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Everything posted by Scented

  1. Have you used this recipe before? I think you're high on safflower and low on olive. Safflower will be slow to trace, but it may attract more moisture than you want and promote DOS at that amount, especially if it is not high oleic. I question the use the of two shortenings. Are you pulling the crisco to get the palm from it? Basically you've got close 67% of hard oils in your recipe.I'm not saying it won't be a good recipe, but I don't think the amount of shortening will cut down on the amount of irritancy that using so much coconut oil can cause. However, one of the benefits of creating your own recipe is it gives you a starting point. I probably would try it in a smaller batch than 4 1/2 pounds unless you are quite comfortable with your recipe.
  2. I haven't posted in a while and the gallery is a little slow. [ATTACH]21687[/ATTACH] Endless Love [ATTACH]21685[/ATTACH] Lilac & Wisteria [ATTACH]21684[/ATTACH] Indian Sandalwood [ATTACH]21683[/ATTACH] Wisteria Lane [ATTACH]21682[/ATTACH] Mystic Moonstone [ATTACH]21681[/ATTACH] Butt Naked [ATTACH]21680[/ATTACH] Raspberry Zinger [ATTACH]21678[/ATTACH] Caribbean Holiday [ATTACH]21679[/ATTACH] Driftwood [ATTACH]21686[/ATTACH] French Vanilla Amber
  3. I so am four months behind on soaping. Perhaps this weekend I can look like a beginner till I get the hang of it again! That is not a slam at anyone, just that it takes a while to get a creative juice flowing.
  4. how orange do you want? I do like the one at TKB that is an orange oxide, but it isn't a bright and shiny orange. I think you could mix some into TKB's neon orange and be happy though.
  5. Tennesse used to carry it ... maybe they still do? I think it's listed or was listed as Heavenly or Heaven something like that.
  6. Camden Grey and Essential University mostly.
  7. I've sniffed it. I keep wanting to do something creative w/ it but always end up passing since it's got leather.
  8. you might snag an Apples n Oak (BnL at BCN is a good one) and put a dab of sandalwood in it to see if you come close ... or you might need a dab of sandalwood and a dab of cedar saying that AnO straight isn't it.
  9. you'll have to wait to find out who is carrying Southern Soaper's FOs. That's the only place that carries it.
  10. Patch is the aphrodisiac. I don't know about the BO ... it's more flat out delish than intoxicating to me.
  11. I don't think you'll get DOS at 7% SF. I don't think that will be enough of a SF though either. Try it and see what happens.
  12. Ah well that would smell better than a bed ridden stinky.
  13. I forget, what is this supposed to smell like?
  14. Probably would be, but all are available in EOs, I know that. I've come close (by accident) and then knocked my lot of testers over so I can't even tell you which one was the closet. Patch and blood orange though are very good together ... just sayin'! Actually I might even go to a 4:1 blood orange to patch. You don't want the patch to overwhelm the fragrance, but you definitely want it to be part of the formula.
  15. I was only suggesting a coop as a way of getting around the minimums at the one place and saying I'd go in for a pound to help, but I couldn't run the coop.
  16. You'll need blood orange EO for this. Have you got any? I haven't tried mixing my own, but I'd start by blending through drops first and maybe go 2:1 blood orange to patch in one mix and 3:1 orange to patch. I believe there's a hint of fir in there too.
  17. I got it and out of bottle it reminds me of pink sugar and amber. I haven't had the time to do more than sniff.
  18. You might get a lovely golden brown with a little bit of yellow oxide and even less of cocoa powder too. As for a milk chocolate brown, Eugenia used cocoa powder on a batch and it gave a nice milk chocolate brown IMO.
  19. Well if it isn't completely solid at room temp (not an oven of a room) then it isn't the stirred kind. So I'm going on a limb here and saying it's your palm. Mix it up before you use it again.
  20. Did you mark them as spam? BTW, I can forward them on to you lol.
  21. True. That one ought to. I know it makes my pink bath bombs not so pink, but the difference would show up in the applications I'm thinking.
  22. I'm tempted to tell you that isn't ash. The ash I'm used to is powdery, not chalky. The chalky stuff is more like a scorching and crumbles. When you put your tongue on it, it bites back. This doesn't look like it's going to do that either. Your palm, was it stir or no stir palm? I'm also not thinking that the orange, (though usually pale orange to yellow in color in EOs) and spearmint (clear in color that I've seen) caused this unless your EOs are cut maybe. I'm wondering if some of this isn't caused by the palm. So what happens when you touch your tongue to your soap?
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