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Everything posted by logcabinmomma

  1. You just kinda push the chunks til they smoosh to the side! If the jar was a little warm, they might stick even better. Don't be afraid to push pretty hard though- if they crumble a little it's OK. -Kristi
  2. You have to make sure the the chunks and the overpour have the same melting point or it will be strange to try to wick. I just used a container wax, made chunks, filled the container with chunks (making sure to press them against the glass), waited til the overpour wax was slushy, then poured it over the chunks, tapping on the sides to help with bubbles and pouring slooowwllyyy. Came out nice. I did red chunks with white overpour scented Jack Frost for Christmas... sold out FAST. -Kristi
  3. grrr... I was hoping to avoid these issues when I switched TO this wax... glad I still have some left for now... -Kristi
  4. I know it feels softer right now since it's been warmer. The melt point is pretty low on that one. But I have no problems at all with candles staying lit! My case is from January... -Kristi
  5. I did chunk container candles with c-3. I don't see why you couldn't with votives. -Kristi
  6. I haven't put it in wax yet, but I did make a healing butter for my dad's hands for his birthday and used this scent... after smelling it in the product I realized it kinda smells like ben-gay! ooopss!!! lol... I was going for the energizing peppermint feel... -Kristi
  7. Sounds like you need more cure time... hide them for a week or two! -Kristi
  8. The throw will also depend on where in the house the candle is lit. There are air currents throughout the home and you may find that if you have a light throwing candle that is normally a good thrower you have to move it to another spot. I have a place in my living room (two story with overlook balcony) that if I burn, I only smell it upstairs. But I smell it in all the bedrooms, hallway and on the stairs. Next to it there is very little throw. If I burn the same candle in the kitchen (next to the two story room), I get a great throw throughout the main floor, but little to no throw upstairs. The house is about 2000 open square feet on the main floor, about 1/4-1/3 of which is that pesky two story room. If I burn a candle in the powder room, I smell it throughout the foyer and the hall and the stairs. All this to say, if she has a large home (or even not), try moving the candle to different places to increase the throw. I literally was trying to figure out what I could do with my dud candle 2 days ago... until I went upstairs and it was so strong I could hardly breathe!! (WYW Van Grapefruit, 1/2 oz to 1 lb in 464). Moved that sucker to the kitchen!!! -Kristi
  9. No help from me- this one was on my "must have" list, but was sold out when I placed my order... grr.... You can send it to me and I'll smell it for you! . -Kristi
  10. I'm getting no frost or discoloration after burning using 100% gb 464 and liquid dyes- even up to heavy amounts of dye. It also colors really easily and only the very dark and vivid colors require heavy dye loads. I also love the low melt point as it's soooo easy to wick. Sometimes I do get crystalized tops after burning, but I'm not really sure why. It's not always, just often lol. There's no frosting in it though. -Kristi
  11. I'm addicted head over heels to BCN's Wildberry Zinger Tea... no tea, all berry. LOVE it. And super duper strong. -Kristi
  12. well, pppttthhhh... :-P Not what I wanted to hear... shoulda asked first. Now I gotta figure out what on earth to do with it. It's so light it would get lost in wax AND in CP soap... glad it's just an ounce... -Kristi
  13. OOOHhh, I want!!! Sounds amazing! This new fragrance every week thing is gonna kill me though!! I want them all! -Kristi
  14. I got this one during BC's sample sale. Is this supposed to smell really super light and soapy? Like not a sweet scent at all, just a soap scent? I was expecting a BBW type and this is nothing like it. I have some BBW Mango Mandarin body wash and it smells nothing like BNL? Anyone used it? Thanks! -Kristi
  15. I have NG's Merlot and think it smells like the real thing. The problem is it's strong and I don't drink and to me it ends up smelling like cherry cough syrup. Oh well.... lol... When I was test burning it, everyone kept blowing it out while I wasn't looking... (bad sign). -Kristi
  16. That's exactly what happened to me with my first batch! It was Cranberry Balsam... smells great, but set up IMMEDIATELY! Looks good! -Kristi
  17. TCS' carribean holiday and NG's Kama Sutra Passionate Kisses are identical to me and to my poor people I make sniff my oils when they come in. -Kristi
  18. I have used c-3 for tarts. I used a silicone mold, and popped them right out. -Kristi
  19. c-3 has the longest cure time of the soys... make sure you're waiting 2-3 weeks before burning! Also, where are your fragrances from? -Kristi
  20. Ooooo- I'm about to pour that one too, and OOB, it smells very piney, with a touch of something that could be applesauce- I was wondering if it would change in wax. It actually smells JUST like my parent's cottage they're remodelling- the beadboard walls and heart pine floors smell just like it. So I happen to like the name! I'll have to tell you what I smell when I get it poured... -Kristi
  21. Did you mean to say in a mold??? Or maybe you didn't mean 444? That's a container wax that will turn to liquid at fairly low temps... You need a different wax for molded candles! -Kristi
  22. Mine adds tape herself- but she's the only one who works there. Last time I dropped something off, I had to wait for her to get out of the bathroom to process my stuff... she gets a one hour break every day (and the post office is CLOSED then) and other than that, she sorts and does the counter herself. Small town... and they closed *my* post office cause it was smaller and merged with that one (and we lost our zip code). Our old post office looked exactly like one of those photo processing drive throughs in parking lots... VERY tiny. -Kristi
  23. *For me*, I'd rather find out how they deal with mistakes for a small sample order before a larger one. I ruled out one company because they were a pain to work with when there was a mistake on a small order. I don't want to have to babysit suppliers.... -Kristi
  24. Are you looking for the BBW Aromatherapy one? Called Energizing? If so, it's Orange and Ginger... let me know if you find it though! -Kristi
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