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Everything posted by Scented

  1. Let's start something that helps us remember what the dickens a scent description was from companies that went out of business or fragrances that get discontinued and disappear, so we have a place of reference. Scent needs to come from a company that goes OOB or mention of discontinued scents. Go ahead and post the description even if the company gets picked up from someone else, because sometimes the new company drops the FO too. Simply list: Name of scent: Company name: Description:
  2. Dragonfly Moon and Guns 'n Roses. I think I can get the rest of the SS scents I have, but I have one out of Lebermuth and others from various places. Perhaps instead of hijacking this one, I should start another.
  3. My dermatologist gave me some samples, but they both have chems in it that still cause me to itch, though one appears better than the other. Both are creams with zinc and TD in them, but now my issue is finding a place here willing to carry at least one of these. Sure wish there was a better way for protection, since staying indoors isn't an option for me in the summer.
  4. Forgot about this thread, but you might want to look into square braids too. I believe there are five sizes.
  5. I know if I would have a found a beer flavor, I would have been all over it. Haven't seen one, but I've seen versions of wines.
  6. I'd rather see a description thread for the scents some of those businesses had who went buh bye over the past few years. There are a few I may never be able to fully describe again lol.
  7. Actually I think if they want to learn real soapmaking, they need to handle the lye, but you need to educate them on the dangers of it and nothing speaks louder than pictures too. Though you could already have the lye mixture made and go through the process with them on how you made it and then do the rest of the soapmaking. I would still include visuals though about the dangers of lye, from skin burns to the whole volcano that it can make when mixed improperly. A few years ago there was a story about a soapmaker whose son was burned badly from the lye. It, or a link about it, is in our archives somewhere. That did, I believe, include pictures on that link. People need to understand the dangers, regardless of the age they decide to try soapmaking. It is the one area that should never be joked about because it can be quite dangerous.
  8. Maybe it just didn't get mixed enough or maybe it was a new batch of palm. Maybe it reacted to something. Hard to say. That is what it looks likes though.
  9. so is your palm the no stir kind? My guess is it's the braining of the palm as in it wasn't mixed in enough.
  10. Can you post your recipe so that we can better help you?
  11. I don't like the multi levels, but since running out of grapefruit jazzy and the SS version wasn't very juicy sweet, I'm in the hunt for something I can fall in love with. Maybe this will be the one. Same is kind of holding true for the Sandalwood Rose. Since running out of the one I had that everyone loved, I need to find another and hope it does not discolor soap. I never tried the SG one because I read somewhere that it discolors soap. What's the point in coloring soap if everything is going to discolor.
  12. I must be behind on this one. What the heck kind of drug is called incense? So are you changing the name of your sticks now then?
  13. That's my problem with Neutrogena, I break out in a rash from it and here it's considered one of the best. I know it's considered OTC by the FDA, but I was hoping people had something tried and tested that I could try out, but thanks for the KMF suggestion. I will look into finding that and see if it's something that doesn't make my skin crawl.
  14. Well they certainly have some I really, really wanna try, but I limited myself so I could take better advantage of the wick assembly item. There are some I hope to get to try later in the year. I did keep myself in the ultimate category, so we'll see what happens. It was good to see they still have pine needle though. I think I've spent enough these past few weeks that I need to chill now lol.
  15. I am not looking to sell this. I desperately need some natural sunscreen protection recipes to try out. The stuff in the stores make my skin crawl and can't apparently stay on long enough to get adequate protection. The last thing I want is to spread zinc all over me for that extra white look lol. I'm looking for something not so heavy on chemicals, but includes zinc and titanium dioxide. Anyone got anything?
  16. Lilac bushes are in bloom and the smell is sweet and lovely. However, I pour so much lilac that I don't love it much any more, not synthetically that is.
  17. Bummers on what's been going on, Bruce. Those Calla Lilies are gorgeous though!!
  18. That's part of your problem. Those scents are weak.
  19. Actually I don't, lol. I used their FOs back in the 90s, went away from candlemaking for a while and then never got back to ordering from them for fragrances. What's the voodoo love like if I may ask? I've not seen a summer fruit and jasmine at B&BW, so I don't know what it smells like. I was thinking it might be similar to grapefruit jasmine, maybe just sweeter, but I guess I will be trying it out to find out!
  20. Welcome to the forum. You don't say how much FO you're using.
  21. OK I need to order a specific scent from there and want to know what others are recommended (and work in straight paraffin or a parasoy blend or potential for soap) ... and I am looking for impressions on their: grapefruit jasmine Summer fruit and jasmine Sandalwood and Clary Sage Sandalwood Rose (could swear I saw that there) Anyone?
  22. High Oleic will say it on the bottle. Some fixatives for EOs besides the litsea cubeba (which is good for citrus), patchouli, vetiver, sandalwood (amyris is a cheaper alternative), oakmoss, frankincense, myrrh, cedarwood, ylang ylang, and there are others I believe. Rosewood, I love it!! It's not a fixative, but it should stay true. There are probably others.
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