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Everything posted by logcabinmomma

  1. I really like Candlescience and their rating system... but BCS is a great supplier too... -Kristi
  2. yeah, this, I was drinking tea... thanks alot... EWWWW!!!!! -Kristi
  3. OK, so we're the first two members of the Anti Pink Sugar Society? -Kristi
  4. It would be awesome if ICS and TCS are about the same... I like ordering from TCS and have a couple other things I'd like to get from them... And I ALWAYS pour Pink Sugar last and then get the heck outta dodge... ICK. My mom and I have a joke about it... the last 2 shows I did I sold out and I was so happy to be done with it and then this morning at 9 am I get a call.... for Pink Sugar... :::chills::: ick. -Kristi
  5. I double wick for wide containers with higher melt point and harder to burn waxes. I have a 20 oz tureen that I double wick because a single wick would not reach the edges. There are some containers you could single wick that some people choose to double wick because the melt pool doesn't get as deep with two smaller wicks vs one big one. I *can* wick my 464 in an apothecary with one cd 22, but that doesn't mean I *should* lol... As for figuring out how big/small to double wick, well, you can guess based on the melt pool you usually get with a wick and then test from there. -Kristi
  6. I just finished up a bottle of NG's Pink Sugar and I swear that stuff gives me the worst headache. It seems to get in my eyes and nose and do nasty things to me. I'm guessing if a Pink Sugar DIDN'T do this to me, it wouldn't be the same, huh. Oh well... it sells REALLY REALLY well and people love it. In the midst of all my Christmas madness, this was my second best seller of the season, just behind Pumpkin Souffle. Does anyone know of one that I won't hate? Grasping at straws here as I need to order more and don't want to! :lipsrseal -Kristi
  7. When I need to get one off, I run a fingernail around it just under the tab and then either push the neck of the tab sideways as hard as I can or pry it up with a spoon. -Kristi
  8. Hmm, there should be an "after Christmas things that didn't sell" swap! -Kristi
  9. You can do a few parties at other people's homes maybe? I've done a mother daughter one before and I actually didn't end up doing an open house this year since all my regulars hosted their own parties for the free candles! (I do one free of my biggest product -my choice- and then half off to another free one of their choice depending on sales). That method did really well this year and I *think* everyone who would have come to an open house had already come to a party... oh, there are 2 people I can think of... but I'm NOT doing an open house for 2 people lol.... -Kristi
  10. Type of Soy or Soy Blend you use? - GB 464 Additives if any? - UV inhibitor Preferred dyes? - Liquid Preferred wick? - CD's Pouring temp you recommend? - 145 What do you do to prevent frosting? - Not been a problem except with reds and blacks and I just cross my fingers and dance lol... I do try to cool slowly also... What do you do to prevent rough tops - not a problem Do you do anything to prevent wet spots? - Make sure jars are clean -Kristi
  11. Thanks! A fruity persimmon has not been easy to find! -Kristi
  12. I've given up on seasonal containers- I use them as hostess gifts... I'm laughing to myself because I have the SAME prices as you on EVERY size!!! Even the 2/ $25 and the 3/ $15's!!! I'm in SE TN... I AM curious though, have you always done uncolored? I've been toying with it and have about decided that the non bakery, non straight fruit or floral should be undyed (like cool citrus basil, sage and pomegranate, etc). Do you get any comments from customers one way or another about it? I'm dying to know! -Kristi
  13. Those are pretty, but I'm totally cringing- yes, the stuff in the wax is flammable and could flare up really well. YIKES!!! -Kristi
  14. ANYTHING organic is flammable. ANYTHING in a container will burn clean to the outside unless you had it so underwicked that it tunnelled, but that might make the wick drown out too. A better choice would be in pillars that are wicked to leave a hefty shell... or using wax embeds for the cutesy stuff. -Kristi
  15. 3 more late shows to go- one tonight (at a church), one each morning the next two days (two different Dr offices whose staff has requested I come in- their Dr's are off those days and they don't have much to do lol). What's surprising me this year is the number of people calling me out of the blue and asking for specific candles. I'm selling to 2-3 repeat customers a week with no marketing work (cause I'm supposed to be DONE for the season after Tuesday!). I have 3 deliveries to make when I'm in town on Wednesday. And 2 more who are deciding what they want still.... I'm strictly SMALL time (at this stage, I greatly prefer it), but I'm surprised at how much this has grown over last year. I really thought people were broke this year! They're finding money somewhere! I've had to reorder containers once already and should have gotten a couple more cases... -Kristi
  16. Oooh, that's a good one... it's on my list of scents to add in the clean and fresh category... love that one! -Kristi
  17. Yeah, um, because you have to ask for it! (So what did you ask for?!)... BTW, their oils are addicting... I've been transitioning to LOTS of theirs cause they're GOOD! -Kristi
  18. I have someone who loves and wants a dupe of Colonial's interior perfumes line "Persimmon". It seems to be a fresh, sweet persimmon with Sandalwood and maybe some Patchouli... anyone know of anything close? The Spiced Persimmons are not fresh and too spicy... -Kristi
  19. You could sell them cheap or for shipping only... I wouldn't dump a FO... Oh, CS's Pumpkin Souffle is like the discontinued CC Perfect Pumpkin (I think that's what I was told). I actually just ordered a 8 oz bottle to keep on hand because I ran out of my oils and have GROUPIES for this scent. I'm out of CS's Cranberry Marmalade and may have to order more of that one too. I really don't think that one is Christmasy though. Mistletoe and Bayberry are though... -Kristi
  20. Also, I have NO idea how you'd trim the wick on this one- the diameter is too narrow to reach anything in there... Definitely a soot stack waiting to happen... -Kristi
  21. Don't hate me, I totally forgot to tell you that you can get a free 1 oz fo sample with any order... oops... -Kristi
  22. I keep everything in my climate controlled basement candle kitchen and it's been fine. Sometimes I'll make the candles ahead of time and store for the year, but mostly I just save the oils... -Kristi
  23. I went to my Ace Hardware today and they had the 4, 8 and 12 oz quilted jelly jars... -Kristi
  24. CandleScience has them in gold or white for under $30 for 144 lids... -Kristi
  25. Yes, the sales tax is a killer too- but in Houston, you should be able to order from one of the LA companies and not pay tax, but pay less shipping... something to think about! -Kristi
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