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Everything posted by lsbennis

  1. a few more...lol Scent-Sations, Inc. - Mia Bella Gourmet Candles, Bella Bars, Candle of the Month Program Gold Canyon - USA > Home Northern Lights at Home; Party plan sales people wanted for new distinctive candle and home accessories company. Ground Floor... PartyLite – Candles, Candle Holders, Home Parties, Direct Selling
  2. Girlyracer...you are right...there will never be a totally 100% eco-friendly candle...as it does have to be shipped which used gasoline and there are some ingredients that are not biodegradable such as shrink wrap etc...but it is more then that...is the company making the eco candle a "Green" company? Do they ship in recycled boxes? How about paper towels...we all know how much we use those...are they using recycled paper? What about lighting...are they using compact florescent bulbs? What about printer paper...ink...etc...all available in eco friendly versions. Do they pay their employees a fair wage or do they source their products from sweat shops in other countries to save money? In other words does the company give back to the environment or does it abuse it. I would rather buy a Parafin candle if the company strived to produce the candle as eco-friendly as possible then buy a Soy candle from a company that was wasteful and did not give back to the environment. Here is a great site that list "Green" companies that support the environment... Co-op America: Economic Action for a Just Planet
  3. Actually you are going to see a lot of this starting to happen. The "Green" movement is full steam ahead and one of the fasted growing sectors among cosmetic and food industry. Eveyone is trying to capitalize on the publics desire for a more natural back to earth product especially with the Baby Boomers controlling over 1/3 of the economy and lots of extra dough to spend. What really pisses me off is that most of these companies are just "Green Washing" their product to cash in on this trend. They are still using the same chemicals and perservatives and adding maybe an organic ingredient here or there and calling it "Organic". The Soy Candle biz will be the same thing...great your candles are soy but what are you really doing to consider yourself a "Green" company. I personally am going through a lot of trouble, research and money to source the best soy wax, dyes that are veggie based, FO's with the least amount of chemicals, packaging that is recycled and will contribute to various environmental charities with profits from sales. It is more then just making a candle from soy and saying its eco friendly...it is the whole ball of wax down to packaging, dyes and Fo's and giving back to the environment...! Sorry I'm off my soapbox now...just a subject that is important to me...
  4. Hi JadeFerret, Welcome to the board...be sure to search the forum for tons of info and congrats on wanting to make candles.
  5. Here is another one to throw into the pot...Actually their candles are rather nice looking. Marlo Quinn - Soy Candles and Natural Based Skin Care
  6. oh...sorry about that...lol...add 1/2 tsp of UV Inhibitor, I can't say for sure that this will work but it seems that since I started doing that I have not had too much of a problem with frost in the CB135, but I do live in a very warm climate so that may have something to do with it. HTH
  7. Well I'm still having my issues with this wax...I want to use it as I have had a lot of luck with hardly any frost and an occasional wet spots. I agree with Iammommytwo...the better stronger scents throw with no problem and the more this wax cures the better. Some of the lighter more floral scents need to be very good quality made for soy FO with a good cure time. I'm going back and forth with Adanced and CB135 and yes, I tried mixing them together did not notice any difference. Dan at Candlescience said to add a 1/2 teaspoon to the 135 to cut down on frosting and it seems to help, at least that is what I noticed...so who knows...the saga continues!
  8. Yeah...I know what you mean...It seems like it would be any easy thing to find...but no...not in the wonderful world of candle making... Actually I got a really decent burn with the Interlude 12oz...no hang ups and no schrooms with eco soy advanced...Im just not really sure about the shape..I asked my friends and some liked it and some did not. I'm going to try it again with ecosoy 135 see what happens...I may just go with it if I cannot find the tumblers anywhere.:rolleyes2
  9. Hi Hillary, I got samples from Riekes of the 12oz Interlude (jar .75) with the silver lid (lid .65) and the 12oz Shell tumbler (.72) without lid. They were both 3 1/8 diameter but the Interlude lid would not fit the shell tumber. I asked Tom at Riekes if they were getting lids for the tumbler and he said they were sourcing around for them. Interestingly enough the lid for the Interlude jar was from Penn-Whelling. So I then called Richard at Penn-Wheeling and he said to send the jar that he could fit a lid for it. But there was a rather large minimum order with them so that was kinda frustrating as I really want to use the tumblers with the lids. So I'm all for a Tumbler Lid Co-op if anyone is interested. Shell 12oz Candle Tumbler .72 Interlude 12oz .75 with silver lid .65
  10. You can send your tumbler to Penn-Wheeling and they will fit it with a lid....here is the site. I looked at the tumblers at yessupply...they are kinda pricey you can get nice tumblers at Riekes for about .75 each. Penn-Wheeling Closure
  11. I'm working on this jar also right now with Ecosoy advanced...so far I get a full burn with a CD16 but it is burning too hot...will try a CD14 or just take it down to a double wick mayb e 2 CD 4's or 5's...this company below uses the Tureens and it looks like they double wick them also...HTH Sue Patrick | Gifts | Tyler Candles
  12. What will the shipping charges be from China...seems like that would be a lot more money then getting here in the US.
