I offered to replace it for her with another fragrance at no charge IF she returns it, but she told me no, she loves the cold throw... I have another candle she special ordered (same size, just a fragrance that I didn't have made up for the holidays). I was planning to just give her the new candle for free, but I really want the other candle back and she's not giving it up!!! So I don't particularly want to give her this candle she ordered for free, but I want her more than happy. Sigh. Now what?!?! I'm happy to trade her out for it... What would you do??? -Kristi
  11. From TCS- I've turned my mother into a This Old House addict- a wonderful, layered scent with top note pine, middle, applesauce, bottom, pipe tobacco... it's scrumtious! Amish Harvest is a brown sugar and cinnamon bakery smell that is strong and GOOD. Spicy Apples and Peaches is the smell you think of when you think of walking into a small town Gatlinburg Christmas shoppe. And Strong!!! Peach Magnolia Raspberry is layered and yummy! Warm Orange Gingerbread is a baked tangy spiced gingerbread with a bit of sweet orange thrown in... Those are the ones of the top of my head anyway! -Kristi
  12. It says soy wax blend, but the Apothecaries look like they're single wicked... -Kristi
  13. My historically biggest home show/ open house is tonight, so I was up last night til 1 am finishing up the last few details and today I'm packing and inventorying finished products so I know how much I have of what at any given time... Then Saturday afternoon is a local craft show that I MEANT to scope last year and didn't and I didn't participate this year cause I didn't scope last year, so I'm thinking I should go out there to walk around so I will know for next year. This area tends to be alot of resellers vs handcrafts, so I don't think this is a show for me, but I should make sure... -Kristi
  14. Goodness no. My family know that just from the times I've had oils on my hands and touched food- ick! In fact, after a while they can make you jittery just smelling them straight! If you're looking for edible, try FLAVOR oils (yeah, a whole 'nuther thing). -Kristi
  15. See if you can swing through Johnson City/Jonesborough too- then you'll be at Tennessee Candle Supplies! I get containers from Aztec- they have the GREAT prices on candle tins. They also have my wax. BUT if you don't have your business paperwork with you (tax exempt reseller), you'll get slammed with taxes... and then there's the famous "handling fees". But like I said, the tins are an awesome price! -Kristi
  16. MAYBE with clamshells it would work, but not individually poured and packaged melts... that would drive EVERYONE batty. -Kristi
  17. CS has peppermint eucalyptus. -Kristi
  18. I'm following this too... my sil has been known to hold onto checks that she was suspicious would bounce and cash them at the bank listed on the check. That way she could check for funds first. If the funds weren't there, she'd go back the next day and the next and the next and eventually she'd hit a day there was enough money in the bank to cash it. -Kristi
  19. Thanks, Scented, the one at TSW looks great... anyone know how it might do in a veggie blend? Looks like the only reviews of it on there are soaping... -Kristi
  20. Yes, it IS a pain. I heat the jars (seems to help alot), then use an old spoon (like you'd eat with) to pry the edges up on the wicktab. Even then, often the sealant is still glued to the glass and I have to glue the new tab on top of the gunk. It's still worth it! -Kristi
  21. It's definitely not Chai tea... I've tried that one before. It most likely has some musk notes in it as that's ALL this customer will burn! Who has Earl Grey tea? That one sounds promising... -Kristi
  22. I think the other factor is the jar itself. If using a jar that is convex on the bottom (curves up in the middle) like a mason, a taller wick tab is a waste of wax. If using a flat bottom container like a tin, a taller tab is better. I use RTV sealant (high temperature silicone caulk) to affix my tabs to the bottom of my jars and use enough to really squish the wicktab down. This TOTALLY seals the bottom of the tab to the jar and the most the tube costs is $6 and it can do hundreds of containers. Well worth the cost to KNOW that your tab is gonna work right. -Kristi
  23. I love the gingerbread man... I did that last year when I had to rebatch some and my 2 year old LOVED it! -Kristi
  24. I surfed Beanpod's site for a few minutes and they are snubbing candles made with any paraffin or petroleum based products. They also repeat everywhere that they are 100% stabilized soy. First, I'd love to know how they stabilized soy- sounds like they're bragging that they're the only ones who have reliably tamed the beast lol...., but anyway, I doubt that they have any non veggie blending going on (although apparently they have some secret weapon additive). -Kristi
  25. This is the wisest thing I've ever heard you say (and you've said alot lol!!). I really do think you're right. But, the people ask for veggie only and the customer must be right or business fizzles out. I continue to offer (sometimes but not always) frosty soy candles, just like they ask for. BUT I refuse to stoop to scaring people about *dangers* of paraffin and other nonsense. I will confirm that my candles are indeed soy/veggie, but that's it. And with soy, nothing will always work... the nature of the beast. -Kristi
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