  13. I know this is a really stupid question....I'm really good at asking stupid questions but what is a Bath Bomb and what is it made out of?
  14. No...I can't say that they have been exposed to the cold. We are getting a cold front heading our way this week it is suppose to go down in the low 70's at night...lol...but I guess that is not cold enough. I have gotten frost in the past even with the warmer temps down here which I have gotten used to but when I started to add the UV it seems to be much less. Perhaps I will stick them in the fridge for a while and see what happens it will most likely never get cold enough here to really know.
  15. I love props...they make a great product even better...kinda like when you decorate your house...its the accessories that make the look
  16. I agree with Cindym....the reason I started making candles just recently was because of Candle Wealth. Being a self proclaimed "tree hugger" I guess I was an easy target for the environmental aspect of the company. I purchased their beginner kit and started to make candles. It was not as easy as it sounded and my sponser new less about the candle making side of it then I did. No disrespect to her as she is a very nice person and a great help if you are looking to build a network of candle makers, but I really wanted to know how to make a great candle not how to recruit people who didn't know how to make a candle either. How can you build a network of candle makers and leverage their time if no one knows how to make the candles? So I started doing a little more research on purchasing wholesale elsewhere and found that most of CW's products are good quality but very close if not priced at retail. How can you make a profit if you are starting at or almost retail? What this comes down to is that the profit is in the recruiting and not the making of the candle. But in my opinion putting 100s of people out there making a so so product without any type of insurance or exprience could be really dangerous and give the legitimate soy candle makers a lot to overcome. I'm a fan of of MLM and leveraging your time and creating a residual income but there are certain products that should not be put into this business strategy. If you put in the time and patients and sweat equity to make a great candle there should be no reason not to be able to have your own sales team selling a quality product that the public will be happy with and feel safe burning. Sorry needed to edit for one more thought! I once thought that candle making was no big deal...how hard could it be? Holy cow...was I wrong...I have so much respect for everyone on this forum who have put in the time and sweat equity...not to mention the money to make the best product they can and I am forever grateful for this forum and its plethroa of knowlege that has come by the determination, sweat and persistance of every candle maker here...thanks again for all your help!
  17. Hi Amy, Actually I got that tip from Dan at Candle Science...1/2 tsp pp of wax, I have been doing it for the last several weeks and so far no frost! Or it could just be wishful thinking on my part. Anyway it seems to be working so far so who knows perhaps there is something to it.
  18. Add a 1/2 tsp of UV Inhibitor should help with the frosting...I have been learning to let go of my vision of a perfect soy candle and have come to the conclusion that if the candle doesn't frost then it is not a true soy candle. I have become one with the frost!
  19. Candle man...I love reading your post...no matter what subject is being discussed you always have a great photo to help us visualize your coments.
  20. Hi Savedbygrace, I have had some good luck with Soy Wax Candle Making Supplies Fragrance Oils www.Ascentshop.com www.CandleScience.com ...all of the fo's from these companies are specially formulated to be strong in soy. HTH
  21. That is where I got my sample from...I just poured some today and yes you do need the heat gun handy. I guess I got spoiled by the ES Advanced it always sets up smooth as a babys bottom. I used 1oz pp of FO and added 1/2 tsp of UV Inhibitor to cut down on frosting, so far no wet spots and no frost. I hope the 444 will be easier to wick, I used CD's so we will see how it burns. I'm glad you are having a good experience with this wax because so far I have had one heck of a time with soy but I don't want to use anything else so I guess I will keep trying....
  22. I buy most of my supplies from CandleScience...Dan is great to work with and he has helped me out with a lot of questions.
  23. I really like "Grasshopper Pie" (Aromoa Haven) smells like a Girl Scout Thin Mint cookie....
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